MESO-Rx Sponsor HilmaBiocare Official

6 weeks on 400mg susta x week split into 2 shots, the last shot was on thursday, and I had my blood taken on monday, I THINK I SHOULD HAVE MORE TEST FOR 400MG WEEK, I'm confused, How do you calculate the amount of test you should see on the bloodwork for the mg you're taking x week?Captura1.PNG
6 weeks on 400mg susta x week split into 2 shots, the last shot was on thursday, and I had my blood taken on monday, I THINK I SHOULD HAVE MORE TEST FOR 400MG WEEK, I'm confused, How do you calculate the amount of test you should see on the bloodwork for the mg you're taking x week?View attachment 133370

Sustanon is difficult to get a stable blood reading from my experience due to the short esters involved.

Test prop for example 1/2 life is roughly 2 day’s.

Test phenylpropionate has a 1/2 life of roughly 4 days

And the other esters are longer 1/2 lives.

Keep in mind we all metabolize test and other anabolics at different rates. Personally I think a more accurate reading could have been obtained from taking a blood test 2 days after the last injection.
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6 weeks on 400mg susta x week split into 2 shots, the last shot was on thursday, and I had my blood taken on monday, I THINK I SHOULD HAVE MORE TEST FOR 400MG WEEK, I'm confused, How do you calculate the amount of test you should see on the bloodwork for the mg you're taking x week?View attachment 133370
This is why I’m so skeptical of these guys. One test looks good, another looks bad, another one is meh. But to be fair, I have never taken sust and I never will. Just stick to the basic E, C or even P
6 weeks on 400mg susta x week split into 2 shots, the last shot was on thursday, and I had my blood taken on monday, I THINK I SHOULD HAVE MORE TEST FOR 400MG WEEK, I'm confused, How do you calculate the amount of test you should see on the bloodwork for the mg you're taking x week?View attachment 133370

To reiterate what Big74 mentioned, you have to consider the longest ester's saturation time to get an accurate reading and then time the bloodwork based on the shortest ester; sustanon is indeed a bit fickle to get an accurate reading from, but if you do trust the labwork on the product (which is up to you) that should provide some certainty in the product itself. If you distrust all labwork, perhaps switching to enanthate to produce a more accurate bloodwork test level eases your mind, ymmv.
This is why I’m so skeptical of these guys. One test looks good, another looks bad, another one is meh. But to be fair, I have never taken sust and I never will. Just stick to the basic E, C or even P
I've never taken sustanon either nor can I think of a reason to do so but that scepticism should be regarding the compound (mix in this case), not the ugl, no? I would guess most ugl's share the same raw sources and have their raws as well as finished product tested, eliminating much reason for such suspicions but then again noone outside the darkweb can be trusted and #flatearth #crystals #maga, right?
yeah i think it may be due to the sustanon but anyways, could you tell me how to multiply the dose in order to know the aprox amount on the bloodwork??
yeah i think it may be due to the sustanon but anyways, could you tell me how to multiply the dose in order to know the aprox amount on the bloodwork??

@Paxxx , find the exact compounds used in the sustanon and mg per each compound.

there will always be or should be Test Prop, Test Phenylpropionate as well as 2 others.

I would not add up the milligrams from the Test p and test phenylpropionate, due to timing of your blood work.

I would add up the milligrams of the longer esters ( the other 2 hormones), and draw the conclusion as that is what you are basing your current bloodwork results off of.

make sense??

** I assume the mgs per hormone is listed on the box?
yeah i think it may be due to the sustanon but anyways, could you tell me how to multiply the dose in order to know the aprox amount on the bloodwork??

That's not how it works. You can't assume that X mg will equal X reading. Some guys hit 3x their dosage while others hit 10x.

What you should have done was take a baseline reading. Then compare that to your enhanced reading to get a ballpark figure for how you respond.
tried finding it in all these pages but can anyone tell me where to find the pages where they address the microbiological contamination found in a few of their products that were tested by anabolic labs last year?.
Guys , I’m really sorry for not answering on all requests,but currently we are still improving logistics and we have a lack of time.

All RETAIL sales are still closed.
We will answer all the requests and emails as soon as we will start operating as usually!

We are still able to process your wholesale requests. (1000+ eur).
So do not hesitate to contact us for current stock list.
Some products that were out of stock will be available for purchase in the middle/end of next week.

Our contacts:

Telegram: @HilmaBiocareSupport
Wickr: hilmabc
Yesterday I received my last order, meanwhile I am running 500 mg Hilma Sust from 4 weeks after starting my cycle with 500 mg of Sandoz Cypionate, and I can say the difference when I started the Sust could be really felt, thickness, poundages and bodyweight went up despite having difficults to eat enough calories due to extreme heat where I live and not being used to bulk since almost a whole year off from gym and eating (had work injuries, a hernia surgery, dead Father, moving to a new town, then fucking COVID)

Along the sust I am running 25 mg bayer proviron, and 500 iu hcg. I bought the exemestane just in case the gyno starts giving me trouble, maybe I will use 25 mg split in two doses, wednesday and friday, or not at all, since at the end of this course I will cruise on 200 mg test and nipples will shrink down as usual.

Regarding the cialis, any feedback about doses and timing are welcome.

Thanks for another safe delivery to Hilma.


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6 weeks on 400mg susta x week split into 2 shots, the last shot was on thursday, and I had my blood taken on monday, I THINK I SHOULD HAVE MORE TEST FOR 400MG WEEK, I'm confused, How do you calculate the amount of test you should see on the bloodwork for the mg you're taking x week?View attachment 133370
You should have way more at those super physiological dosages.
tried finding it in all these pages but can anyone tell me where to find the pages where they address the microbiological contamination found in a few of their products that were tested by anabolic labs last year?.
Never seen them really address it directly. Not good enough.
Straight outta the bed with a female friend of mine. Cialis from Hilma is good as pharma grade one. Came 5 times, fucked her dry from 22 pm till 2 am and then again from 9 am till now and now lunch time.

