HUMAN-LABS [EU / International]

Unfortunately I have no batch information anymore because I throw the paper boxes away, used the gear a couple of shots then my inner monk said... Send in some samples something could be wrong... It's just me.. not finger pointing to the lab.
Oh, what a pity. But since it is just printed on the boxes, it has no value about knowing which batch it is genuinely. They can print whatever they want in their boxes, not even the labels on the vials include the batch, so they could just use the batch number of their tested stuff and print it even if it is another different batch.
I bet money on filtration cross contamination.
That is what it seems, firstly it was just the Tren E(with Tren A), now Tren A with bolde, and Masteron with Test P.

If they do not even pay attention to those details of filtering, we have no idea about sterizilation and some other healthiness measures that I prefer not think about. But taken a look about contamination on every compound, you can imagine about the rest...
That is what it seems, firstly it was just the Tren E(with Tren A), now Tren A with bolde, and Masteron with Test P.

If they do not even pay attention to those details of filtering, we have no idea about sterizilation and some other healthiness measures that I prefer not think about. But taken a look about contamination on every compound, you can imagine about the rest...
I can say more but instead, I will say only one thing.

I want to see how they handle the situation.

I want to see balls.

That's all from me.

For now.
To make some points clear.
I have no interest to blame @hleur.
I tested their drostanolon few weeks ago and it was g2g:
I send a blind sample of masteron propionat to @janoshik and this guy did an unbelievable quick job.
I also paid to check if there are some other contaminations in it.
I did a video extracting the gear out of the vial to create s blind sample.
Seems @hleur and their manufacturer did a great job.

@hleur you would like to support me to refund my lab expanses? Just joking... But I would say no :)

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Then I had a discussion about ugl in europe with my polish friend who confirmed good test results on their test, mast and tren a. I just posted this positive experience from my friend from poland.
Afterwards I sent test, mast and tren to @janoshik with the results I've posted here a couple of hours. The result especially from my first mast sample and this one was surprising.
Anyway. Paid 240 euro for this analysis. I have absolutely nothing from talking shit about a ugl. Hope these guys can fix their quality issues because I would like to order again... And test again... For the community.

Again the video of the sample extraction:

Just increase the dosage so they don't get underdosed , and we get the other extra compound for free , problem solved
Just increase the dosage so they don't get underdosed , and we get the other extra compound for free , problem solved
To be perfectly honest... This contamination with other agents are not that bad from performance point of view. I will for sure use the gear.
But if you write something on the lable the customer should be sure that just this component is in
Don't forget though often times raw materials used to make finished products are impure - 80, 90, 95. So you get 1-20% of "something" not picked up by hplc (degraded, broken down, incomplete hormones etc..). Even though genuine lab accounts for impurity by increasing amount of the raw to achieve desired concentration if primary hormone, you always get something else on top of it.

Thanks again @Klimmzugernie for the tests you haven't even used all the store credit.

We checked with other labs and they confirm the explanation offered by HL is most likely the root cause - contamination is the most likely result of reusing filter which they acknowledged and promised to fix.
Don't forget though often times raw materials used to make finished products are impure - 80, 90, 95. So you get 1-20% of "something" not picked up by hplc (degraded, broken down, incomplete hormones etc..). Even though genuine lab accounts for impurity by increasing amount of the raw to achieve desired concentration if primary hormone, you always get something else on top of it.

Thanks again @Klimmzugernie for the tests you haven't even used all the store credit.

We checked with other labs and they confirm the explanation offered by HL is most likely the root cause - contamination is the most likely result of reusing filter which they acknowledged and promised to fix.
Did i understand correctly from this thread that you don't have batch numbers on your products? So how do you know how much of your stock has been contaminated with other steroids?
Those results are just horrible in my opinion. I wonder what else they have screwed up. I have few of their Test Cypionate. Will put them on hold for now. Source should compensate you for the tests and the gear.
To be perfectly honest I am absolutely sure @hleur and I will find a satisfying solution. They are always be gentle and I like their way to communicate. So don't worry.
But on the other hand I also understand that a dealer cannot always provide a store credit for unasked lab expanses.
I mean we all know what we are doing.. buying illegal PEDs from criminal organisations and wondering why the terms and conditions are not like amazon :)

In the end I would appreciate if they agree on additional store credit but I am also aware that I cannot insist on that. So we will see. @hleur has some homework now if they are still interested to be a ugl with good reputation. Guess the amount of chances are limited but it is still not to late
It's not easy to come out perfect if one doesn't represent Pfizer :).

It's been told we offer store credit for testing shared with the board. You shared test results with the board you get the credit. Simple.

Or am I missing something @Klimmzugernie ?
Don't forget though often times raw materials used to make finished products are impure - 80, 90, 95. So you get 1-20% of "something" not picked up by hplc (degraded, broken down, incomplete hormones etc..). Even though genuine lab accounts for impurity by increasing amount of the raw to achieve desired concentration if primary hormone, you always get something else on top of it.

Thanks again @Klimmzugernie for the tests you haven't even used all the store credit.

We checked with other labs and they confirm the explanation offered by HL is most likely the root cause - contamination is the most likely result of reusing filter which they acknowledged and promised to fix.
That's not really an acceptable excuse. If the raws were tested there'd be no reason to guess.