MESO-Rx Sponsor HilmaBiocare Official

Ho ordinato tre test E e sono arrivati oggi. Quando ho aperto la scatola, ho notato che c'è un altro codice nascosto, quel codice è diverso per tutti o è lo stesso? Per me è scritto su tutti e tre: PBY578-TE-223
Caro, dovresti scrivere in inglese qui in quanto la maggior parte degli utenti ti potrebbe forse aiutare, per quanto riguarda quel codice credo sia un semplice codice identificativo, per il resto non so.
I ordered three E tests and they arrived today. When I opened the box, I noticed that there is another hidden code, is that code different for everyone or is it the same? For me it is written on all three: PBY578-TE-223
I ordered three E tests and they arrived today. When I opened the box, I noticed that there is another hidden code, is that code different for everyone or is it the same? For me it is written on all three: PBY578-TE-223
It's probably a batch number, or your entry code for the hidden HBC lottery.
Ideally Hilma will post back soon and explain, so I don't want to overextend - it would be the latest batches of Hilma Biocare products, and nothing would change really on the customers end.

As for what you require to establish trust, that's really up to you guys. The best I could think of was to offer shipping the product to trusted members and taking payment after safe arrival, which would put most of the risk on me, but I'm open to any ideas.

My original (and still current) intent was to communicate to you guys all your outstanding and ideally all upcoming orders will be fulfilled with the same level of service you're used to. You may also receive free premium chocolates as an apology gift for the wait if desired :3
Do you know when hilma biocare representative will be available? And how can I order and pay later when my products arrive.
On short notice & and until further notice I'll offer to fulfill retail orders only for the items listed on this expertly edited product list. Same day EU tracked shipping with stealth appropiate to your country is 15€, will include high quality chocolates on request (milk, dark, nuts, special requests for brands are all possible). Free reshipping if customs intercepts it (100% success rate so far though). Payment via BTC only. Orders can be sent to

Feel free to request whatever proof of legitimacy you require.


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Well now that you have come out as a source and are not trying to hide behind being a member..... Now you have to answer for your actions and words like any other source.

First, you are sourcing on @HilmaBiocare s thread. You are defacto a representative. So in fact YES you can answer about his whereabouts and what in the fuck is going on here.

Second, why should people trust a person that has been sourcing in secret while trashing members that got scammed and bunk product?

could be (godt tested at 97.4% iirc), though the welts were from retards reconstituting it improperly but meso would blame a source even if a user pinned mtren into their eyeball

This was well after godt240 got caught selectively scamming and using multiple shill accounts. You say it was a mistake but the proof was in the thread. You proceeded to shit talk members for calling you out.

What is to stop you from blaming the gear you sell on the members who bought it? What possible mechanisms can you implement to stop this?

You can also now answer to this.

Hilma Biocare Nandrolone Decanoate Lab Test Results - Anabolic Lab

Are you going to get your own lab testing done on @HilmaBiocare s product?

So Hilma closes to orders under $1000 and you magically have that much prepared ahead of time? Prove this is not a exit scam as we have seen many times in the past?

You're a source now my man. People injecting stuff from you into their bodies deserve a answer as to what is going on.

The following link is a recent history of what's gone on. I leave it to the members to make their own decisions.

HGH Manufacturer

C'mon. Giving great reviews to a company you work with/for.....

Explain why you should be trusted?

It's stronger in that it's more bioavailable and kicks in much faster, within two days in my experience - perfect for contest prep so you don't have to run oral winstrol for 2 weeks beforehand. While it passes through the liver still, iirc injectable orals do so just once instead of twice, so it should be less toxic, especially factoring in the shorter cycle duration.

I've not used inj. superdrol etc. but so far inj. winstrol has been the most ridiculous compound I've experienced in how fast it gives/improves your sixpack.

the girls I know are having great results on it (the primo as well)

I've gotten >1500ng/dl on 250mg of Hilma's test enanthate twice and once on the same amount of test propionate - which is completely in line with the lab tests of both products, so I'm not sure what you guys are doing wrong but rather convinced it's unrelated to the product.

there's a youtube video by moreplatesmoredates on the inaccuracy of certain testosterone testing methods and his recommendations on how to get accurate numbers, perhaps you guys might want to look that up
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what method was used on the second one? I've seen some really shitty/cheap tests that looked like this (I've not even looked at the numbers themselves).

I usually get a 5-6x multiplier - 250mg test e from Hilma put me at >1500ng/dl (didn't order an unlimited test since I wasn't shooting for that much

Considering the amount of aromasin I've been needing to hand out to people on 500mg of Hilma's Test E/C those results sure seem weird. Those low test numbers should result in lower aromatization as well, so if any of you have been running an AI preventatively, that e2 should come back lower than expected/desired as well.

I straight up asked him about that one and he obfuscated having used trash quality testing (which finger prick tests are). Same people that test their gear using labmax kits.

doing the good work, always appreciated :D

the Dianabol is good (Hilma just posted a lab test of it) - if there ever was a problematic charge as some claimed in the past, it must have been fixed. the Anavar is great based on many girls reports and continued demand. tbol and adrol are working as intended from feedback but I don't have too many recent user experience reports on those so not going to make stuff up.

The higher price tiers are basically that considering the discounts for each item :p

I'd see your point if there weren't 96 pages to this thread full of positive reviews.

And you have seen negative reviews on these products where? I know about 50 people personally & in real life that have used these products within the past 12 months with zero complaints, many of them having gotten bloodwork as well.

I've been running it for about 7 months now at ~600mg per week, it has become my favourite compound due to the complete lack of side effects, impact on bloodwork and all the various benefits.

here's the latest 2 primo labs I could find:

View attachment 131689 View attachment 131690
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150mg test e & 2.5iu hgh as well - tbh I got better results off this than the typical test+tren+anavar stack I used to run many years ago when I didn't quite know what I was doing/didn't have access to affordable high quality primo & hgh

it obviously is way better for mental health/mood & sleep than anything cycle tren, too.

It's actually back in stock, you can check the telegram bot if you want to check what's back in stock asap.

Telegram bot update says it's back in stock next week, it's worth checking out for such updates & promos really

I've been able to compare it to bayer's proviron and noticed absolutely no difference at equal dosages, so it seems good to go!

I've been on it all year and don't see myself getting off, it's my favourite compound I've ever used - all upsides, no downsides, no negative impact on anything on bloodwork. sometimes the legend/hype really is justified.

Did you not say all these things?
"Same day EU tracked shipping with stealth appropiate to your country is 15€, will include high quality chocolates on request (milk, dark, nuts, special requests for brands are all possible)."

Wait... What :D
Hey everyone, I'm posting on behalf of Hilma to let everyone know he'll be back shortly and please not to worry about your orders or money being gone.

Should any further delay in communication be unacceptable to you or you want/need your items asap, I'll personally fulfill your order to the best of my abilities with same day shipping, custom stealth requests and the same conditions & security precautions you're used to from Hilma Biocare once I've ensured this is acceptable to everyone involved.

edit: to preempt the sceptics screaming scam, for trusted members of meso / those mands will vouch for, I'll offer shipping first, payment later.
So, you finally came out of the closet?

And what the hell do you mean I will vouch for? If you are going to use my name I would hope you would tag me.

Congrats you are no longer a member but a source. Well, at least everyone knows I wasn't making shit up like you implied. Not that anyone thought I was anyways.

@Human_backhoe @mands please refer to my reply in the other thread where I explained the extent of my sourcing. my sole purpose here and now, for the very limited duration of Hilma's absence only, is to sort out any customer concerns regarding the state of orders. if either of you are in that group, I'll do my best to help you out.

@joorinainen I recommend >70% Lindt dark chocolate, Milka and Kinder chocolates are overrated.
On short notice & and until further notice I'll offer to fulfill retail orders only for the items listed on this expertly edited product list. Same day EU tracked shipping with stealth appropiate to your country is 15€, will include high quality chocolates on request (milk, dark, nuts, special requests for brands are all possible). Free reshipping if customs intercepts it (100% success rate so far though). Payment via BTC only. Orders can be sent to

Feel free to request whatever proof of legitimacy you require.

About time you admitted to being a source.
Hello, Let me warn you about very poor Hilma warehouse customer service. Now I m NOT complaining about quality of the product. But, hilma central is notoriously taking money for big orders (over 1000 EUR) and after that problems start. You can forget about 3 days processing speed, representatives are not informed about missing you will be informed only after you payment!! This time, they are again not sending products for another week...and I can only expect another excuse coming next week. There is a long history of this, since if they get they account in a bank blocked- YOU will be the one without products...until they get money out there (can take months)...This happened to me twice. BEWARE
@Human_backhoe @mands please refer to my reply in the other thread where I explained the extent of my sourcing. my sole purpose here and now, for the very limited duration of Hilma's absence only, is to sort out any customer concerns regarding the state of orders. if either of you are in that group, I'll do my best to help you out.

@joorinainen I recommend >70% Lindt dark chocolate, Milka and Kinder chocolates are overrated.
No worries man, this is your thread now. Hopefully, @Millard Baker can give you your rep tag soon. And remember, your a rep, so stay in your little shit hole thread here. Bottom line.
Hello, Let me warn you about very poor Hilma warehouse customer service. Now I m NOT complaining about quality of the product. But, hilma central is notoriously taking money for big orders (over 1000 EUR) and after that problems start. You can forget about 3 days processing speed, representatives are not informed about missing you will be informed only after you payment!! This time, they are again not sending products for another week...and I can only expect another excuse coming next week. There is a long history of this, since if they get they account in a bank blocked- YOU will be the one without products...until they get money out there (can take months)...This happened to me twice. BEWARE

Can you specify through which email or website you placed your order (not sure who hilma central refers to)? The inventory system shouldn't allow for out of stock items to be ordered but if you can help me understand your situation I'll try and help as best as I can.

No worries man, this is your thread now. Hopefully, @Millard Baker can give you your rep tag soon. And remember, your a rep, so stay in your little shit hole thread here. Bottom line.

I wasn't instructed to fulfill orders in Hilma's absence, I'm acting on my own behalf in that regard to help out during the short absence. Since you're apparently in command of Millard, I'll obey of course.
No worries man, this is your thread now. Hopefully, @Millard Baker can give you your rep tag soon. And remember, your a rep, so stay in your little shit hole thread here. Bottom line.

Can you specify through which email or website you placed your order (not sure who hilma central refers to)? The inventory system shouldn't allow for out of stock items to be ordered but if you can help me understand your situation I'll try and help as best as I can.

I wasn't instructed to fulfill orders in Hilma's absence, I'm acting on my own behalf in that regard to help out during the short absence. Since you're apparently in command of Millard, I'll obey of course.

What's going on?