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Regardless on my “feelz” statement: I just wanted to point out, my batch number was the same as the one mentioned above. People like @Den84 continually defend a lab that has shown multiple times *via results and tests* to be bunk. That’s pretty sad that a “source” has to give severely underdosed Testosterone. Test is the cheapest steroid to produce. Why TF would any lab fake it? To the comment above, it’s about time someone sees it as I do; nothing stops a lab from sending a “perfect”’batch to be tested. Here’s a good example. I was on Hilma Test for 12 weeks and got NO results. I’ve only been on test from a deep web source for about 4-5 weeks and I’ve already seen great progress. STAY AWAY from Hilma; and DO NOT listen to people like @Den84 who continue to praise bad labs giving away severely underdosed/fake products.
You're literally known for being the dumbest retard on all of Meso which is no small feat considering you've some bloody inbred and illiterate competition here with Toni and those running more tren than cerebrospinal fluid through their body.
I will be pulling bloods soon. I use private md labs I get lc/ms test. I've pulled bloods 30 times and I've always been around where I thought I was. Been lucky I guess never had bunk or under dosed test. I'm using 250 cyp a week .5ml mon .5 ml thur.
Bloodwork and "feelz" are not the same thing. You may have been talking just about the Connor guy, but it sounded like you are dismissing three other reports from three separate users (plus an alleged friend of one of the three) who are all having the same experience with the same compound. Why are you so eager to defend a source, when recent evidence should at least make you a bit suspicious?

I don't give a flying fuck about defending this source, he's not my friend nor my uncle. I'm not dismissing anything, i'm just saying bloodworks are very personal and sensitive to fluctuations, 2 people taking the same amount of test can have very different blood results. You, on the other hand, seem to dismiss the huge amount of not only positive blood works posted here, but also lab tests, which are much more reliable than bloodworks.
And anyway, why the fuck should he fake test? You realize it doesnt make any sense at all right?
Regardless on my “feelz” statement: I just wanted to point out, my batch number was the same as the one mentioned above. People like @Den84 continually defend a lab that has shown multiple times *via results and tests* to be bunk. That’s pretty sad that a “source” has to give severely underdosed Testosterone. Test is the cheapest steroid to produce. Why TF would any lab fake it? To the comment above, it’s about time someone sees it as I do; nothing stops a lab from sending a “perfect”’batch to be tested. Here’s a good example. I was on Hilma Test for 12 weeks and got NO results. I’ve only been on test from a deep web source for about 4-5 weeks and I’ve already seen great progress. STAY AWAY from Hilma; and DO NOT listen to people like @Den84 who continue to praise bad labs giving away severely underdosed/fake products.
How is it that this guy is not banned yet? Stop spamming man... you have zero prof.
I got my results from letsgetchecked but my friend on 500mg test e / ew got his from hos doctor.
I looked up lets get checked and thats a finger prick blood test that you send in it looks like. There is a reason when you go get blood drawn at a lab they don't just prick your finger and send you on your way.. not trying to discredit your claims but I couldn't feel like that is accurate.

Regardless on my “feelz” statement: I just wanted to point out, my batch number was the same as the one mentioned above. People like @Den84 continually defend a lab that has shown multiple times *via results and tests* to be bunk. That’s pretty sad that a “source” has to give severely underdosed Testosterone. Test is the cheapest steroid to produce. Why TF would any lab fake it? To the comment above, it’s about time someone sees it as I do; nothing stops a lab from sending a “perfect”’batch to be tested. Here’s a good example. I was on Hilma Test for 12 weeks and got NO results. I’ve only been on test from a deep web source for about 4-5 weeks and I’ve already seen great progress. STAY AWAY from Hilma; and DO NOT listen to people like @Den84 who continue to praise bad labs giving away severely underdosed/fake products.

You are dumb as shit. It's clear when it comes to the science behind this you don't have the slightest grasp of any of it and are utterly lost. Literally what you said is the complete opposite of what has happened so far. Every lab test has came back dosed correctly. The only blood tests that have come back questionable have been through a shitty testing technique, finger pricking. You on the other hand were to fucking cheap to even order a lab test and go get blood drawn when you were crying about the test not working. It wouldn't surprise me if you have never gotten blood drawn before, ever, and have just gone off feels every singe time. But hey, about 50 other people have already let you know how fucking retarded you are, so no idea why I'm wasting my time doing the same
I looked up lets get checked and thats a finger prick blood test that you send in it looks like. There is a reason when you go get blood drawn at a lab they don't just prick your finger and send you on your way.. not trying to discredit your claims but I couldn't feel like that is accurate.
I straight up asked him about that one and he obfuscated having used trash quality testing (which finger prick tests are). Same people that test their gear using labmax kits.
I straight up asked him about that one and he obfuscated having used trash quality testing (which finger prick tests are). Same people that test their gear using labmax kits.
I just placed a order for test enanthate and Var. I will be sending it for testing as soon as it arrives and will share the results.

Which page has the most up to date list of their products?

Are you still shipping to the EU and Spain given the latest virus situation?

We do. Currently we operate as usually. But you never know what will happen tomorrow since world is going a bit insane at the moment. But most likely you will know from your local news source if there are problems with postal/courier services or border closure for mail specifically in your country.

Extended prices available via email or Wickr.
Wickr: hilmabc

We all know that the labs give a lot of free products to amateurs of good comment, with a lot of cerebrospinal fluid
lol 2 page hahaha but others 87 page of positive feed, positive bloodwork, and positive lab test by AL, jano, lab4tox , all this no longer has value? only because an retard like you told that hilma is under without share any kind of proof? you are ridiculous, everyone here know that your brain is completely burned... you know what brands are the most popular in EU? NO because you are from US. In EU the most popular brands are balkan sp and hilma. They are popular because are producing underdosed/bunk products in your opinion. LOL every your post proves more and more that you are a fucking retard.
@Den84 you are always GREAT!!!!! :)
Has anyone ordered to central/west Europe within the last weeks? How long does shipping usually take and do paks still go thru customs without problems?