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what language are testesosterone & oestridal, and what are the respective reference ranges given on your bloodwork?
Typo on the testosterone & oestradiol... My bad
Referance range on the test was 7.6 - 31.4
Referance on oestradiol was 0 - 192
Ref SHBG was 16 - 55
I was thinking it seemed a little low myself not 100% sure tho. Any advice from some more seasoned users would be greatly appreciated

Well.. 51 nmol/L = 1500 ng/dl and 500mg/week should get you around 2300+ ng/dl imo. Considering you took the bloods 7 days after last injection right? 500mg test per week should peak at 4500+ ng/dl.

Edit: I just saw you took the blood around 3.5 days after last injection, the numbers is super low then, you should have around 3500+ ng/dl or 120+ nmol/L
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Well.. 51 nmol/L = 1500 ng/dl and 500mg/week should get you around 2300+ ng/dl imo. Considering you took the bloods 7 days after last injection right? 500mg test per week should peak at 4500+ ng/dl.

Edit: I just saw you took the blood around 3.5 days after last injection, the numbers is super low then, you should have around 3500+ ng/dl or 120+ nmol/L
So not good
Well.. 51 nmol/L = 1500 ng/dl and 500mg/week should get you around 2300+ ng/dl imo. Considering you took the bloods 7 days after last injection right? 500mg test per week should peak at 4500+ ng/dl.

Edit: I just saw you took the blood around 3.5 days after last injection, the numbers is super low then, you should have around 3500+ ng/dl or 120+ nmol/L
Ye it was about 72hrs after my last injection
I've gotten >1500ng/dl on 250mg of Hilma's test enanthate twice and once on the same amount of test propionate - which is completely in line with the lab tests of both products, so I'm not sure what you guys are doing wrong but rather convinced it's unrelated to the product.

there's a youtube video by moreplatesmoredates on the inaccuracy of certain testosterone testing methods and his recommendations on how to get accurate numbers, perhaps you guys might want to look that up
I've gotten >1500ng/dl on 250mg of Hilma's test enanthate twice and once on the same amount of test propionate - which is completely in line with the lab tests of both products, so I'm not sure what you guys are doing wrong but rather convinced it's unrelated to the product.

there's a youtube video by moreplatesmoredates on the inaccuracy of certain testosterone testing methods and his recommendations on how to get accurate numbers, perhaps you guys might want to look that up

Is there reports on fake hilma products out there? It muat be hard to fake, due to the very professional/pharma like quality.
Yeah numbers are looking way to low especially for 500mg a week. Seems under dosed as fuck

Compared to what? Your numbers? The numbers of a different random forum user?

He has no comparative blood work, so these numbers don't tell us shit. All they mean is that there's Test in the vial of Test.

Had he tested at 10x people would say it seems overdosed. Without prior blood work, you might as well consult a magic 8 ball for the answer.
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Hard to read,but seems like FZK1J5V6QEWP


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