How bad are these bloods

Cholesterol was within range 3 weeks ago when I started this blast


HCG and HGH but otherwise not on much else

At least I got my iron and ferritin clocked in with some heavy iron supplementation after a blood donation. Not sure if platelet count, absolute monocytes, are an issue.

So. Keep sending or like am I gonna die, my dick not work. Is this why my cardio is crap right now

Cholesterol was within range 3 weeks ago when I started this blast


HCG and HGH but otherwise not on much else

At least I got my iron and ferritin clocked in with some heavy iron supplementation after a blood donation. Not sure if platelet count, absolute monocytes, are an issue.

So. Keep sending or like am I gonna die, my dick not work. Is this why my cardio is crap right now

View attachment 296878
Brother, on a scale of 1 to 10 your lipid panel is 0. Please consider not running these values for extended periods of time. Your trig/hdl-c ratio is really bad. Take care.

P.S. systemic inflammation (via elevated plasma viscosity) plus high Hct is recipe for elevated blood viscosity. More wear and tear on your ticker / endothelial lining. Would need baseline bloods to see any potential issue in context wrt platelets and monocytes.
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nice review:

Interaction of high lipids, inflammation, platelets, monocytes, etc.
Are you on any orals? Your ALT isn't great, and when I ran Anavar for extended periods of time, my lipids ended up in a similar fashion... but nowhere near as bad as yours, which frankly are just awful. With your ALT, it's almost like you're running Anadrol. But some of those injectable compounds I've not run so don't have their risks memorized. Only going based off my own experience.

Good call on the iron supplementation. You're just a touch out of range for binding capacity and Ferritin. However, your other blood markers are great and smack in the middle of the range, so it doesn't look like your iron/ferritin have been out of whack for a sustained period of time. When you see MCV, MCH, MCHC, and RDW start drifting towards their extremes, you need to start really worrying.

Your hematocrit is fine. The lab I use has a reference range that goes up to 55%. I think mine is around 56% right now. I need to get it re-checked. I used to donate blood far too often, paranoid about HCT, but I ended up anemic. That's a hole from which is very difficult to pull yourself out, especially since I do not seem to respond very well to any kind of iron supplementation (oral, anyway)... even heme iron. Donating blood hits your iron and ferritin stores pretty hard.
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My lipids profile never quite dipped into the territory you are currently in, but when I was cycling Tren-Hex most recently they did deteriorate to the point that I was growing increasingly concerned.

My mitigation strategy was to add in low dose Cardarine. This is not something I would have ever considered previously as I had always thought of Cardarine as an endurance enhancing compound. I got the idea from Trevor Kourtizan when he was a guest on power project and was discussing Tren. I decided to give it a shot and sure enough my metrics improved pretty dramatically. Not back to baseline, but back within the range of not being seriously concerning.
Donate blood.
For LDL take 4K-6K mg of Omega 3 every day or get Ezetimibe 10 mg every day or Atorvastatin 10 mg once a week.
For HDL, I have no idea. I've been trying to figure that out myself. However, mine is only 31 not 11.
Cholesterol was within range 3 weeks ago when I started this blast


HCG and HGH but otherwise not on much else

At least I got my iron and ferritin clocked in with some heavy iron supplementation after a blood donation. Not sure if platelet count, absolute monocytes, are an issue.

So. Keep sending or like am I gonna die, my dick not work. Is this why my cardio is crap right now

View attachment 296878
These bloods have nothing bad....
Just cholesterol, maybe start doing cardio...
I'm not sure donating blood again would help. RBC, H&H look decent, considering you're taking high iron supps. Plus, ferritin is low. Slightly elevated crit on that dosage is to be expected. I was taking way less and mine jumped to 60.7 with no tren. Lipid Panel looks concerning, as @readalot indicated.

You didn't mention your diet. Based on your triglycerides I'd say it's burgers, fries and chicken wings. That stuff can hit cholesterol too.

Slightly elevated ALT isn't too bad. Again, could be you're still digesting that diet.
No orals. I've noticed that my AST/ALT get slightly elevated on tren, so I do take TUDCA/NAC on cycle. I don't expect those values to get much worse if I were to continue this cycle, I'd just extend the supplementation.

Good call on the iron supplementation. You're just a touch out of range for binding capacity and Ferritin. However, your other blood markers are great and smack in the middle of the range, so it doesn't look like your iron/ferritin have been out of whack for a sustained period of time. When you see MCV, MCH, MCHC, and RDW start drifting towards their extremes, you need to start really worrying.

My iron and ferritin always seem a bit low so I did an aggressive 3x60mg a day supplementation this last week (after donating blood, which I know drops them too). My ferritin went up 1.

I haven't donated blood in over a year, as I noticed that yeah, it messes with your ferritin. But my last bloodwork 3 weeks ago on cruise had some high RBC count, hemoglobin, hemaocrit at 56.

Haven’t you had terrible blood work for quite a while now and multiple members have told you to get on TRT for a while and get healthy?

My last bloodwork was healthy.

For LDL take 4K-6K mg of Omega 3 every day or get Ezetimibe 10 mg every day or Atorvastatin 10 mg once a week.

I take uh, a lot of fish oil. Probably 6g. I take like 3 servings of psyllium husk a day too. So, I'm getting all that in there. Don't know ezetimibe or atorvastatin...

I'll get some cardarine.

You didn't mention your diet. Based on your triglycerides I'd say it's burgers, fries and chicken wings. That stuff can hit cholesterol too.

I don't eat fried food or junk like that, but I do drink over a gallon of milk a day, and there's some ice cream. I do a lot of cardio. Otherwise it's chicken breast, lots of veggies, fruit, with a bit of variety in there. Whole foods and whole milk
As you probably already know, whole milk (especially over a gallon a day) and ice cream (Is that over a gallon a day too? lol) has alot of saturated fat and cholesterol. All those hormones and saturated fats probably exacerbate your lipids. To get those numbers lower, maybe dump the dairy and look into adding good fats, like olive oil. Hopefully, you'll see those numbers improve over a few months with a natural nutritional change. It took about 9 months for my triglycerides to go from 260 to 73 adding olive oil to my chicken and eating clean. I take fish oils as well. You should see those numbers drop about 40 to 50 every 3 months.


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