Hi guys I am new here

I wanted to brew test cyp for the first time using sunflower oil 1%ba20%bb 250mg

Opinions?is it possible to use sunflower oil as a carrier ?
BA and BB can be ok?

Btw First time homebrewing
OMG! It's organic!

You probably shouldn't give advice if you are just going to parrot something you read online that you can't even remember.
The organic MCT oil is not suitable as a carrier oil because it is not USP quality?
Sorry for these questions, but since I don't know anything about these things, I prefer to ask.
No more will let it hold better but the idea is to not use more solvents that are really needed and definitely no super solvents like EO or guaiacol…2% Ba and 18%bb will hold most normal concentrations but you can do 20%bb if you don’t care or aren’t bothered…I have just done so many batches of test cyp and enth at different % and at 250-350mg…if you’re in really cold climate you can do 2/20
Yes, what I wanted to do, in fact, start with a concentration of 1/20, since I live in a cold country.
This is what I bought most recently that fits this... whatever thing.

maybe someone else can recall why you want a certain kind of MCT
Honestly I also use whatever "food grade" 100% coconut-based MCT is on Amazon, I just try to avoid MCT with C12 in it cause it gives me inflammation at the injection site. I've also had issues with palm-based MCT but I'm sure that's just me, some people react to stuff differently.

I've heard of dudes grabbing olive oil off the grocery shelf and using that. I'm not saying its advisable, and I wouldn't personally do that... I just look for whatever is 100% without added shit in it that is at least food grade.

Now that I think of it I should probably order some USP MCT and see if it improves the smoothness.
I think NOW brand is actually not the best MCT to use.

I forget why, something about what the actual ingredients or how it's made.

I've used it before no problem, a whole bottle in fact, I just forget why something about it wasn't the best...

This is what I bought most recently that fits this... whatever thing.

maybe someone else can recall why you want a certain kind of MCT

no, not a good mct to use
OMG! It's organic!

You probably shouldn't give advice if you are just going to parrot something you read online that you can't even remember.

It's a piece of information I don't care to remember because A, I use full EO nowadays, and B, I have a bottle of this 'correct' MCT sitting in my garage if I want to use it anyways.

I figured someone here would recall what the thing is.

I believe the issue is something how the NOW MCT is not actually 100% oil, but it is a blend with palm oil. A lot of MCTs sold are not truly 100% MCT coconut oil, but a blend of some cheap shit.

Like I said, I've shot up an entire bottle of NOW MCT, it's not really a big deal, and I use other oils instead.

If you want to use it, go ahead, but there are better choices.
have you already tried making some batches using that oil as a carrier?
enjoy this use the same recipe as test e

You will notice that it is incredible simple to produce steroids from your own home, guaranteeing dosage, guaranteeing quality. There are three simple ingredients each time; the Hormone (Raw) / Steroid Powder, Benzyl Benzoate and Benzyl Alcohol. But it is the ratio of these three products and chemicals that is most important.

What are*Benzyl-Alzohol & Benzyl Benzoate and what purpose do they serve?

Benzyl Benzoate is a solvent, what this means is that solutes such as Steroid and Hormone powders dissolve easily in it, and that is the main purpose of it's use in steroids, to dissolve and*keep the Raw Hormone Powder*suspended within the oil. If the correct amount of this solvent is not used the Hormone Powder will start to 'undissolve' from the solution causing the product to 'Crash' (Become Cloudy / Crystallised).

Some Hormone Powders dissolve more easily than others and therefore in such cases less Benyl Benzoate can be used. The fact that varying the amount of the solvent is required to ensure that Steroids are product correctly and won't crash out of suspension is why having this page as a handy resource is so important.

Benzyl Alcohol*is just at ype of alcohol. It is used in steroids to preserve the suspension for months, even years without and reducition in sterility. Alcohol is an anti-bacterial disinfectant *and is used as such in many industries. As previously mentioned Benzyl Aclhol ensures that the finished product maintains its sterility when used in the right concentration however, if too much of it is used the Steroid will be painful to inject and may cause Post injection soreness / pain (PIP).

Some of the recipes below are our own formulation or formulations from the Labs that we supply.

All recipes here are for making 10ml (the equivalent of 1 x 10ml Vial, so if you wish to make 40ml multiply the recipe by four or 100ml multiply it by 10, by giving you the recipe for 10ml we make it easy for you to calculate the recipe for any quantity.*The Oil we recommend is Grapeseed Oil. We will abbreviate Benzyl Alcohol to BA and Benzyl Benzoate to BB.

Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml - 10ml
6.44ml Oil
2.5g Testosterone Enanthate Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
1ml BB (10%)

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) 100mg/ml - 10ml
6.92ml Oil
1g Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
2ml BB (20%)

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) 200mg/ml - 10ml
6.03ml Oil
2g Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
2ml BB (20%)

Testosterone Propionate 100mg/ml - 10ml
6.89ml Oil
1g Testosterone Popionate Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
2ml BB (20%)

Trenbolone Acetate 100mg/ml - 10ml
6.95ml Oil
1g Trenbolone Acetate*Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
2ml BB (20%)

Masteron (Drostanolone Propionate) 100mg/ml - 10ml
6.95ml Oil
1g Drostanolone Propionate Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
2ml BB (20%)

Equipose (Boldenone Undecylenate) 250mg/ml - 10ml
5.88ml Oil
2.5g Boldenone Undecylenate Liquid
0.2ml BA (2%)
1.8ml BB (18%)

Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate) 100mg/ml - 10ml
6.95ml Oil
1g Methenolone Enanthate Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
2ml BB (20%)

Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) 250mg/ml - 10ml
7.24ml Oil
2.5g Nandrolone Decanoate*Powder
0.3ml BA (3%)
1.5ml BB (15%)

Sustanon (Four Ester Testosterone Blend) 250mg/ml - 10ml
7.125ml Oil
0.3g Testosterone Propionate Powder
0.6g Testosterone Phenylpropionate Powder
0.6g Testosterone Isocaproate Powder
10g Testosterone Decanoate Powder
0.25ml BA (2.5%)
0.75ml BB (7.5%)

Injectable Stanozolol (Winstrol) Suspension 100mg/ml*- 10ml (UNTESTED)
1g Stanozolol
0.3ml BA (3%)
2.4ml BB (24%)
0.3ml PS80 (Polysorbate 80) (3%)

Combine Stanozolol Powder, BA, BB, PS80 and heat until clear whils swirling or using a stir bar
Filter slowly with a Sterile 0.22um Filter/Syringe filter directly into a Sterile Vial/Media Bottle
Filter the Destilled water with a NEW (Different)*Sterile 0.22um Filter into the Vial - Keep swirling as you filter in the distilled water.
Shake the Winstrol in the Vial/Media Bottle vigorously for a few minutes.
BOOM! You now have 10ml of Stanozolol / Winstrol Suspension @ 100mg/ml
NOTE: Your final solution will look a little foamy or airty. After you have shaken it vigorously let it sit untouched for 3 days. You will see it settle and the water become seperate on top, this is usual. This will not ve very micronised and settling out will take days so do not be concerned.

This will produce the standard PIP of Winstrol found in all underground lab products. It is not totally Pain Free, but not extremely painful either.


Testosterone Enanthate 600mg/ml - 10ml (UNTESTED)
0.83ml GSO
6g Testosterone Enanthate
2.5ml EO (Ethyl Oleate)
0.3ml BA (3%)
1ml BB (10%

Trenbolone Enanthate 125mg/ml, Drostanolone (Masteron) Enanthate 125mg/ml, Testosterone Enanthate 125mg/ml (375mg/ml) - 10ml (UNTESTED)
3.6ml GSO
1.25g Trenbolone Enanthate
1.25g Drostanolone Enanthate
1.25g Testosterone Enanthate
0.3ml BA
3ml BB

Trenbolone Enanthate 250mg/ml, Drostanolone (Masteron) Enanthate 250mg/ml (UNTESTED)
1ml GSO
2.5g Trenbolone Enanthate
2.5g Drostanolone (Masteron) Enanthate
1.5ml EO
0.3ml BA
3ml BB
yes i have bro , i have also used grape seed oil ,peanut oil
Great Bro
enjoy this use the same recipe as test e

You will notice that it is incredible simple to produce steroids from your own home, guaranteeing dosage, guaranteeing quality. There are three simple ingredients each time; the Hormone (Raw) / Steroid Powder, Benzyl Benzoate and Benzyl Alcohol. But it is the ratio of these three products and chemicals that is most important.

What are*Benzyl-Alzohol & Benzyl Benzoate and what purpose do they serve?

Benzyl Benzoate is a solvent, what this means is that solutes such as Steroid and Hormone powders dissolve easily in it, and that is the main purpose of it's use in steroids, to dissolve and*keep the Raw Hormone Powder*suspended within the oil. If the correct amount of this solvent is not used the Hormone Powder will start to 'undissolve' from the solution causing the product to 'Crash' (Become Cloudy / Crystallised).

Some Hormone Powders dissolve more easily than others and therefore in such cases less Benyl Benzoate can be used. The fact that varying the amount of the solvent is required to ensure that Steroids are product correctly and won't crash out of suspension is why having this page as a handy resource is so important.

Benzyl Alcohol*is just at ype of alcohol. It is used in steroids to preserve the suspension for months, even years without and reducition in sterility. Alcohol is an anti-bacterial disinfectant *and is used as such in many industries. As previously mentioned Benzyl Aclhol ensures that the finished product maintains its sterility when used in the right concentration however, if too much of it is used the Steroid will be painful to inject and may cause Post injection soreness / pain (PIP).

Some of the recipes below are our own formulation or formulations from the Labs that we supply.

All recipes here are for making 10ml (the equivalent of 1 x 10ml Vial, so if you wish to make 40ml multiply the recipe by four or 100ml multiply it by 10, by giving you the recipe for 10ml we make it easy for you to calculate the recipe for any quantity.*The Oil we recommend is Grapeseed Oil. We will abbreviate Benzyl Alcohol to BA and Benzyl Benzoate to BB.

Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml - 10ml
6.44ml Oil
2.5g Testosterone Enanthate Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
1ml BB (10%)

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) 100mg/ml - 10ml
6.92ml Oil
1g Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
2ml BB (20%)

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) 200mg/ml - 10ml
6.03ml Oil
2g Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
2ml BB (20%)

Testosterone Propionate 100mg/ml - 10ml
6.89ml Oil
1g Testosterone Popionate Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
2ml BB (20%)

Trenbolone Acetate 100mg/ml - 10ml
6.95ml Oil
1g Trenbolone Acetate*Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
2ml BB (20%)

Masteron (Drostanolone Propionate) 100mg/ml - 10ml
6.95ml Oil
1g Drostanolone Propionate Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
2ml BB (20%)

Equipose (Boldenone Undecylenate) 250mg/ml - 10ml
5.88ml Oil
2.5g Boldenone Undecylenate Liquid
0.2ml BA (2%)
1.8ml BB (18%)

Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate) 100mg/ml - 10ml
6.95ml Oil
1g Methenolone Enanthate Powder
0.2ml BA (2%)
2ml BB (20%)

Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) 250mg/ml - 10ml
7.24ml Oil
2.5g Nandrolone Decanoate*Powder
0.3ml BA (3%)
1.5ml BB (15%)

Sustanon (Four Ester Testosterone Blend) 250mg/ml - 10ml
7.125ml Oil
0.3g Testosterone Propionate Powder
0.6g Testosterone Phenylpropionate Powder
0.6g Testosterone Isocaproate Powder
10g Testosterone Decanoate Powder
0.25ml BA (2.5%)
0.75ml BB (7.5%)

Injectable Stanozolol (Winstrol) Suspension 100mg/ml*- 10ml (UNTESTED)
1g Stanozolol
0.3ml BA (3%)
2.4ml BB (24%)
0.3ml PS80 (Polysorbate 80) (3%)

Combine Stanozolol Powder, BA, BB, PS80 and heat until clear whils swirling or using a stir bar
Filter slowly with a Sterile 0.22um Filter/Syringe filter directly into a Sterile Vial/Media Bottle
Filter the Destilled water with a NEW (Different)*Sterile 0.22um Filter into the Vial - Keep swirling as you filter in the distilled water.
Shake the Winstrol in the Vial/Media Bottle vigorously for a few minutes.
BOOM! You now have 10ml of Stanozolol / Winstrol Suspension @ 100mg/ml
NOTE: Your final solution will look a little foamy or airty. After you have shaken it vigorously let it sit untouched for 3 days. You will see it settle and the water become seperate on top, this is usual. This will not ve very micronised and settling out will take days so do not be concerned.

This will produce the standard PIP of Winstrol found in all underground lab products. It is not totally Pain Free, but not extremely painful either.


Testosterone Enanthate 600mg/ml - 10ml (UNTESTED)
0.83ml GSO
6g Testosterone Enanthate
2.5ml EO (Ethyl Oleate)
0.3ml BA (3%)
1ml BB (10%

Trenbolone Enanthate 125mg/ml, Drostanolone (Masteron) Enanthate 125mg/ml, Testosterone Enanthate 125mg/ml (375mg/ml) - 10ml (UNTESTED)
3.6ml GSO
1.25g Trenbolone Enanthate
1.25g Drostanolone Enanthate
1.25g Testosterone Enanthate
0.3ml BA
3ml BB

Trenbolone Enanthate 250mg/ml, Drostanolone (Masteron) Enanthate 250mg/ml (UNTESTED)
1ml GSO
2.5g Trenbolone Enanthate
2.5g Drostanolone (Masteron) Enanthate
1.5ml EO
0.3ml BA
3ml BB
If I were gay, I'd give you a kiss
Thanks, bro, I'll note down all the recipes
Guys, three days ago I homebrew for the first time test cyp at 250 mg with 2/20.
All stable without any issues. I used GSO as the carrier oil and also tried sunflower seed oil as an experiment, and it worked great, still at 2/20 lol