How long did it take you to "feel" Test E for the first time?

Currently on 500mg Test E per week. The stuff is legit, bloodwork shows >1500ng/dl (E2 is 45 with 0.5mg Adex once per week).

I don‘t feel anything though other than water retention and slightly stronger at the gym. Libido is still shit
Currently on 500mg Test E per week. The stuff is legit, bloodwork shows >1500ng/dl (E2 is 45 with 0.5mg Adex once per week).

I don‘t feel anything though other than water retention and slightly stronger at the gym. Libido is still shit
You are ONLY at 1500 total t with 500mg or is the number maxed out?

I am at 2006 total t with 300mg/week and E2 at 74 with no AI.

Stop taking the AI unless you have estrogenic side effects and I started sleeping better within 2 weeks. Libido in 3 weeks. Muscle gain and fat loss while in caloric deficit in 8 weeks when i first started TRT at 160mg/week,
You are ONLY at 1500 total t with 500mg or is the number maxed out?

I am at 2006 total t with 300mg/week and E2 at 74 with no AI.

Stop taking the AI unless you have estrogenic side effects and I started sleeping better within 2 weeks. Libido in 3 weeks. Muscle gain and fat loss while in caloric deficit in 8 weeks when i first started TRT at 160mg/week,
My bloodwork maxes out at 1500 for testosterone. So maybe I don’t notice anything because my E2 is too low?
A 45 e2 isn't considered low, perhaps if you would take 2+ grams of test you maybe needed higher e2 but your number is more than low that could justify a not so increased libido. If i was you i would keep the exact AI protocol and add HCG..if you want a libido boost. Also i don't know why but there are many saying they have a better libido on trt or trt+ than blasting higher amounts. I am at 215 test per week and my libido improved a lot but errection quality went south..even with HCG and DHEA it's worse than before when i was natty, but then libido was kinda meh.

Also, how long you're in on your cycle?
A 45 e2 isn't considered low, perhaps if you would take 2+ grams of test you maybe needed higher e2 but your number is more than low that could justify a not so increased libido. If i was you i would keep the exact AI protocol and add HCG..if you want a libido boost. Also i don't know why but there are many saying they have a better libido on trt or trt+ than blasting higher amounts. I am at 215 test per week and my libido improved a lot but errection quality went south..even with HCG and DHEA it's worse than before when i was natty, but then libido was kinda meh.

Also, how long you're in on your cycle?
I‘m on cycle for 5 weeks. HCG is interesting but I will wait for the next few weeks to see if anything improves before using it
The more you expect to feel testosterone, the less you actually gonna. It is natural hormone after all.

Actually I felt T more when I got used to it, after many times using it I now can tell the difference between 100-1000mg in terms of feels. You gotta learn yourself how you respond and it takes some time.
Let your e2 run high on your first cycle man, it's anabolic as fuck and you feel much much better on higher estrogen. My libido was amazing until i started doing aromasin into the cycle (i did it because i was having itchy nipples).

I'd suggest only starting dosing your arimadex if you experience symptoms of high e2. Also when its time, i would recommend to split up your AI dosing instead of once a week, do twice a week because half life of arimadex is so short, it's 30-60 hours. You will feel better this way, less ups and downs.

Also, start using hcg, it helps BIG TIME with libido. By week 6 you should be experiencing amazing libido and strength gains for your first cycle.
I don't really feel it "happen". It's not like a thing that just happens one day. It's a slow and gradual ramp of having better workouts, better pumps, looking full, being horny. So you'll know that you're on, but it just sneaks up on you. Make sense?