MESO-Rx Sponsor HilmaBiocare Official

Also, why the fuck does the minimum go to 1k Euros then the rep vanishes?

If this was dark net, everybody would be screaming exit scam. But Hilma is a big source and this is Hilma's official thread, not some smal reseller, so things might still turn up for the best; it would be interesting if the whole ugl got busted or what ever.

If they exit scamed here and then popped up again somewhere else ... I can't see that happening. Their reputation would be dead.
things might still turn up for the best
Regardless, man. I doubt things will turn out for the best, but you can't really come back from pulling this kind of shit. People paid thousands of Euros for orders and the scammer/seller is nowhere to be seen. There is no chance in fucking hell I would ever believe it a coincidence that shortly after the regular sales are suspended they suddenly "go on an announced holiday". I mean, how much evidence do you need to pile up before you can smell the bullshit?

They start suspending regular orders, which are far more common. If you're gonna scam big, you don't want to get caught after an average Joe orders 50 bucks of Test, doesn't receive, and then calls you out.

Then they "go on holiday" so people are less inclined to post here and "just be patient and wait, we'll address everything soon".

Then a shilling motherfucker tries to encourage people to still believe in them a little bit longer, so they can squeeze the last money even from the smaller orders, knowing they are about to get called out for the big ones any day now.

The shilling motherfucker gets banned, and tries to come back in a blatant and pathetic attempt with a second account (at least that's what it looks like; that's what I believe). Got nothing to lose at this point, the jig's up, just try to fool the last fools, no reputation or credibility left from anyone else.

The shilling motherfucker alone should be a reason to stay away from Hilma. They were supposedly a "big player", and they had a cocksucker shill for them and trash-talk other sources. Now, I don't know how common this is among the top players (I wouldn't presume to know, and maybe it is common after all; I'm just guessing), but it doesn't seem like the kind of tactic a big name should be employing. At the very least it's a shady tactic, and should make you second-guess everything positive you've heard about them. Shady and dirty, if you rely on this to boost your sales instead of just providing a quality service and let the real feedback speak for yourself. I can maybe understand this kind of behavior when a source is launching, but if you still need this crap when you are already popular and established...seems pointless at best, suspicious (who knows how many other fakes they might have had) at worst.

Big source or not, you don't fucking leave people hanging in the dark and dick them around with uncertainty after receiving payment for large amounts of cash. In the best case scenario, they are unprofessional bastards, and if I were one of the people that have been left waiting for news I would be LIVID and never trust them again, if anything because I'd be shitting myself at the thought of what troubles they might be in that caused them to vanish like this, not to mention the feeling you just threw maybe a month's worth of your salary away.

But I don't need to be one of those people, for me it's enough to imagine being in their situation, and I would never, ever fucking consider ordering from someone that pulled this stunt (and remember, this is the best case scenario), unless I was absolutely desperate and there were no other options. There are other options though, thankfully.

Given how long ago the "no regular sales" thing has been going on, this stinks of a planned scheme. As others have pointed out, this is 2020, we don't use pigeons to contact people anymore. In the best case scenario where their intentions are "good", it means these motherfuckers are so incompetent that they can't find a way to contact their customers. Or they don't give enough fucks to, pick whichever you think more likely. I'll go with option three: they are pretending to not be here and reading, so they won't be forced to address the issues people are bringing up, which would convince even the last believers that they are dead and done.

Nah, man. As far as I'm concerned, there's no coming back from giving people so much worry over their orders, potential big financial loss, lack of communication. They could drop their prices by 50% and I still wouldn't order from them. They could fucking drop their prices by 100% and I still wouldn't order from them because I wouldn't want my personal info in their database.

That's just me though. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

This dick riders and shills will still stick around. With the many great reviews that turned out to be spam accounts and resellers and is my personal mission (until my ADHD kicks in) to shit all over this thread.
Regardless, man. I doubt things will turn out for the best, but you can't really come back from pulling this kind of shit. People paid thousands of Euros for orders and the scammer/seller is nowhere to be seen. There is no chance in fucking hell I would ever believe it a coincidence that shortly after the regular sales are suspended they suddenly "go on an announced holiday". I mean, how much evidence do you need to pile up before you can smell the bullshit?

They start suspending regular orders, which are far more common. If you're gonna scam big, you don't want to get caught after an average Joe orders 50 bucks of Test, doesn't receive, and then calls you out.

Then they "go on holiday" so people are less inclined to post here and "just be patient and wait, we'll address everything soon".

Then a shilling motherfucker tries to encourage people to still believe in them a little bit longer, so they can squeeze the last money even from the smaller orders, knowing they are about to get called out for the big ones any day now.

The shilling motherfucker gets banned, and tries to come back in a blatant and pathetic attempt with a second account (at least that's what it looks like; that's what I believe). Got nothing to lose at this point, the jig's up, just try to fool the last fools, no reputation or credibility left from anyone else.

The shilling motherfucker alone should be a reason to stay away from Hilma. They were supposedly a "big player", and they had a cocksucker shill for them and trash-talk other sources. Now, I don't know how common this is among the top players (I wouldn't presume to know, and maybe it is common after all; I'm just guessing), but it doesn't seem like the kind of tactic a big name should be employing. At the very least it's a shady tactic, and should make you second-guess everything positive you've heard about them. Shady and dirty, if you rely on this to boost your sales instead of just providing a quality service and let the real feedback speak for yourself. I can maybe understand this kind of behavior when a source is launching, but if you still need this crap when you are already popular and established...seems pointless at best, suspicious (who knows how many other fakes they might have had) at worst.

Big source or not, you don't fucking leave people hanging in the dark and dick them around with uncertainty after receiving payment for large amounts of cash. In the best case scenario, they are unprofessional bastards, and if I were one of the people that have been left waiting for news I would be LIVID and never trust them again, if anything because I'd be shitting myself at the thought of what troubles they might be in that caused them to vanish like this, not to mention the feeling you just threw maybe a month's worth of your salary away.

But I don't need to be one of those people, for me it's enough to imagine being in their situation, and I would never, ever fucking consider ordering from someone that pulled this stunt (and remember, this is the best case scenario), unless I was absolutely desperate and there were no other options. There are other options though, thankfully.

Given how long ago the "no regular sales" thing has been going on, this stinks of a planned scheme. As others have pointed out, this is 2020, we don't use pigeons to contact people anymore. In the best case scenario where their intentions are "good", it means these motherfuckers are so incompetent that they can't find a way to contact their customers. Or they don't give enough fucks to, pick whichever you think more likely. I'll go with option three: they are pretending to not be here and reading, so they won't be forced to address the issues people are bringing up, which would convince even the last believers that they are dead and done.

Nah, man. As far as I'm concerned, there's no coming back from giving people so much worry over their orders, potential big financial loss, lack of communication. They could drop their prices by 50% and I still wouldn't order from them. They could fucking drop their prices by 100% and I still wouldn't order from them because I wouldn't want my personal info in their database.

That's just me though. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Ha! Nice write up mate. Agree 100%. Just trying to be a bit positive I guess. But as I've said, all of this screams of an exit scam. They must be in a lot of trouble. We'll see what happens to Hilma as an ugl. If they still keep providing resellers gear.

In fact, somebody can aks resellers that sell their stuff, if they know anything, or at least, if they are still receiving gear from hilma. Nothing wrong with some detective work. I have no stake in this, haven't ordered nothing from them, but others that have, might be encouraged to do something ...
This is really ridiculous as soon as I decided to make a $350 usd order hilma disappears with no explanation... I had a show I was going to prep for now I literally have to search and filter out another legit source, that's already a damn headache
Anyone know any
Hey everyone, I'm posting on behalf of Hilma to let everyone know he'll be back shortly and please not to worry about your orders or money being gone.

Should any further delay in communication be unacceptable to you or you want/need your items asap, I'll personally fulfill your order to the best of my abilities with same day shipping, custom stealth requests and the same conditions & security precautions you're used to from Hilma Biocare once I've ensured this is acceptable to everyone involved.

edit: to preempt the sceptics screaming scam, for trusted members of meso / those mands will vouch for, I'll offer shipping first, payment later.
Honestly who tf are you I mean can you at least give us some actual hope... We need to see proof that you are in fact associated with hilma biocare and do you have any messages that states that his absence is temporary or are you just bullshitting us... People spent lots of money in the middle of a damn pandemic on there product and deserve answers...
Anyone know any

Honestly who tf are you I mean can you at least give us some actual hope... We need to see proof that you are in fact associated with hilma biocare and do you have any messages that states that his absence is temporary or are you just bullshitting us... People spent lots of money in the middle of a damn pandemic on there product and deserve answers...

He is banned for soliciting via PM lol. He was also @gearwolf

@HB Italy is claiming to be associated now.....with his second message on Meso

Maybe check with him?
He is banned for soliciting via PM lol. He was also @gearwolf

@HB Italy is claiming to be associated now.....with his second message on Meso

Maybe check with him?

What a fucking mess.
At least I'm having fun trolling this thread.
And that what counts right?.....
Oh wait, members are out thousands of dollars.

and the rep disappeared
and the next rep got banned
and the other rep has 2 posts and 0 verification for who he is.

No one should order from this source.

Ots a serious liability
What a fucking mess.
At least I'm having fun trolling this thread.
And that what counts right?.....
Oh wait, members are out thousands of dollars.

and the rep disappeared
and the next rep got banned
and the other rep has 2 posts and 0 verification for who he is.

No one should order from this source.

Ots a serious liability

This was supposed to be my first cycle (or maybe diving in straight to blast & cruise) and after a lot of analysis I was very close to get Hilma products from this source...

For once, my overthinking was useful and I've seen each rep disappear in the last 3 weeks.

I rather invest my money in someone who is more professional.

Thank you @Silentlemon1011 and @Human_backhoe for making sure this thread stays clear.
Does anyone else find it kind of hilarious that, after Connor 25257 trash-talked Hilma for months and months, and was constantly insulted by everyone for it, right after he reconsidered his stance Hilma's thread goes to shit?
For trt only dose, that’s really impressive. Maybe I doubted Hilma too much:confused:
Does anyone else find it kind of hilarious that, after Connor 25257 trash-talked Hilma for months and months, and was constantly insulted by everyone for it, right after he reconsidered his stance Hilma's thread goes to shit?

Pretty amazing isn't it hahah! That's why he is no longer Connor the Retard, He is now Connor the Half-tard!

That was a rough start on Meso lol. Now he's grilling sources with the rest of us.
To me it makes no sense that hilma would act like that. I'm pretty sure they just took a summer break and will come back. But of course, anything can happen. I just don't see hilma doing such things.
To me it makes no sense that hilma would act like that. I'm pretty sure they just took a summer break and will come back. But of course, anything can happen. I just don't see hilma doing such things.

If it was just that one thing I would tend to agree with you! What is fucked, is still accepting orders over $1000 and all these other "reps" coming out of the woodwork that have been shilling on this thread. Even the orders over $1000 not showing up either... If that's all it was why was that not stated or explained? Then again do we care about sources here on Meso? It's not a source board! If that's all it was why would these "reps" not just come out and explain it? If Hilma is taking the higher dollar orders and in online to do so....why not just check Meso?
To me it makes no sense that hilma would act like that. I'm pretty sure they just took a summer break and will come back. But of course, anything can happen. I just don't see hilma doing such things.

I get your perspective.
But this is all pretty shady.
Coupled with the fact that no one would answer @Human_backhoe about the contamination of gear in the past,
It all makes me wonder