MESO-Rx Sponsor HilmaBiocare Official

Ok, 5 weeks after placement i received the first order, Hilma did reship the order at the week 4 and 1 week after I received it as well.

So everything ok!!
Has this source changed at all? Last time I used Hilma I was highly dissatisfied. Not the best reviews. Wondering if anything has changed? Any recent tests on both orals and injectables? Fingers crossed that there’s been an upgrade over their last products I used. The prices are reasonable; hence why I am asking
Has this source changed at all? Last time I used Hilma I was highly dissatisfied. Not the best reviews. Wondering if anything has changed? Any recent tests on both orals and injectables? Fingers crossed that there’s been an upgrade over their last products I used. The prices are reasonable; hence why I am asking

Yeah dude they revamped their entire product line in the hopes that you would place and order and leave a "feelz good"
Yeah dude they revamped their entire product line in the hopes that you would place and order and leave a "feelz good"
Just asking a simple question. Mainly in regards to testing. Guess I misunderstood the part about “helping the community” and “relying on testing” must be the wrong forum
Just asking a simple question. Mainly in regards to testing. Guess I misunderstood the part about “helping the community” and “relying on testing” must be the wrong forum

If you want the answer to your question why dont you just go back to your previous postings in this thread and read from there until you get here?

Would seem worthwhile for someone who had a bad experience, but I also ordered around same time as you and had no issues with the products so can't say
Just asking a simple question. Mainly in regards to testing. Guess I misunderstood the part about “helping the community” and “relying on testing” must be the wrong forum
it would help if you stated which product, when you purchased it and which testing you are refering to, as this isn't the detective novel subforum.
Test E and DBol was my only Hilma order
And you have seen negative reviews on these products where? I know about 50 people personally & in real life that have used these products within the past 12 months with zero complaints, many of them having gotten bloodwork as well.
Test E and DBol was my only Hilma order
I remember your complaint that they were underdosing their Test. And when members here wanted proof from you, you provided ZERO lab testing and bloodwork. I don't know why you came back to buy from clearnet sources after claiming 90% were underdosed or fake.
Hi Friends!

Want to update you with current Out of stock list. Huge restock is planned soon. Drost e, tren E, Oxy , Melanotan , Tamox will be back shortly.

Out of Stock at the moment.
Drost E
Tren E
Stano Inj

10 products max limit in one order REMOVED from all items.

Don’t forget to use our new Telegram shop to purchase your favorite products automatically, to get the latest Stock and Price updates and exclusive discounts
All this is now available in one of the most secure messengers.



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Telegram: HilmaBiocareSupport
Wickr: hilmabc

BOT Telegram: HilmaBiocareBot
Friends,sorry for not answering yesterday. We had unexpected holidays. All requests will be processed and handled today
Hey guys and @HilmaBiocare . Just wanted to drop a few words to say my order took around 10 days from purchase to door (Ireland). Smooth ordering. Can't speak for the products as of yet but so far so good with service and communication.