How much protein do you guys eat?

Is it different on TRT compared to a bulking or cutting cycle?

How much protein contains 100gr of chicken breast? = 20gr
How much protein contains 1kg of chicken breast? = 200gr

So wáter, glucógen, and fat, yes fat you dont see, cos each cell Walls are made of fat, is what makes 1kg of meat.

How much protein you need to build 1kg of lean muscle mass= 200gr

How long Will you take to build 1kg of muscle? Lets say 1 year (365 days)

How much protein Will you take on top of the supposedly "recomended daily allowance" to help build that kg of muscle.

200gr divided by 365days= 0'55gr a day.

You need carbs to build muscle. And too little protein.

Low logic= Low CI
High Logic = High CI

You wellcome

How much protein contains 100gr of chicken breast? = 20gr
How much protein contains 1kg of chicken breast? = 200gr

So wáter, glucógen, and fat, yes fat you dont see, cos each cell Walls are made of fat, is what makes 1kg of meat.

How much protein you need to build 1kg of lean muscle mass= 200gr

How long Will you take to build 1kg of muscle? Lets say 1 year (365 days)

How much protein Will you take on top of the supposedly "recomended daily allowance" to help build that kg of muscle.

200gr divided by 365days= 0'55gr a day.

You need carbs to build muscle. And too little protein.

Low logic= Low CI
High Logic = High CI

You wellcome

Justin harris fan I see
How much protein contains 100gr of chicken breast? = 20gr
How much protein contains 1kg of chicken breast? = 200gr

So wáter, glucógen, and fat, yes fat you dont see, cos each cell Walls are made of fat, is what makes 1kg of meat.

How much protein you need to build 1kg of lean muscle mass= 200gr

How long Will you take to build 1kg of muscle? Lets say 1 year (365 days)

How much protein Will you take on top of the supposedly "recomended daily allowance" to help build that kg of muscle.

200gr divided by 365days= 0'55gr a day.

You need carbs to build muscle. And too little protein.

Low logic= Low CI
High Logic = High CI

You wellcome

I don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don't think he knows either.
Not in the post you were replying to where you needed to share to a bunch of strangers how cool you used to be.

It is not a subject of debate. Protein is vastly more important in this space (strength and physique sports and hypertrophy focused goals) than any professional sport. This is largely a bodybuilding/lifting forum, with a subject largely relevant to that area, so discussion is implied that context.

Being a professional "athlete" does not have anywhere near the nutritional demands that this subject matter does, and as such is irrelevant.

You bring up some claim about yourself, that you certainly wouldn't be willing to validate, to give credibility to your stance has the same energy as a middle school boy on the playground bragging how tough his dad is.

It's pathetic.
you Nancie’s are so sensitive. But, getting big and bad at least for the mirror will help.
Stop lying. You didn't play a professional sport for over 20 years.
Not lying. Still get paid via my sport though I’ve been retired since 2018. No complaints except several major surgeries and a silver medal at the Olympics. Now I think about it, if I’d of consumed 100’s of extra grams of protein per day I’d never of needed those surgeries and would possess a gold medal. You guys were right. Apologies
No different on cycle vs cruise. 270g from meat on medium days equaling 300 from all sources 250g on low days equaling around 280 from all sources
Would you mind a sample menu every daily diet? 150 g. Couple boiled eggs, protein shake, high protein lunch, and a high protein yogurt and I'm stuffed. That doesn't include dinner. I only getting 160 to 170.
Would you mind a sample menu every daily diet? 150 g. Couple boiled eggs, protein shake, high protein lunch, and a high protein yogurt and I'm stuffed. That doesn't include dinner. I only getting 160 to 170.
Not who you asked but here's an example for my diet. I'm 5'11 235ish lbs. Stage weight for last show was 207. Current cycle is 750 test 600 primo 10 ius hgh. I train 5 days a week. No cardio. Usually 90 mins - 2 hrs training, it's probably too much but I enjoy high volume. Rest days food is about the same but I remove the shake and Gatorade/rice krispie's and will have another beef and rice meal.

Protein is: 320g. Didn't count the protein from the rice/bean, although I could because combined they make a complete protein. I could easily eat less protein and have more carbs but I find that the more protein I eat the less likely I am to get fat, and I'm still hungry after all this food every day anyway, and usually wake up starving.

Meal 1:
10 oz beef(93/7) 60g Protien
205g White rice
200 Calorie Organic beans

Meal 2 (pre-workout)
Kirkland dark chocolate nut bar 10g Protein
2 Oikos Greek yogurt 30g Protein
0-5 Rice Krispie's depending on body part being trained.

Intra Shake:
200 cals Gatorade

Meal 3(Post workout)
60Grams(2 servings) ISO 100 Whey Isolate 50g protein
5 rice Krispie's

Meal 4
10 oz beef(93/7) 60g Protein
205g White rice
200 Calorie Organic beans

Meal 5
10 oz NY steak 70g Protein?
300g-400g Raw white potatoes

Or meal 5 will be same as meal 4 with potatoes instead of beans

Meal 6:
Kirkland dark chocolate nut bar 10g Protein
2 Oikos Greek yogurt 30g Protein
Not lying. Still get paid via my sport though I’ve been retired since 2018. No complaints except several major surgeries and a silver medal at the Olympics. Now I think about it, if I’d of consumed 100’s of extra grams of protein per day I’d never of needed those surgeries and would possess a gold medal. You guys were right. Apologies
"Trust me bro"
Just to be clear my point of mentioning the fact I’ve been a REAL pro athlete in a real sport for decades was meant to infer that I’ve been around the best athletes, trained at the best facilities in the world, best nutritionists, doctors, trainers, coaches, therapists, etc etc and still do since I was 8 yrs old so almost 40 yrs. Even when trying to gain muscle/strength in the offseason and training for 10 hours a day I’ve never heard any of these people mention needing more than slightly above a maintenance amount of protein. Which isn’t that much. I’ve had opportunities to represent sports supplements over the years and always turned them down due to never using protein shakes or bars etc
I really couldn’t care less if anyone believes me or not. I just don’t see the point in consuming processed to the tits substances when most if not all of you are getting plenty through real food.
Ie: the guy above doesn’t need that 50grams of iso pure
Good day.
the guy above doesn’t need that 50grams of iso pure
Good day.
prove it!.....

you don't get it ... when u are bodybuilding the body is under allot of pressure to grow ... all the food , gear ,training etc all force it to do so ...its not only the muscles that need extra protein also the digestive system requires allot of protein especially when you are forcing food, and so do all the other organs ....

let me put it this way if normal life has the body at level 5 bodybuilding has it at atleast 10 ..hence the accelerated ageing etc
no one knows how much protein a 300lbs bodybuilder at 8% requires ,no study on this but anecdotally guys ussually get over 300g most in the 400-500 range

running around a field chasing a round thing is not going to require that much protein...carbs yeah...
Just to be clear my point of mentioning the fact I’ve been a REAL pro athlete in a real sport for decades was meant to infer that I’ve been around the best athletes, trained at the best facilities in the world, best nutritionists, doctors, trainers, coaches, therapists, etc etc and still do since I was 8 yrs old so almost 40 yrs.
im sure you were.

Even when trying to gain muscle/strength in the offseason and training for 10 hours a day I’ve never heard any of these people mention needing more than slightly above a maintenance amount of protein.
congratulations, you dont understand training OR nutrition.

Which isn’t that much. I’ve had opportunities to represent sports supplements over the years and always turned them down due to never using protein shakes or bars etc
im sure you did

I really couldn’t care less if anyone believes me or not. I just don’t see the point in consuming processed to the tits substances when most if not all of you are getting plenty through real food.
Ie: the guy above doesn’t need that 50grams of iso pure
Good day.
oooh the good old "processed = poison"
the discussion wasnt supplementation vs real food. it was how much is needed/beneficial. everyone can very clearly get all that they would need from whole food sources. but that was never the subject of discussion. \

The bottom line is if you think that a bodybuilder, using AAS, training at a higher intensity than any athlete in any other sport, needs the same protein per day as the average untrained nobodies that were the subjects in the various studies, youre a fool.
you are uninformed on the subject matter, when there is a thread asking for a curling champion's input, ill be sure to tag you
Would you mind a sample menu every daily diet? 150 g. Couple boiled eggs, protein shake, high protein lunch, and a high protein yogurt and I'm stuffed. That doesn't include dinner. I only getting 160 to 170.
This is my current medium day diet, You could try copying the proteins but adjust the carbs and fats to where your current calories are at

M1: 150g chicken breast, 45g cream of rice, 15g peanut butter, 100g blueberry, 20g granola

M2: 150g Ground beef, 110g red potato, 125g jasmine rice, 4g olive oil, 75g veggie

M3 (pre workout): 130g chicken, 200g jasmine rice, 35g dates, 1 corn tortilla

M4 (post workout): 6.5oz cod, 2 lundberg rice cakes, 50g banana, 55g puffed rice cereal

M5: 150 Chicken, 180 Jasmine rice, 7 Olive oil, 75 veggies

M6: 220 Salmon (weight raw), 180 jasmine rice, 75 veggie

Intra workout shake with 25g carbs, night time shake with 20g fiberlyze

3860 Cal, 302 Protein, 415 Carb, 87 Fat
This is my current medium day diet, You could try copying the proteins but adjust the carbs and fats to where your current calories are at

M1: 150g chicken breast, 45g cream of rice, 15g peanut butter, 100g blueberry, 20g granola

M2: 150g Ground beef, 110g red potato, 125g jasmine rice, 4g olive oil, 75g veggie

M3 (pre workout): 130g chicken, 200g jasmine rice, 35g dates, 1 corn tortilla

M4 (post workout): 6.5oz cod, 2 lundberg rice cakes, 50g banana, 55g puffed rice cereal

M5: 150 Chicken, 180 Jasmine rice, 7 Olive oil, 75 veggies

M6: 220 Salmon (weight raw), 180 jasmine rice, 75 veggie

Intra workout shake with 25g carbs, night time shake with 20g fiberlyze

3860 Cal, 302 Protein, 415 Carb, 87 Fat
man youre a better man than me with the cod post workout meal.
do you actually enjoy having the white fish in there?
man youre a better man than me with the cod post workout meal.
do you actually enjoy having the white fish in there?
I actually do (for now) lol I really loved it while dieting and haven’t gotten sick of it yet, I throw it in the air fryer with some lemon juice, salt, and pepper and just love how easily it digests. I’m sure I’ll get sick of it soon though lol
I actually do (for now) lol I really loved it while dieting and haven’t gotten sick of it yet, I throw it in the air fryer with some lemon juice, salt, and pepper and just love how easily it digests. I’m sure I’ll get sick of it soon though lol
yeah for sure on the digestion, but i get so sick of white fish so fast.
lucky for you that you dont mind it.
im sure you were.

congratulations, you dont understand training OR nutrition.

im sure you did

oooh the good old "processed = poison"
the discussion wasnt supplementation vs real food. it was how much is needed/beneficial. everyone can very clearly get all that they would need from whole food sources. but that was never the subject of discussion. \

The bottom line is if you think that a bodybuilder, using AAS, training at a higher intensity than any athlete in any other sport, needs the same protein per day as the average untrained nobodies that were the subjects in the various studies, youre a fool.
you are uninformed on the subject matter, when there is a thread asking for a curling champion's input, ill be sure to tag you
You’re really small. See when you play a real sport you spend an unreal amount of time ….practicing because it’s an actual sport that requires an actual skill set and where the winner is not decided by judges and bikinis aren’t involved.
During a typical training block
1 hour warmup
2-3hours practice
1-2 hours drills speed etc
2-3 hours practice
1-2 -strength
1-2 treatment
You have no idea what a real athlete does.
carry on tinytom.
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