HUMAN-LABS [EU / International]

Decidimos dejar de lado el stock actual de TREN A, TREN E, MAST P y ya le pedimos al fabricante que reabasteciese con nuevos lotes.

Inmediatamente después de recibir el reabastecimiento, se envían muestras para realizar pruebas para verificar que se realizó la corrección.

Una vez más disculpa las molestias. Aún nos gustaría pedirles a los clientes que compraron esos productos, que los envíen para pruebas ciegas para confirmar el problema, guarden crédito para todos los que lo hagan.
Entonces, ¿se suspende temporalmente la distribucion
nueva previsión de stock?
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will you send stuff for testing?
else i am thinking about sending my test p in..
I have done some talks but as I said earlier I have no abundance of time these days. Same reason I am not active these days.
I will know by Wednesday max.
If I don't write that I sent stuff in for testing by Wednesday,that means that I didn't. In this thread that will be,ofcourse.
Ordered some tren ace last weekend does that mean you wont be sending it out?
If you are referring to me, yes I did. Last week or the one before it.
As I said in my review I wouldn't send it for testing. But taking into consideration the new findings,I may send it as well.
My life is very unstable these days. This month in particular. It is ridiculous. That's my only issue,otherwise I would have sent already.

I need some time,as I said. I will know by Wednesday if I can do it or not.
If you are referring to me, yes I did. Last week or the one before it.
As I said in my review I wouldn't send it for testing. But taking into consideration the new findings,I may send it as well.
My life is very unstable these days. This month in particular. It is ridiculous. That's my only issue,otherwise I would have sent already.

I need some time,as I said. I will know by Wednesday if I can do it or not.
sorry meant whether HL will send out my gear to me
If you could please contact us directly so we know which order you're referring to. But every order accepted and paid for is packed and sent of course.

We're just not taking any more orders for trenbolones and mast P until we are restocked with new batch produced after the filtration fix AND until we confirm ourselves with lab tests
If you could please contact us directly so we know which order you're referring to. But every order accepted and paid for is packed and sent of course.

We're just not taking any more orders for trenbolones and mast P until we are restocked with new batch produced after the filtration fix AND until we confirm ourselves with lab tests
Instead of not selling them till a new fixed batch , you could sell that batch cheaper , I know some people would buy it , I would buy it depending on the price , and you still regain some money wasted on that masteron and tren

There was an extensive discussion between us and manufacturer where we tried to come up with the most appropriate solution to address the issue.

Due to the manufacturer's restraint stemming from security concerns, we had to exclude further introduction of them we had planned for the initial post.

However, recent events have helped us to convince manufacturer it's in the best interest of each party to share at least such facts and evidence with customers, that won't hurt operation security and support trust in manufacturer and prove his operation has solid professional background.

At this moment, HL is compiling materials we'd like to share with you. Stay tuned.

There was an extensive discussion between us and manufacturer where we tried to come up with the most appropriate solution to address the issue.

Due to the manufacturer's restraint stemming from security concerns, we had to exclude further introduction of them we had planned for the initial post.

However, recent events have helped us to convince manufacturer it's in the best interest of each party to share at least such facts and evidence with customers, that won't hurt operation security and support trust in manufacturer and prove his operation has solid professional background.

At this moment, HL is compiling materials we'd like to share with you. Stay tuned.
I like this
We'd like to thank manufacturer for their willingness to share some facts with us. Please find below translated message from manufacturer's officials.

Each piece equipment involved in brewing process undergoes sterilization process first. Vials and other glass is sterilized using dry heat. Silicone, stoppers, and other heat susceptible materials are sterilized in autoclave chamber using hot steam under high pressure.

Using steam under pressure is one of the few methods to sterilize heat susceptible materials thoroughly. Chemical sterilization utilizing bleach etc. which is common practice for a lot of other manufacturers is simply NOT enough to achieve sterility - spores species exist that are resistant to aggressive chemicals too.

Raw materials with solvents and carrier oil is processed into semi-finished solution, transferred into containers and ready for the next step of filtration.
Semi-finished solution is pre-filtered first, then filtered through 0.22um PTFE capsule directly into sterile flasks.
(hydrophobic PTFE capsule filter of 10-20 and 30-50 liters throughput)

Flasks with filtrate are attached with double nozzle caps - input nozzle is attached with inlet of filtered air, output nozzle is connected with hosing to filling line.
We believe the information and materials manufacturer has shared with us is supporting our claims strongly enough.

After this, there should be left very little doubt about manufacturer's emphasis on strict quality of the processes.

The mere fact that manufacturer has invested into sterilization equipment more resources than regular UGL does into it's whole operation speaks for itself. They're certainly taking serious precautions and steps in order to eliminate further issues.

We have chosen to work with them simply because we believe in quality they're certainly capable to deliver.
Oh just to be clear HL is not a garage UGL making batch of 100s. They have taken actions but batches are few more zeroes in size each compound.
your own manufacturer stating on their website that they are a “bio pharmaceutical company”, also taking a look at their “lab pics” in their official website VS this ones...
Let’s be honest you guys are an UGL, probably you have money to do it inside a shed or a barn, but that’s it.
I don’t know why people gave you a pass after all the cross contamination, that’s exactly the opposite from what i was expecting, and the opposite from harm reduction and im still waiting for @TrennedOutLunatic to feed on you.
Probably you guys got a pass because you are good reps, but that’s it.
@JohnDoeDoDoe not exactly sure what kind of "pass" you're talking about, but maybe discovering the issue ourselves, sharing with people, acknowledging, a promise of manufacturer to fix, not hiding stuff, playing fair and being honest might be few things that bought us some points.

So maybe this paired with the fact that reasonable people understand there is no such thing as consistent perfection is the reason.

There will always be people with different opinion and that's good. Our PR strategy certainly isn't arguing with customers and always trying have our way.

But know this - should we wanted do things half-ass, there are certainly paths of lesser resistance than Meso we would opt for.
We'd like to thank manufacturer for their willingness to share some facts with us. Please find below translated message from manufacturer's officials.

View attachment 144174View attachment 144175
We believe the information and materials manufacturer has shared with us is supporting our claims strongly enough.

After this, there should be left very little doubt about manufacturer's emphasis on strict quality of the processes.

The mere fact that manufacturer has invested into sterilization equipment more resources than regular UGL does into it's whole operation speaks for itself. They're certainly taking serious precautions and steps in order to eliminate further issues.

We have chosen to work with them simply because we believe in quality they're certainly capable to deliver.

This could be pics from a normal kitchen , with some pieces of brewing equipment.
Nonetheless even this kind of transparency is appreciated and welcomed!

also taking a look at their “lab pics” in their official website VS this ones...

They using stock photos and they exaggerating in their texts on their website. But haven't seen any UGL who doesn't do that tbh. :D


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