MESO-Rx Sponsor HilmaBiocare Official

Contacts for sales and information. Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Wickr: hilmabc

To get extended wholesale pricelist - please contact us directly through email or Wickr.

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If I placed an order on 2/21/2020 when can I expect it to ship? Sometime this week? Sorry, just excited! Thanks!

Hello. Please contact us in case you need tracking - we will check and provide it to you.
It should be already available and your order is already heading to you.
All who were reaching us out regarding Italy shipping - please contact us so we can provide you with the current options.
There are some limitations,but we will be able to process some orders.

Conditions for shipping to other countries remain the same and we are operating normally.
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All who were reaching us out regarding Italy shipping - please contact us so we can provide you with the current options.
There are some limitations,but we will be able to process some orders.

Conditions for shipping to other countries remain the same and we are operating normally.
Which options? I live in italy
Sorry for keeping silent guys,but we are having lots of maintenance work at the moment. Anyway we are trying to keep up with all of your requests and orders and hopefully doing well :)

We have some news.

Currently we are out of Turinabol, Test e, Test c and stano inj.

Test e might be availbale in small amounts,but you have to check out first via email or Wickr if we are able to process your specific order containing Test E.
It should be fully available in 1.5 weeks.

Test c will be back in aprox 3 weeks.

Tbol and stano inj - currently unknown.

Sorry for inconvenience caused.

Also we are expecting few new products added to our peptide line.
Sorry for keeping silent guys,but we are having lots of maintenance work at the moment. Anyway we are trying to keep up with all of your requests and orders and hopefully doing well :)

We have some news.

Currently we are out of Turinabol, Test e, Test c and stano inj.

Test e might be availbale in small amounts,but you have to check out first via email or Wickr if we are able to process your specific order containing Test E.
It should be fully available in 1.5 weeks.

Test c will be back in aprox 3 weeks.

Tbol and stano inj - currently unknown.

Sorry for inconvenience caused.

Also we are expecting few new products added to our peptide line.
will the corona virus harm your production?
Bloodwork on 350 mg/week of Test-E came back. Seems to be a bit weak, at least weaker than I thought it'd be (also compared to others who posted in this topic). The value was about 70 nmol/L (normal range about 9-30); I expected closer to 85.

I can at least say that the compounds they use doesn't seem to give much PIP, and seemingly no redness (just minor swelling, but that's inevitable) at all. Can't say it "flows out of the syringe" quite as smoothly as others said, but then again I am using a thin needle in the first place.

Also tried their "aromasin" knockoff, and it kept estrogen levels down in the normal range with 12.5 mg every other day (about 25 pg/ml, in a reference range of 0-40), so that seems to be good enough as well. I do aromatize heavily on my own.

I'll be trying the injectable stanazolol from them too. Speaking of which, I have a couple of questions: in terms of potency, mg per mg, is it as strong as an oral stanazolol? And in terms of liver toxicity?
^^^shocker, Hilma exposed AGAIN. Keep telling yourselves that the products on this forum are worth a damn. I’ll continue enjoying my gear from TSG :)
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I'll be trying the injectable stanazolol from them too. Speaking of which, I have a couple of questions: in terms of potency, mg per mg, is it as strong as an oral stanazolol? And in terms of liver toxicity?

It's stronger in that it's more bioavailable and kicks in much faster, within two days in my experience - perfect for contest prep so you don't have to run oral winstrol for 2 weeks beforehand. While it passes through the liver still, iirc injectable orals do so just once instead of twice, so it should be less toxic, especially factoring in the shorter cycle duration.

I've not used inj. superdrol etc. but so far inj. winstrol has been the most ridiculous compound I've experienced in how fast it gives/improves your sixpack.
Bloodwork on 350 mg/week of Test-E came back. Seems to be a bit weak, at least weaker than I thought it'd be (also compared to others who posted in this topic). The value was about 70 nmol/L (normal range about 9-30); I expected closer to 85.

I can at least say that the compounds they use doesn't seem to give much PIP, and seemingly no redness (just minor swelling, but that's inevitable) at all. Can't say it "flows out of the syringe" quite as smoothly as others said, but then again I am using a thin needle in the first place.

Also tried their "aromasin" knockoff, and it kept estrogen levels down in the normal range with 12.5 mg every other day (about 25 pg/ml, in a reference range of 0-40), so that seems to be good enough as well. I do aromatize heavily on my own.

I'll be trying the injectable stanazolol from them too. Speaking of which, I have a couple of questions: in terms of potency, mg per mg, is it as strong as an oral stanazolol? And in terms of liver toxicity?

Mmm is not too high but 350mg dose isn't neither.

I did 146nmol/L on 500mg weekly of Hilma TestC, but people absorb test differently, so I can't be sure... this is not pure mathematics.

How long into cycle till the bloodwork?
As always, I like to test what I'm using, I am using 500testC + 400MastE.

How long into cycle to let it built up enough for bloodwork? Will post here results (latest batches)