High resting heart rate

Is above 90 really that bad? I always run 100 on cycle
I dont really notice it walking around so never thought it would be bad, just a trade off of running heavy stuff (npp or tren)
Heart is muscle that has a genetically imposed individual limit on how many strokes it can produce before giving up, so yes higher rhr is bad.

(Non scientific bro science explanation)
Something like Raphael? lol

Guys what's best and milder for any side effect.

40mg telmi + 2.5mg nebivolol
Or 80mg telmi?
A bit of both but mostly rhr. But I'm still not sure if it's the HTC being too high, I'm drawing tomorrow blood and donating next week.

I started taking telmisartan 40mg because I think after all I have read that it's a good "supplements" and I plan to take it forever, can I increase it to 80mg during cycles and drop it to 40 during TRT?

Can I do the same with nebivolol? I was reading it needs to be tapered up and down, so I don't think I can run 5mg during cycles and then go to 0 during TRT.....
BP, rhr or both?
On telmi you need to watch out your potassium levels. I won't take it without a need to, same with nevi.

Both work good if there is a BP issue and nevi work on rhr. Both need to be tapered up and down
On telmi you need to watch out your potassium levels. I won't take it without a need to, same with nevi.

Both work good if there is a BP issue and nevi work on rhr. Both need to be tapered up and down
but telmisartan has so many good effect on general health, how many times every x month do I need to check my potassium level with telmisartan?

If you wanna taper it down how you do it? like if you go to 80mg, how do you taper back to 40mg? start doing 80mg 40mg 80mg 40mg 40mg 80mg 40mg 40mg 40mg 80mg etc? I really have no clue
but telmisartan has so many good effect on general health, how many times every x month do I need to check my potassium level with telmisartan?

If you wanna taper it down how you do it? like if you go to 80mg, how do you taper back to 40mg? start doing 80mg 40mg 80mg 40mg 40mg 80mg 40mg 40mg 40mg 80mg etc? I really have no clue
You really need to talk to a cardiologist about that stuff
You really need to talk to a cardiologist about that stuff
Yeah what am I gonna do drop to a cardiologist and tell him: bro I'm running hgh and gear and it's spiking my BP what's upppppp.

Can't do that, especially as I can't leave trace in my medical file for my job.
If I could, I would have already been to a cardiologist.

Is the same for my HTC, If It's too high and they don't allow me to donate, I can't tell them that's the only way to decrease it, as they will start saying they need to investigate WHY it's HIGH as it's not normal bla bla bla.

Can't say I'm a gearhead of course.
So I have read a bit online, tapering should be done reducing BP medication of 25% every few weeks. So if going from 80mg to 40mg that would be probably taking 60mg for a while and then reducing it to 40mg etc.