MESO-Rx Sponsor HilmaBiocare Official

Hey guys I just received the 100iu kit somatropin from hilma (Two 50 iu vials), im just confused on how to measure 4 iu? So on a insulin syringe 100units would be 50 iu? I dont want to fuck this up on my first try.
Hey guys I just received the 100iu kit somatropin from hilma (Two 50 iu vials), im just confused on how to measure 4 iu? So on a insulin syringe 100units would be 50 iu? I dont want to fuck this up on my first try.

It depends how much bac-water you are using.
I bought the liquid one. Each vial is 50 iu but im not sure how many ml is in each vial
My guess would Be 5ml in each vial.. if that is the case then 10 on slin would be 1iu. But it could be concentrated so good question. It doesn’t say anywhere on the vial?

Reading your previous comment if it is only 1ml in the vial then each 10 on slin would be 5iu.
Hey guys, I want to share with you my first bloodwork after 2 months on TRT using Hilma Test E

So happy with the results, 120mg a week split into two injections puts me on 1100 ng/dL. Bloods were taken the day before my shot so those are the lowest levels I can find myself on the week so I guess Im a very good responder.

I´ll switch my protocol to 100 mg/week split into everyday injections to be more stable and closer to "legit" TRT ranges (because I guess the rest of the days Im way above than that) and then take bloods after 8 weeks again before jumping into my first blast which I think will be 250mg/week
Some news guys.

Currently we can’t accept Retail orders due to warehouse relocation and logistics improvement.

We are still able to process wholesale orders starting from 1000 eur.
All current Retail orders will be processed or refunded.

Please contact us directly for more info.
Some news guys.

Currently we can’t accept Retail orders due to warehouse relocation and logistics improvement.

We are still able to process wholesale orders starting from 1000 eur.
All current Retail orders will be processed or refunded.

Please contact us directly for more info.
I hope it will be back to normality fast
[QUOTE = "HilmaBiocare, publicación: 2647435, miembro: 103427"] Algunas noticias chicos.

Actualmente no podemos aceptar pedidos minoristas debido a la reubicación del almacén y la mejora de la logística.

Todavía podemos procesar pedidos al por mayor a partir de 1000 euros.
Todos los pedidos minoristas actuales serán procesados o reembolsados.

Póngase en contacto con nosotros directamente para obtener más información. [/ CITA]


¿Sabes cuánto durará esta situación?
A few questions.

First and foremost, is there any estimated time frame for the reopening of regular orders? At least knowing if it's in the magnitude of weeks or months would be something.

Second and third, regarding the Stanozolol injections sold by this source. Should they be injected daily (like you would take Winstrol tabs daily) ? Are they fat-soluble, so can they be thrown in the same injection as, say, your Test-E?

Lastly, does anyone know an estimated "potency equivalence" between Winstrol and Anavar? Specifically, how many mg of Anavar would 30 mg of Winstrol be roughly comparable to?
A few questions.

First and foremost, is there any estimated time frame for the reopening of regular orders? At least knowing if it's in the magnitude of weeks or months would be something.

Second and third, regarding the Stanozolol injections sold by this source. Should they be injected daily (like you would take Winstrol tabs daily) ? Are they fat-soluble, so can they be thrown in the same injection as, say, your Test-E?

Lastly, does anyone know an estimated "potency equivalence" between Winstrol and Anavar? Specifically, how many mg of Anavar would 30 mg of Winstrol be roughly comparable to?

Better don't mix water solution with oil solution, on paper anavar is stronger than winstrol, in real life use winstrol is slightly better
A few questions.

First and foremost, is there any estimated time frame for the reopening of regular orders? At least knowing if it's in the magnitude of weeks or months would be something.

Second and third, regarding the Stanozolol injections sold by this source. Should they be injected daily (like you would take Winstrol tabs daily) ? Are they fat-soluble, so can they be thrown in the same injection as, say, your Test-E?

Lastly, does anyone know an estimated "potency equivalence" between Winstrol and Anavar? Specifically, how many mg of Anavar would 30 mg of Winstrol be roughly comparable to?

Wins, both inject and tabs is ED... dont mix oil based and water based..

you cant really compare wins and var. To diff compounds, and does diff things in the body.
Really love the Var and Test E I am running from you guys. Have yet to have a bad experience. Unfortunately, I went through a distributor of your products, so paid a huge mark up (even though it was on sale) compared to what you have your products listed at here but the products works great.
Bloods on 150mg/week trt with no AI
Bloodwork with 400sust + 400bolde x week split into monday and thursday, 0.5 adex every day, the bloods were taken on monday and my last pin was on thursday, I'm confused with my T number, maybe because it was sustanon...
How do you measure the amount of test in the blood work according to the one you are injecting? I remember there was a multiplication or something like that but I can't remember...


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