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why in this discussion are there those who write that HILMA is a fake, when incontrovertible laboratory tests say otherwise?
While labwork is fairly accurate as there are no fluctuations within the sample tested, bloodwork can fluctuate more widely due to a variety of factors such as genetics, timing of blood taken after injection (further dependent on esther), accuracy of test method etc. @janoshik might be able (if willing) to add onto that.

Here's an article on the last factor: The Most Accurate Testosterone Blood Test You Can Get

Ultimately I would always trust labwork over bloodwork unless the latter is conducted with the utmost precision over multiple samples taken in a compressed timeframe - and let's face it, 99% of us just get bloods taken at our general pratitioner or some external lab once every month or two at best and take that as engraved in stone rather than a singular snapshot in time.
While labwork is fairly accurate as there are no fluctuations within the sample tested, bloodwork can fluctuate more widely due to a variety of factors such as genetics, timing of blood taken after injection (further dependent on esther), accuracy of test method etc. @janoshik might be able (if willing) to add onto that.

Here's an article on the last factor: The Most Accurate Testosterone Blood Test You Can Get

Ultimately I would always trust labwork over bloodwork unless the latter is conducted with the utmost precision over multiple samples taken in a compressed timeframe - and let's face it, 99% of us just get bloods taken at our general pratitioner or some external lab once every month or two at best and take that as engraved in stone rather than a singular snapshot in time.
You've summed it up pretty much perfectly, no need to add anything imo :)
Just got bloowork info from a friend who is running hilma 500mg test e ew, 2x250mg and got bloodwork at his doctor on the through. This is at the end of his cycle.
59nmol/L or 1700ng/dl.
He is not happy :(.
Just got bloowork info from a friend who is running hilma 500mg test e ew, 2x250mg and got bloodwork at his doctor on the through. This is at the end of his cycle.
59nmol/L or 1700ng/dl.
He is not happy :(.

no one producers do underdosed testosterone, also the most famous shit rbrand as kenwoo, bm, arl that producing many underdosed/bunk products, but their testosterone is overdosed. now we talking about of a one of most popular brand in this forum (there is 4 source here that are selling hilma) very improbable that hilma is underdosed, considering also dozens of positive bloodwork and lab test.

Futhermore you are a junior member, you credibility is very very low.
no one producers underdose testosterone, also the most famous shit brand as kenwoo, bm, arl that producing many underdosed/bunk products, but their testosterone is overdosed. now we talking about of a one of most popular brand in this forum (there is 4 source here that are selling hilma) very improbable that hilma is underdosed, considering also dozens of positive bloodwork and lab test.

Futhermore you are a junior member, you credibility is very very low.
So just because someone hasn’t been on this forum for a long time, you instantly discredit their claim? Just because 4 “sources” here sell Hilma, does not mean that it’s a good product. I was saying the same thing weeks ago. Hilma obviously has a problem. It’s just simply a bad product. The last two pages and the post above only prove that
no one producers do underdosed testosterone, also the most famous shit rbrand as kenwoo, bm, arl that producing many underdosed/bunk products, but their testosterone is overdosed. now we talking about of a one of most popular brand in this forum (there is 4 source here that are selling hilma) very improbable that hilma is underdosed, considering also dozens of positive bloodwork and lab test.

Futhermore you are a junior member, you credibility is very very low.
I agree with you - if UGL make shitty gear, most of the time Test will still be good because most ppl buy this and its very cheap to make, so no point if you want bussiness to underdose this. But honestly, hilma should just do a test on some of the new batches so ppl are sure its dosed as it should.
Considering the amount of aromasin I've been needing to hand out to people on 500mg of Hilma's Test E/C those results sure seem weird. Those low test numbers should result in lower aromatization as well, so if any of you have been running an AI preventatively, that e2 should come back lower than expected/desired as well.
So just because someone hasn’t been on this forum for a long time, you instantly discredit their claim? Just because 4 “sources” here sell Hilma, does not mean that it’s a good product. I was saying the same thing weeks ago. Hilma obviously has a problem. It’s just simply a bad product. The last two pages and the post above only prove that

lol 2 page hahaha but others 87 page of positive feed, positive bloodwork, and positive lab test by AL, jano, lab4tox , all this no longer has value? only because an retard like you told that hilma is under without share any kind of proof? you are ridiculous, everyone here know that your brain is completely burned... you know what brands are the most popular in EU? NO because you are from US. In EU the most popular brands are balkan sp and hilma. They are popular because are producing underdosed/bunk products in your opinion. LOL every your post proves more and more that you are a fucking retard.
To be honest, I never doubted Hilma. Everything was perfect and i couldn't imagine underdosed test, the product packaging, quality look ect. just wouldn't make sense jumping the fence low in the test dosage. I still have doubt EVEN on my own bloodwork, my friends bloodwork and the guy 3 pages back who also had bloodwork on 500mg and blood looked like 250mg.
Maybe a bad batch? I don't know man, its wierd. I only had a slight increase in blood test on 350mg hilma compared to 150mg balkan? How??

And for me being a new member, seriously I have no intention to make a brand look bad. I'm just posting my results. People has to make their own judgment and tests.
I surely is not posting fake results, I wouldn't gain anything? I honestly just want the best for the community. We all in the same UG boat. Sorry if it seems like I'm brining negative vibes. That's not what I'm about.
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Can anyone with the test e that's testing low post up the expiration or lot #?

I have some and will send it in for testing if it is same batch
I have seen the lab tests on most of their products, they test each batch before the sale, but the tests made by users like you or me are more and more reliable, than the tests made by the manufacturer.
Honest question: how can their tests have ANY reliability at all? Wouldn't it be super easy for them to send one "perfect batch" for testing, and then sell "other" batches? I really never understood how can sources' tests have any weight at all.

For this reason it is useful that the members of this forum perform anonymous lab tests (blind samples). [...] Knowing that all the products you are using are dosed perfect, is priceless.
Except it's not priceless, in fact it's quite expensive, which is why most people rely on bloodwork and feedback from others. As far as "sending it to Juno" goes, I'm not going to risk legal consequences for mailing AAS.

Because some retards prefer to judge by feelz
Bloodwork and "feelz" are not the same thing. You may have been talking just about the Connor guy, but it sounded like you are dismissing three other reports from three separate users (plus an alleged friend of one of the three) who are all having the same experience with the same compound. Why are you so eager to defend a source, when recent evidence should at least make you a bit suspicious?

no one producers do underdosed testosterone, [...] very improbable that hilma is underdosed, considering also dozens of positive bloodwork and lab test.

Futhermore you are a junior member, you credibility is very very low.
One junior member yes; three, again, not so much. Improbable doesn't mean impossible. And, as someone else said just below...

Maybe a bad batch?

Doesn't mean Hilma has selectively scammed us, doesn't mean their products are all shit. Could be a honest mistake, or not even a mistake on their part, just a bad precursor or whatever. A bad batch would explain why your experience was different than ours.

Batch: 048207
Exp date: 02/2022
Yup, same for me as well.
@Eoghan You were the other guy that had a rather low report on Test-E (52.01 nmol/L testesosterone at 500 mg). Can you tell us what your batch number was?
Honest question: how can their tests have ANY reliability at all? Wouldn't it be super easy for them to send one "perfect batch" for testing, and then sell "other" batches? I really never understood how can sources' tests have any weight at all.

Except it's not priceless, in fact it's quite expensive, which is why most people rely on bloodwork and feedback from others. As far as "sending it to Juno" goes, I'm not going to risk legal consequences for mailing AAS.

Bloodwork and "feelz" are not the same thing. You may have been talking just about the Connor guy, but it sounded like you are dismissing three other reports from three separate users (plus an alleged friend of one of the three) who are all having the same experience with the same compound. Why are you so eager to defend a source, when recent evidence should at least make you a bit suspicious?

One junior member yes; three, again, not so much. Improbable doesn't mean impossible. And, as someone else said just below...


Doesn't mean Hilma has selectively scammed us, doesn't mean their products are all shit. Could be a honest mistake, or not even a mistake on their part, just a bad precursor or whatever. A bad batch would explain why your experience was different than ours.

Yup, same for me as well.
@Eoghan You were the other guy that had a rather low report on Test-E (52.01 nmol/L testesosterone at 500 mg). Can you tell us what your batch number was?
I don't have the batch to hand. I stopped my cycle 4 weeks early due to the virus, the remaining bottle I have is currently in a locker I don't have access to. When all returns to normal I will update further on batch number.