The DNP Retatrutide Extreme Fat Loss Cycle

Bro when u run DNP, it is very important to make sure you take at least 3g of vitC daily. The fact that you are overweight also means that you will be aromatising a much higher levels than others. I suggest you look into dim and calcium d-glutarate the two go hand in hand. Because if you use nolva you will still have all that estrogen circulating in your system that you don't want there that can bit you in the ass when you least expect it. Vitamin E too. The hgh is going to boost PRL, which is also part of the reason for the puffiness. The more I read the more I want to shake you. I commend you on your progress. However, I feel that you have just been experimenting on yourself like you are some crash test dummy. You know that you may not have any serious consequences as of yet, but sometimes

Im curious why are you so concerned, at least you know it's only fluids, unless the GH is giving you other issues. Why cut it all the way out just drop it to 2iu b4 bed. I've never personally gained that much water on anything, but I'm guessing that your body probably needed the fluids.
Thank you! I’ll look into those, I take aromasin for e2, same issue as nolva? I figured 2iu would be pointless, since my body should produce at least that much naturally.

I definitely am experimenting on myself. I have a genuine curiosity for how PEDs can be used to enhance weight loss. I think it’s remarkable: I’ll have completed a 1-year transformation that would take most people 4 years. That’s amazing! That’s 3 years of my youth added to my life. That has to count for something.

The Gulag: Day 4 (moving to a healthier protocol)​

Starting: 259 | Current: 252.5

As happy as I am dropping 6.5 pounds in 4 days, I have to change this protocol. I can’t take the headaches that clen is giving me, and I’ve been feeling like absolute death.

You know I’m fine with extreme, but I’m not fine with waiting for my heart to explode in my chest. I’m completely removing clen and creating a more normal protocol that just relies on AAS and a high replacement dose of T3 to boost my results. Here’s where we’re at:

Testosterone250 mg/week
Anavar40-60 mg/day
T3/T450/200mcg per day

Today’s my first day off clen, and I already feel much better. I’m excited to run this protocol and get back to the gym! I was feeling so trashed that I had to just take a break from training, and I was too afraid of what my heart would do. It feels nice to have that stress off my shoulders. It’s been a while since I’ve posted one of my workout logs. I’m going to post today’s, I wanna see what you guys think about where it’s at now. Today’s push day, so I’m happy. As long as it’s not leg day, I’m a happy man. Fuck leg day.

The Gulag: Day 4 (moving to a healthier protocol)​

Starting: 259 | Current: 252.5

As happy as I am dropping 6.5 pounds in 4 days, I have to change this protocol. I can’t take the headaches that clen is giving me, and I’ve been feeling like absolute death.

You know I’m fine with extreme, but I’m not fine with waiting for my heart to explode in my chest. I’m completely removing clen and creating a more normal protocol that just relies on AAS and a high replacement dose of T3 to boost my results. Here’s where we’re at:

Testosterone250 mg/week
Anavar40-60 mg/day
T3/T450/200mcg per day

Today’s my first day off clen, and I already feel much better. I’m excited to run this protocol and get back to the gym! I was feeling so trashed that I had to just take a break from training, and I was too afraid of what my heart would do. It feels nice to have that stress off my shoulders. It’s been a while since I’ve posted one of my workout logs. I’m going to post today’s, I wanna see what you guys think about where it’s at now. Today’s push day, so I’m happy. As long as it’s not leg day, I’m a happy man. Fuck leg day.
You do know Clen has a 30+ hr half life right?
Human body doesnt work like that.. your assuming you produce anything with no bloodwork.
Hyper responders… low responders… who knows where 2iu even puts you, as each human body is different.
True, maybe I’ll try it again in the future. I’m gonna take some time to get this clen out of my system and dial in e2 with this new test dose. I’m using cyp for the first time too, only used propionate in the past.
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True, maybe I’ll try it again in the future. I’m gonna take some time to get this clen out of my system and dial in e2 with this new test dose. I’m using cyp for the first time too, only used propionate in the past.
Word of advice, I recommend running your test subQ daily injections until you get down to lower body fat. I know you switched to Cyp, but you want to control aromatization as much as possible and subQ daily is probably your best best.
Word of advice, I recommend running your test subQ daily injections until you get down to lower body fat. I know you switched to Cyp, but you want to control aromatization as much as possible and subQ daily is probably your best best.
Thank you! I don’t know why I didn’t think about this. I’m going to start tomorrow, feels weird not pinning daily now anyways.
Thank you! I don’t know why I didn’t think about this. I’m going to start tomorrow, feels weird not pinning daily now anyways.
What I find works is 27g 1/2 in. Just rotate stomach and unflexed inner thigh or outter quad, when I was 25%+ I didn't really need to pinch but I still did, I'm guessing your Cyp is higher mg. than your prop. Depending on your dose u only need like 10-15 units. I found 250-300mg work best for ME, for fat loss. Test and anavar should chisel away at that ass. Just be patient. Fuck the gulag. Who wants to be in a prison of misery, feeling like shit, when you can live and look like a king.
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I found 250-300mg work best for ME, for fat loss. Test and anavar should chisel away at that ass. Just be patient.
250 mg test works great for me too, and I love anavar. Today will be my first day getting back to it, I’m excited.
Fuck the gulag. Who wants to be in a prison of misery, feeling like shit, when you can live and look like a king.
This was my philosophy the last few months. I made a really good transformation, but I’m ready to really attack this weight. I’m not so many pounds away from looking acceptable with clothes on, I’m very motivated to get there.
I really would like to see the u dump the thyroid hormones or at least the t3. Are you still using Adderall??? If you are u are putting yourself into a catabolic super state. T3 speeds up protein metabolism, and what is muscle made up of?? Exactly. Plus the amphetamines, the juice is not worth the squeeze my man. I would rather see u with some ECA and the t4. But I understand the need for psychiatric meds. I'm a fan bro and I'm happy for your progress.
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I really would like to see the u dump the thyroid hormones or at least the t3. Are you still using Adderall??? If you are u are putting yourself into a catabolic super state. T3 speeds up protein metabolism, and what is muscle made up of?? Exactly. Plus the amphetamines, the juice is not worth the squeeze my man. I would rather see u with some ECA and the t4. But I understand the need for psychiatric meds. I'm a fan bro and I'm happy for your progress.
Thank you!! Adderall is catabolic for muscle? I didn’t know that. I’ve been on it for over 10 years. I’ve been researching some peptides that help with ADD, I’m going to try to get off Adderall once I’m done with my weight loss. It’ll be a massive battle, I’m gonna feel like shit from depleted dopamine and stuff, probably for a year.
Gulag update
Current weight 238.5

Well I lost 5 pounds overnight…this girl said I look pale. Two other people said I look like someone they’d visit in the hospital. I feel just fine though, not sure what’s going on with that. No clue why I dropped so much weight in one day.
Gulag update
Current weight 238.5

Well I lost 5 pounds overnight…this girl said I look pale. Two other people said I look like someone they’d visit in the hospital. I feel just fine though, not sure what’s going on with that. No clue why I dropped so much weight in one day.
Waaaaatttteeeerrrr it's absolutely impossible to lose anything but water that quickly.