6 grams of Test lol

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
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@Plate Smacker did you end this blast back in Jan? If so did you bounce back after the blast? If the blast is still going, got any updates?
I'm still alive. Currently running 600 Test D, 400 Tren E.
I came to the conclusion I have before. High dose is a waste and just to much pinning.
Diet is more important.
Yes, 2.4g Test isn't high for some, I get it.
However I really had to bump up my cardio, and my diet, to reap the benefits. That much gear I feel requires even more focus, food, and diet to be dialed in.... and get the most out of it.
I ain't about that life and anyone trying to become an ultra mass monster, mad respect for the mental fuck of pinning that much gear, for long periods.

I'm 42ish, already large, and honestly I feel way better doing lower dose and hitting the kitchen.
Diet first, Training 2nd, Gear 3rd.

I say that now... but I will probably get bored and feel froggy at some point lol
So you think everyone is lying? Not hardly, and 3g of test per week is nothing out of the ordinary. Hell I know at least 5 guys at my gym that use 3-5g of test alone, with other shit on top. These doses are common among people that compete even at amateur shows. I know a guy well that competed as a top amateur that used 5-7g of test per week, 18iu of Serostim per day, and that was his base, everything else was added on top. Junior nationals 5 years ago guys were very open backstage about dosages. 15-20 iu of GH, 3-5g of test per week, and 100iu per day + of Humalog/Lantus combo. Then everything else on top of that. Mythology lol. How do you think these guys are getting so massive? Oh that's right, they have great genetics, eat perfectly, and train hard lol, riiiiiiiiight. They are crazy enough to push the huge dosages, that is the #1 reason why they look the way they do.
Absolutely agree, and these bloat, build or bust types are much more prone to PED complications.

And it’s not unusual for those on the semi-pro circuit in particular to follow the dictum “more is better”.
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I'm still alive. Currently running 600 Test D, 400 Tren E.
I came to the conclusion I have before. High dose is a waste and just to much pinning.
Diet is more important.
Yes, 2.4g Test isn't high for some, I get it.
However I really had to bump up my cardio, and my diet, to reap the benefits. That much gear I feel requires even more focus, food, and diet to be dialed in.... and get the most out of it.
I ain't about that life and anyone trying to become an ultra mass monster, mad respect for the mental fuck of pinning that much gear, for long periods.

I'm 42ish, already large, and honestly I feel way better doing lower dose and hitting the kitchen.
Diet first, Training 2nd, Gear 3rd.

I say that now... but I will probably get bored and feel froggy at some point lol
There’s a lot of wisdom in this post
There’s a lot of wisdom in this post
The thing is, we can drop wisdom, but it's going to take someone actually trying it themselves to convince them. Not once, but a couple of times maybe.
People hear about these pros and huge guys taking loads of gear and only "hear" how much gear they are taking. They think the gear is the only driving force.
Then I have to say something so simple that sounds like Captain Obvious, "it's the diet as well" and that is ignored with the thought "I am eating enough".
No dude, we are talking about a full time job man. Like training isn't even the hard part. We are talking consistent, CONSISTENCY, with the diet. It becomes even more of a mental fuck than the training and gear. Many will go 2 weeks with a big diet, and then the consistency falls off a bit because your life is spent thinking about what you need to eat next.
There are ways to make it easier.... meal prep.
Meal prep is the biggest secret. Something so simple to remain more consistent.
Condiments and seasonings...
Like, we should be talking and putting more focus on how we can be pro eaters, more than how much gear I'm blasting.
You won't be able to eat the amount needed to get the most out of that gear if your just lifting. You will need more cardio to become a machine. Not just cardio, but just being more active and moving. Otherwise your not going to be able to put down the amount of food needed and your abdomen will just become really distended and gassy.
Now this isn't everyone. Some people defy logic with their eating and digestion skills.

It will pay off in the end and you can't continue on a huge diet indefinitely. You will need a break. A cruise not just on PEDs, but eating, to regain that fire. There are those few that this is their only thing in life. A freaking type of what a normal gym rat or even some hardcore guys would see as sadomasochism. It takes a special mindset to just pound away month after month with impeccable diet.

Yes, larger doses will get large results, but your going to have to do it yourself to realize you need a big diet. UNLESS.... let's not forget about genetic freaks. If you've ever spent alot of time with a genetic freak... you know they defy alot of this.
The thing is, we can drop wisdom, but it's going to take someone actually trying it themselves to convince them. Not once, but a couple of times maybe.
People hear about these pros and huge guys taking loads of gear and only "hear" how much gear they are taking. They think the gear is the only driving force.
Then I have to say something so simple that sounds like Captain Obvious, "it's the diet as well" and that is ignored with the thought "I am eating enough".
No dude, we are talking about a full time job man. Like training isn't even the hard part. We are talking consistent, CONSISTENCY, with the diet. It becomes even more of a mental fuck than the training and gear. Many will go 2 weeks with a big diet, and then the consistency falls off a bit because your life is spent thinking about what you need to eat next.
There are ways to make it easier.... meal prep.
Meal prep is the biggest secret. Something so simple to remain more consistent.
Condiments and seasonings...
Like, we should be talking and putting more focus on how we can be pro eaters, more than how much gear I'm blasting.
You won't be able to eat the amount needed to get the most out of that gear if your just lifting. You will need more cardio to become a machine. Not just cardio, but just being more active and moving. Otherwise your not going to be able to put down the amount of food needed and your abdomen will just become really distended and gassy.
Now this isn't everyone. Some people defy logic with their eating and digestion skills.

It will pay off in the end and you can't continue on a huge diet indefinitely. You will need a break. A cruise not just on PEDs, but eating, to regain that fire. There are those few that this is their only thing in life. A freaking type of what a normal gym rat or even some hardcore guys would see as sadomasochism. It takes a special mindset to just pound away month after month with impeccable diet.

Yes, larger doses will get large results, but your going to have to do it yourself to realize you need a big diet. UNLESS.... let's not forget about genetic freaks. If you've ever spent alot of time with a genetic freak... you know they defy alot of this.
Well said man. Sometimes I questions myself why I do this like eating my meals and sometimes vomiting back because I am full and eggs or chicken don't taste very well or drink 2 L of water just to get the food down the throat or pinning 20 ml a week doing like 6 injection and week after week is getting old
But at the same time is giving my life a sense a reason to get up from bed (dealing severe depression also) so I keep doing what I do to be somehow functional in real life
The thing is, we can drop wisdom, but it's going to take someone actually trying it themselves to convince them. Not once, but a couple of times maybe.
People hear about these pros and huge guys taking loads of gear and only "hear" how much gear they are taking. They think the gear is the only driving force.
Then I have to say something so simple that sounds like Captain Obvious, "it's the diet as well" and that is ignored with the thought "I am eating enough".
No dude, we are talking about a full time job man. Like training isn't even the hard part. We are talking consistent, CONSISTENCY, with the diet. It becomes even more of a mental fuck than the training and gear. Many will go 2 weeks with a big diet, and then the consistency falls off a bit because your life is spent thinking about what you need to eat next.
There are ways to make it easier.... meal prep.
Meal prep is the biggest secret. Something so simple to remain more consistent.
Condiments and seasonings...
Like, we should be talking and putting more focus on how we can be pro eaters, more than how much gear I'm blasting.
You won't be able to eat the amount needed to get the most out of that gear if your just lifting. You will need more cardio to become a machine. Not just cardio, but just being more active and moving. Otherwise your not going to be able to put down the amount of food needed and your abdomen will just become really distended and gassy.
Now this isn't everyone. Some people defy logic with their eating and digestion skills.

It will pay off in the end and you can't continue on a huge diet indefinitely. You will need a break. A cruise not just on PEDs, but eating, to regain that fire. There are those few that this is their only thing in life. A freaking type of what a normal gym rat or even some hardcore guys would see as sadomasochism. It takes a special mindset to just pound away month after month with impeccable diet.

Yes, larger doses will get large results, but your going to have to do it yourself to realize you need a big diet. UNLESS.... let's not forget about genetic freaks. If you've ever spent alot of time with a genetic freak... you know they defy alot of this.
Took me long time to learn this. Eating like it's a job is accurate, and it changes everything. Instead of cheat meal days I have cheat days where I allow myself to take a break from eating so much.
I have been listening to a very interesting podcast in which guys have delved into their steroid usage in depth.

Dave Crosland (not an IFBB pro) was discussing his use of PED's, and shocked the host by saying 5 grams.

Then he added that he was on 4.5 grams for a "substantial period of time" (I think those were the words he used). 3 grams of test and 1.5 grams of deca, on and on, with no sides (he claimed). Then he added, "until there were." He hinted at some sort of kidney issue, but they did not explore further, and he mentioned vaguely that all of his health issues now are because of steroid abuse, but did not go into what those health issues were.

He also talked about his diet, and forcing food down, and puking, and eating what he puked up to keep from losing the calories. The host was pretty grossed out, but Crosland explained that it had just been eaten, so it was just his own chunks of chewed food (I was still grossed out). He flatly said it was necessary to get as big as he wanted to get. He did make the calories seem miserable.
I have been listening to a very interesting podcast in which guys have delved into their steroid usage in depth.

Dave Crosland (not an IFBB pro) was discussing his use of PED's, and shocked the host by saying 5 grams.

Then he added that he was on 4.5 grams for a "substantial period of time" (I think those were the words he used). 3 grams of test and 1.5 grams of deca, on and on, with no sides (he claimed). Then he added, "until there were." He hinted at some sort of kidney issue, but they did not explore further, and he mentioned vaguely that all of his health issues now are because of steroid abuse, but did not go into what those health issues were.

He also talked about his diet, and forcing food down, and puking, and eating what he puked up to keep from losing the calories. The host was pretty grossed out, but Crosland explained that it had just been eaten, so it was just his own chunks of chewed food (I was still grossed out). He flatly said it was necessary to get as big as he wanted to get. He did make the calories seem miserable.
Look man, I feel like I’m fairly dedicated to my diet, but if I felt the need to get ALL of my cals, I’d be making more food lol, not eating puke… I’m not even sure I would call that dedication, I think I’d call that mental health issues
The longer you do this you realize there are no secrets and it's all about what works for you what kind of risks are you willing to take. I have run 1800mg of test along with a bunch of tren and mast. It was incredible and I have no doubt adding another gram would let me keep growing as long as the calories are there. It's as simple as that. The next time I attempt a bulk like that I will have GH and slin and in place to get more out of the AAS.
The longer you do this you realize there are no secrets and it's all about what works for you what kind of risks are you willing to take. I have run 1800mg of test along with a bunch of tren and mast. It was incredible and I have no doubt adding another gram would let me keep growing as long as the calories are there. It's as simple as that. The next time I attempt a bulk like that I will have GH and slin and in place to get more out of the AAS.
Growth is not directly related to the craze for the amount of pharmacology. This is a combination of factors such as nutrition, recovery, training, and of course we do not forget genetic data.
Yeah if you aim for 100% growth you should hit growth from all different angles

For example nutrition
(High protein) What kind of protein what sources
Chicken ? Or beef ? Fish? What going to grow me most ? What can I stomach

Foods What kind of a unique ability has this food ? Does it make me flush water (asparagus) does it raise my core temperature? (Peppers)

With AAS GH Slin chemicals in general is the same.
You want to make a combo that it hits growth from all different angles

High test = high e2= higher igf1
Deca = less binding proteins
GH= higher igf1
Slin = even higher igf1
Anadrol = High rbc and nice look
Cialis/Arginine = Better blood flow

More blood better flow more nutrients and hormones more igf INTO the muscles.

Is optimizing every aspect Training nutrition peds sleep health rest

Training is simple progressive overload you either achieve that with high volume or high intensity
Do exercises that you can build very heavy on them but they must be feel right on your body , that means if DL for example doesn't feel right you can build your back and hamstring from other exercises (rack squat Romanian deadlifts)
I would not say that training is a simple progression. This is the correct technique and correct load cycling, again the manipulation that suits you, between strength, volume and static dynamics training.
do not forget genetic data.
I have heard the same guy on other podcasts discuss genetics. Nobody is discounting that.

But, let's face it. A guy with piss poor genetics, guided by a good coach who knows what to do, who follows everything he is instructed with respect to gear, food, training, sleep, etc., is going to grow.

And lots of food and lots of gear and intense training as a stimulus for years is going to make him big.

I don't believe that a person exists who would not be big after 5 years of high protein, high carb, high steroids and growth hormone and insulin, with intense training. Genetics be damned. That person may not win nationals and turn pro, and obviously not everybody can be Mr. Olympia, but he is going to have an impressive physique, much more impressive than a guy with better genetics who never goes over 500mg of testosterone.
I have heard the same guy on other podcasts discuss genetics. Nobody is discounting that.

But, let's face it. A guy with piss poor genetics, guided by a good coach who knows what to do, who follows everything he is instructed with respect to gear, food, training, sleep, etc., is going to grow.

And lots of food and lots of gear and intense training as a stimulus for years is going to make him big.

I don't believe that a person exists who would not be big after 5 years of high protein, high carb, high steroids and growth hormone and insulin, with intense training. Genetics be damned. That person may not win nationals and turn pro, and obviously not everybody can be Mr. Olympia, but he is going to have an impressive physique, much more impressive than a guy with better genetics who never goes over 500mg of testosterone.
Everything you say is absolutely correct. And I agree with everything said above. That the system and work under the supervision of a coach of any person with any initial data will lead to results. He may not be a great champion, but he will make it.