MESO-Rx Sponsor HilmaBiocare Official

I think there's a difference between being appointed a rep by the company and/or meso admin and being called one by the members.

Rep is short for representative. You are representing the company/vendor in communications and interactions. A member saying “you’re a rep” when you engage in activities when you are representing the seller isn’t really out of bounds. Hilma didn’t text anyone else. Nobody else here is close enough to just step in and run the operation. You two are obviously close enough that you warrant information that is beyond the scope of the public conversation. Preexisting relationship + repping publicly and you’re surprised that there was some controversy?
There's only one rep for Hilma on Meso (the OP), I got called that (albeit fairly) because I offered to help customers with retail orders which was completely my own idea and apparently a really bad one considering the shitstorm it caused. I think there's a difference between being appointed a rep by the company and/or meso admin and being called one by the members.

You have no idea how Meso works. It’s like most these sources just come over here and post an intro and not do the proper research.

We don’t help out sources like this if they can’t handle the load then fuck em! We don’t ask for free gear or receive free gear (at least I don’t). We hold the source accountable for everything! And I mean every fucking thing or they can kick rocks!

Millard has designed a platform that works for the member (user) not the drug dealer. Once you cross over to helping out the dealer in any way you will be tarnished. I repped a long time ago and found out how big of a fuck yo it was and then realized I can only rep myself cause I know I won’t be getting over on myself.

If you are on Meso you will always have mands, bbg, silent, and others scrutinizing everything the source does and says. It what keeps them on their toes. And what keeps the members of meso safe
Unsolicited spam via the PM system is strictly prohibited.
So you've never sourced on Meso before this?
nope, the extent of what I did I've described in the other thread (sent a protonmail address to a few people via PM as they had asked for items the respective sources no longer carried; I also asked the sources if they'd be okay with this beforehand).

If you can think of any way to verify these statements so mands manipulative rise to power comes to an end, I'm up for anyting.
Once you cross over to helping out the dealer in any way you will be tarnished. I repped a long time ago and found out how big of a fuck yo it was and then realized I can only rep myself cause I know I won’t be getting over on myself.
Pretty sure I'm maxxed out on being tarnished. I hate this idea of a world where distrust, hate and insults come first so I thought if I offered up my trust in members (arrival of goods before payment - I agree with your stance on free gear) that might enable me to resolve the retail order issue and prove that not everyone is a horrible selfish person but even that has lead to mands crying for a ban. I guess Meso wants the world to be a shithole via self-fulfilling prophecy.
Pretty sure I'm maxxed out on being tarnished. I hate this idea of a world where distrust, hate and insults come first so I thought if I offered up my trust in members (arrival of goods before payment - I agree with your stance on free gear) that might enable me to resolve the retail order issue and prove that not everyone is a horrible selfish person but even that has lead to mands crying for a ban. I guess Meso wants the world to be a shithole via self-fulfilling prophecy.

Awww... poor you.

Don’t you think that we’ve already seen every shitty source tactic that’s been employed. Hey, maybe, just maybe that’s why we “tarnish and insult” guys that come in here trying to pull the same shit.

What you are doing is NOT good for the community so cut the martyr shit. Nobody’s going to give you sympathy. You’re working on the wrong side here. Go do that over on a paid board. You’re beyond tarnished here.
nope, the extent of what I did I've described in the other thread (sent a protonmail address to a few people via PM as they had asked for items the respective sources no longer carried; I also asked the sources if they'd be okay with this beforehand).

If you can think of any way to verify these statements so mands manipulative rise to power comes to an end, I'm up for anyting.

Like I said in the other thread.
Going after @mands will not help your cause.
He is well loved here.

If anything he has stepped DOWN from his brutal attacks on reps/sources/shills etc.

He used to be the front line of Meso,
The oldschool BBBG,MSG,MM, from back when I was just a guest creeping Meso.

There is no rise to power, that's over dramatic.
So basically whoever ordered when 1k euro line settled lost all their money? Ofcourse including me, but jesus christ, this is bullsh*t right now.
I contacted hilma even on telegram, and they are still not online for like 15/20+ days. Hopefully some interesting explanations will be soon in this thread.
So basically whoever ordered when 1k euro line settled lost all their money? Ofcourse including me, but jesus christ, this is bullsh*t right now.
I contacted hilma even on telegram, and they are still not online for like 15/20+ days. Hopefully some interesting explanations will be soon in this thread.
Omfg... Sorry mate

I hope rly u get refund or u get ur package
Omfg... Sorry mate

I hope rly u get refund or u get ur package
No no, missunderstood, my bad. I explained it wrong.
The guy below me was 1k€+ in.
But i got different problem: the bot rules changed "(you can order via auto-BOT)" so the orders below 1000€ are not processed and automatically canceled, while i didn't know that, i ordered around 150-200€ of products and i payed for it, but few minutes later the order got canceled while it took my money. So i contacted them about the refund, but as i said, there has been no response whatsoever.
I think that next week they will come back. I hope so lol holidays are holidays nah? :/
There is no excuse to let your customers know that your going to be away for a while, FFs its 2020 not 1800s where they are sending letter by pigeons. They also mentions they will only process 1000+ orders yet we have 2 members here crossing their fingers to hear from company rep
You can order for less than 1000 € on it's their official reseller I don't know why you don't let Andrea take care of your communication like on the french meso @HilmaBiocare


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