How much to inject at the start?


New Member
How much hgh should I inject at the start if my goal is 5-7iu?

Also does someone have good sources for hgh that deliver to Europe? Qsc says theyre out of stock right now. Is Darkbodybuilding‘s Akralabs ok?
I have started with the KEIFEI pens, kind of expensive i payed 80usd for 36IU pen...

Started with around 2 IU before sleep ED... then moved to 5off 2 on cause have read it helps with the receptors.

Now moving to 2 IU in the morning and 2IU in evening EOD.
As there was a study that a higher daily dose is better for the receptors then ED.

I am in week 7 or 8 feeling great, i am also on light TRT 120mg to 150mg per week split on 3 pins M W F.

Adding some peptides:
CJC-1295 without DAC 5mg + IPA 5mg
GHK-CU + TB500
Ordered from Sigma Audley ( not yet arrived)

Ordered HGH testing from (not yet arrived):

Iron Lion
and from Lobster

So far all vendors are super easy for communication.

Testo E i buy from pharma.
Should also take into account if it’s overdosed.
Qsc 10iu for example is roughly 20% overdosed
Its quite significant
So theres 12 iu instead of 10?

Is the qsc international warehouse hgh the same as the european warehouse hgh, the international one is much cheaper? Also are the 36, 24, 10iu vials all the same hgh? The price difference between them is quiet big.

I don’t know where to order right now, I live in Germany and qsc‘s european warehouse doesn’t operate right now. I can either order from their international warehouse or from darkbodybuildings akralabs hgh.
Correct. It’s all the same. Just order international. 3/4 weeks delivery time, normally.
Why is there such a high price difference between europe and international warehouse then? Also I guess buying a 36iu vial hgh would be better instead of a 10iu vial because of the price difference? Or should I still buy 10iu vials because of expiry, I plan to use 5iu daily but will first start with 2iu. My bac water is in ampules 10x1ml. I will order bac water in a bottle if I find a source which delivers to europe.
I don’t think Qsc has a warehouse in Europe anymore. If they do the price is higher due to various extra expenses as opposed to international that doesn’t have those extra expenses.
1 kit of 36iu would give you an 80 day supply using up to 5ius daily
1 kit of 10ius is only a 24 day supply.
I don’t think Qsc has a warehouse in Europe anymore. If they do the price is higher due to various extra expenses as opposed to international that doesn’t have those extra expenses.
1 kit of 36iu would give you an 80 day supply using up to 5ius daily
1 kit of 10ius is only a 24 day supply.
But wont reconstituted hgh expire? 36iu is a lot, I dont know if I can let it stay 1-2 weeks in a reconstituted form.

They told me its gonna take at least 3 weeks to reopen again. Do you think the european warehouse won’t come back at all?
But wont reconstituted hgh expire? 36iu is a lot, I dont know if I can let it stay 1-2 weeks in a reconstituted form.

They told me its gonna take at least 3 weeks to reopen again. Do you think the european warehouse won’t come back at all?
36iu is only 8 days worth at 5ius and 20 days at 2ius. It’ll be fine reconstituted for that long.
Yes you can order internationally for EU
I have no idea about eu warehouse coming back.
But wont reconstituted hgh expire? 36iu is a lot, I dont know if I can let it stay 1-2 weeks in a reconstituted form.

8 days is fine, but if you want to minimize degradation, following any of the general peptide preservation steps in this post will help:

Started with around 2 IU before sleep ED... then moved to 5off 2 on cause have read it helps with the receptors.
"helps with the receptors"?

afaik, the only reason people do the 5/2 method is because its cheaper, it lets you drop the sides like water retension/bloat and CTS subside and its convenient if you have a normal life with days off on the weekend.

in terms of seeing effects from gh, the more constant the use, the better.
8 days is fine, but if you want to minimize degradation, following any of the general peptide preservation steps in this post will help:

I guess 15 or 24 iu would suit me better in my case right? Or maybe even 10iu because my bac water from deus is in ampules 1ml each instead in a bottle, so I guess my only option is an 10iu vial. Or I could buy a new bac water in a bottle, but then my current bac water would be waste.

Do you think QSC‘s hgh is good? I am in Europe and I would pay up to 2€ per iu for hgh. Is there a better one then qsc‘s?

I heard mixed thoughts about dbb‘s hgh, and I don’t know who else sells hgh in europe.
I guess 15 or 24 iu would suit me better in my case right? Or maybe even 10iu because my bac water from deus is in ampules 1ml each instead in a bottle, so I guess my only option is an 10iu vial. Or I could buy a new bac water in a bottle, but then my current bac water would be waste.

Do you think QSC‘s hgh is good? I am in Europe and I would pay up to 2€ per iu for hgh. Is there a better one then qsc‘s?

I heard mixed thoughts about dbb‘s hgh, and I don’t know who else sells hgh in europe.

I'm not a shill for QSC in any way. However, I think they're closer to the peptide/protein therapeutic producing labs in China where all this stuff comes from, and because of the very large volume they buy, and extensive testing, are best positioned to demand better quality than others. The high turnover means fresh stock, and their prices are nearly unbeatable every time.

Personally I'd only use Hospira (Pfizer) BAC because I have my doubts others are using pyrogen free water, which is extremely difficult to produce, and not merely sterile, or worse distilled water. While some would argue over the significance of effects on health by routinely injecting these contaminants, it's unquestionable they contribute to protein degradation by acting as a "nucleus" around which proteins can form into globs that are at best ineffective, and at worst, trigger immune responses that can neutralize the drug making it less effective.

Since these "globs" ('aggregates' is the technical term) take time to form after reconstitution(referred to as 'incubation' by scientists that study these), days at least for the largest, most harmful types, lower dose vials that can be used more quickly is a good idea imo.
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I'm not a shill for QSC in any way. However, I think they're closer to the peptide/protein therapeutic producing labs in China where all this stuff comes from, and because of the very large volume they buy, and extensive testing, are best positioned to demand better quality than others. The high turnover means fresh stock, and their prices are nearly unbeatable every time.

Personally I'd only use Hospira (Pfizer) BAC because I have my doubts others are using pyrogen free water, which is extremely difficult to produce, and not merely sterile, or worse distilled water. While some would argue over the significance of effects on health by routinely injecting these contaminants, it's unquestionable they contribute to protein degradation by acting as a "nucleus" around which proteins can form into globs that are at best ineffective, and at worst, trigger immune responses that can neutralize the drug making it less effective.

Since these "globs" ('aggregates' is the technical term) take time to form after reconstitution(referred to as 'incubation' by scientists that study these), days at least for the largest, most harmful types, lower dose vials that can be used more quickly is a good idea imo.
Medexsupply has it but shipping to europe would be like 250€, still cheaper than any other source I found in europe. Do you think it’s worth paying like 250-350€ for 25x30ml Hospira bac water?

Also do you mean using non pharma bac water could make immune responses like building antibodies against it? Meaning the hgh you inject less or ineffective? Would this be permanent? If yes I better not inject with the bac water I bought from Deusmedical. But then again I guess its probably safe because almost everyone uses non pharma bac water right?
Medexsupply has it but shipping to europe would be like 250€, still cheaper than any other source I found in europe. Do you think it’s worth paying like 250-350€ for 25x30ml Hospira bac water?

Also do you mean using non pharma bac water could make immune responses like building antibodies against it? Meaning the hgh you inject less or ineffective? Would this be permanent? If yes I better not inject with the bac water I bought from Deusmedical. But then again I guess its probably safe because almost everyone uses non pharma bac water right?

I need to make something crystal clear. Even the FDA and the ultimate pharmaceutical standard setting body, USP have a very difficult time quantifying the risk of immunogenicity. But they take it very seriously. There have been a couple of disasters with protein based drugs, and lower level problems (still serious) have cropped up killing some potential new drug approvals. The risk being immunity to the drug, for some indeterminate amount of time, potentially permanent (think "vaccine"), or maybe short term. The other risk is cross immunity to the natural hormone being mimicked, which has potentially dire consequences.

But the risk is certainly there, and standards are in place for pharma companies to minimize all sources of it (like contaminants and aggregate formation), then measure how immunogenic it is in patients using the precise formulation, including dosing and final drug container that patients will use(since that could be a source of contamination).

If they detect XX amount of anti-drug antibodies in the test subjects, and they're not picking up any other problems, and the anti-drug antibodies aren't increasing with every dose, it's considered acceptable.

If they change anything at all this test must be done again. Because you don't want a situation where every injection is causing an increase in total antibodies that could end up being too much, and for instance, causing the drug to no longer work.

This is why dosing frequency isn't to be taken lightly. A peptide that's ok at once a week, because the antibodies that are created are cleared out before the next dose, may not be safe at 3x a week,

So with those of us using UGL, we have a lot of unknowns we're being exposed to, and short of getting antibody tests on a regular basis, have no way to know what's going on with our "formulation" of a random batch, from a random lab, reconstituted with random BAC whose ingredients we can't really be certain of.

The most we can do is limit the potential risks by carefully choosing what's in our control. BAC is in our control, low effort high reward in terms of reducing risk, because it comprises a large proportion of what makes up the drug we inject.

Everyone goes on about "pharma HGH" being desirable. Pharma BAC brings you much closer to that level of product.