HUMAN-LABS [EU / International]

Pretty standard small UGL equipment. Nothing fancy but it will do the job.
The contamination with other substances may be from using the same pot without cleaning from pervious substance that has been brew.
For most people the contamination is not something very concerning(is not normal and not ok at all) but for a tested athlete and for a girl is something very bad,something that never suppose to happen. You play with their health and career but as a ugl is not something you care very much...
your own manufacturer stating on their website that they are a “bio pharmaceutical company”, also taking a look at their “lab pics” in their official website VS this ones...
Let’s be honest you guys are an UGL, probably you have money to do it inside a shed or a barn, but that’s it.
I don’t know why people gave you a pass after all the cross contamination, that’s exactly the opposite from what i was expecting, and the opposite from harm reduction and im still waiting for @TrennedOutLunatic to feed on you.
Probably you guys got a pass because you are good reps, but that’s it
This, I didn't like too.
Many do this though. Over the years, I have gathered that this is a marketing strategy for those not in the know.
I've even seen businesses absolutely unrelated to steroids doing the exact same thing.
I don't like it, but I am sort of used to it to a point that I don't even care.
Regarding the photos and their difference from the ones here..yes. I don't like this too.
But you know what's the problem?
The % of users who believe that the shit they are injecting comes somehow from an actual real pharma company, is absolutely ridiculous.
I would surely try to get this % of people.
I would do the same.

I know many people IRL that use steroids.
They have no idea that I use.
I know only one that knows how steroids are actually made. Only one person. Second being me. I thought him. The rest think that they are getting either from someone who somehow smuggled the shit out of a pharma company through connections and other lame shit like that. Man even dealers,actual fucking dealers.
I am talking about people I've met in 3 countries. Not just one. Absolutely unbelievable.

Now,if they claimed IN the thread on meso that they are a pharma company,then i would have already slaughtered them because that would be straight up offending,considering the fact that
people here tend to know waaaay more than the people I've met in 3 countries,in all the gyms I've been.

It's just business. No problem. Marketing to people that have no clue,with a specific way.

Regarding the money that they have....well..
Without giving specifics regarding why I know that,but that autoclave there,is not dry heat.
The non-entry-level steam ones like the one i see there,cost as much as most ugls,with the raws included.
Wife has one. 3k €. New,way smaller than theirs.
Dry heat she got for 250€ used,and there were also available for 150€,used ofcourse. New does like 1k €.
Pharmacom excluded. I don't even know what to think about those guys.

I also see the filters. These filters do liters on top of liters. This is a big fucking operation.
And i am not surprised that these ones retain enough to cause cross contamination to that extent. Even if you flush this shit with oil twice.

Reason I have not fucked them in the ass yet, is simple. They are handling their shit,as it seems.
I commented on my review on some flaws and boom,product redesign announced asap.
This is the only thing I cannot go against. Balls.
When I see balls,I just applaud. This shit is rare.
Just look at all the other sources I piss on,on the regular. Man they just get pushed a little and even start insulting the clients like retards.

But for now, @hleur ,you just 'spoke" balls.
Now we need to "see" the balls' results.

Of course I will go ape shit on you.
Even I bought your products. I have these products. It is better than whatever I can get locally but that doesn't mean that I am not coming after you if you don't prove balls.

I take balls very fucking seriously.

Would I buy shit again from you? Nope. Taking into consideration the hplc results even if i could give two fucks about the cross contamination.
This could be a huge problem for a girl though.
I can just buy something better from somewhere else and finally find a way to buy bitcoins,so that I could utilize other sources too. Sources that unfortunately accept only bitcoin.

BUT...if you prove huge fucking balls? Then yeah definitely,I would buy again without a second thought. I could tell you what that means,I am not hiding. I can write what I mean by "balls".
And for this,I have super high standards.

Anyway,I am a brewer. It was the first time in my life I bought finished online. I don't buy finished.

But I haven't given them a pass for shit,no matter how good prs and customer service they have.

I am waiting,watching how they play this.

If they fuck this up, I am going insane.
Posts cannot be deleted on meso.
I saw the promises.

I am really watching every single post in this thread.
Diplomatically inappropriate message (boss)
You play with their health and career but as a ugl is not something you care very much...
I am taking this statement VERY personally boy.
You know shit about what do I care about and you're certainly not giving me lessons in responsibility here at PED board. Long time before we sold the very first vial, when HL was in prototyping stage I personally took each compound (except tren - I dont do tren) and shot a mil in my fucking ass to be sure we are not releasing a junk out there.

Pretty standard small UGL equipment. Nothing fancy but it will do the job.
I am brewer myself and I use my own products exclusively. Wish I could show you the small UGL equipment that does the job. Obviously more emphasis was put into safety and more resources allocated into equipment to ensure sterility that your regular next door UGL spends on their years worth of supplies if not more.

I am sorry if I offended you by this message. I am not going to react this anymore and leaving it as is so I am not causing tensions and interfering with great work our reps have been doing here.

We believe all important has already be told. Would like to thank you for both positive and negative comments. Negative ones create sense of urgency to always try achieve our best and positive ones are satisfactory to read so we know we are on good track.

Rest assured we did and will do even more from now on to ensure only the best product is released to the market. We did test whole batch of products before coming to present HL here as was proven by our initial post. It was our testing after all that discovered the flaw in process - the flaw we pointed out manufacturer to which they fixed long time ago, considering the size of batches though it's natural affected products might get tested weeks and weeks after.

It is not even clear now whether whole batch of products was affected or not, because as turned out @Klimmzugernie had tested the same products by a friend which came back OK.

HPLC itself seems to have it's own deviations as proved by our and @Delight96 testing after of TREN E 200 of the very same batch where results came back 5% different (191.xx mg/ml vs 200.xx mg/ml + tren A).

As a compensation for those customers who got distressed about trace findings in affected products we offer this - take a sample of your product(s), send it out for HPLC, when result comes back unsatisfactory, you either receive the same products from new batch as a replacement or the store credit of their value. On top of that you also receive another store credit for testing as we mentioned number of times.

Also manufacturer came back with a little present for all of you. There is 100 vials of testosterone mix prepared at 250mg/ml. The price is 5€/vial. 10 vials per customer limit. Heck store credit for testing em too

We believe all important has already be told. Would like to thank you for both positive and negative comments. Negative ones create sense of urgency to always try achieve our best and positive ones are satisfactory to read so we know we are on good track.

Rest assured we did and will do even more from now on to ensure only the best product is released to the market. We did test whole batch of products before coming to present HL here as was proven by our initial post. It was our testing after all that discovered the flaw in process - the flaw we pointed out manufacturer to which they fixed long time ago, considering the size of batches though it's natural affected products might get tested weeks and weeks after.

It is not even clear now whether whole batch of products was affected or not, because as turned out @Klimmzugernie had tested the same products by a friend which came back OK.

HPLC itself seems to have it's own deviations as proved by our and @Delight96 testing after of TREN E 200 of the very same batch where results came back 5% different (191.xx mg/ml vs 200.xx mg/ml + tren A).

As a compensation for those customers who got distressed about trace findings in affected products we offer this - take a sample of your product(s), send it out for HPLC, when result comes back unsatisfactory, you either receive the same products from new batch as a replacement or the store credit of their value. On top of that you also receive another store credit for testing as we mentioned number of times.

Also manufacturer came back with a little present for all of you. There is 100 vials of testosterone mix prepared at 250mg/ml. The price is 5€/vial. 10 vials per customer limit. Heck store credit for testing em too
good shit
Diplomatically inappropriate message (boss)

I am taking this statement VERY personally boy.
You know shit about what do I care about and you're certainly not giving me lessons in responsibility here at PED board. Long time before we sold the very first vial, when HL was in prototyping stage I personally took each compound (except tren - I dont do tren) and shot a mil in my fucking ass to be sure we are not releasing a junk out there.

I am brewer myself and I use my own products exclusively. Wish I could show you the small UGL equipment that does the job. Obviously more emphasis was put into safety and more resources allocated into equipment to ensure sterility that your regular next door UGL spends on their years worth of supplies if not more.

I am sorry if I offended you by this message. I am not going to react this anymore and leaving it as is so I am not causing tensions and interfering with great work our reps have been doing here.
If you would care a bit you should test your shit and be sure that is not contaminated with other substances.
Tell this story to a girl that will pin primo and in that is test,or will pin npp and has tren there.
Or tell this story to the athlete that has pin tren a and has eq in there and he has a doping test to do.
Probably that you should do before telling story around here about how much you care

We believe all important has already be told. Would like to thank you for both positive and negative comments. Negative ones create sense of urgency to always try achieve our best and positive ones are satisfactory to read so we know we are on good track.

Rest assured we did and will do even more from now on to ensure only the best product is released to the market. We did test whole batch of products before coming to present HL here as was proven by our initial post. It was our testing after all that discovered the flaw in process - the flaw we pointed out manufacturer to which they fixed long time ago, considering the size of batches though it's natural affected products might get tested weeks and weeks after.

It is not even clear now whether whole batch of products was affected or not, because as turned out @Klimmzugernie had tested the same products by a friend which came back OK.

HPLC itself seems to have it's own deviations as proved by our and @Delight96 testing after of TREN E 200 of the very same batch where results came back 5% different (191.xx mg/ml vs 200.xx mg/ml + tren A).

As a compensation for those customers who got distressed about trace findings in affected products we offer this - take a sample of your product(s), send it out for HPLC, when result comes back unsatisfactory, you either receive the same products from new batch as a replacement or the store credit of their value. On top of that you also receive another store credit for testing as we mentioned number of times.

Also manufacturer came back with a little present for all of you. There is 100 vials of testosterone mix prepared at 250mg/ml. The price is 5€/vial. 10 vials per customer limit. Heck store credit for testing em too
we hope everything is solved, waiting for new updates. Do we have to write to you privately for the order for the Testo Mix vials?
Diplomatically inappropriate message (boss)

I am taking this statement VERY personally boy.
You know shit about what do I care about and you're certainly not giving me lessons in responsibility here at PED board. Long time before we sold the very first vial, when HL was in prototyping stage I personally took each compound (except tren - I dont do tren) and shot a mil in my fucking ass to be sure we are not releasing a junk out there.

I am brewer myself and I use my own products exclusively. Wish I could show you the small UGL equipment that does the job. Obviously more emphasis was put into safety and more resources allocated into equipment to ensure sterility that your regular next door UGL spends on their years worth of supplies if not more.

I am sorry if I offended you by this message. I am not going to react this anymore and leaving it as is so I am not causing tensions and interfering with great work our reps have been doing here.
All guys that homebrew here pin ml in their ass but you know the difference? They don't sell to others person and if they do they don't contaminated the brew with other substances and give that to a girl or ar athletes that is tested. To brew and use your products on you is not a big deal. A lot of guys word wide is doing this
But you know what is another difference? They don't mess with the contamination because brewing is a easy thing to do. A 10 year child can do that without issue

Appreciate your response but the biggest problem that is bothering me is not that you had underdose products is that you have other substances where they shouldn't be there. And is not bothering me personally is bothering me the idea that a guy and a girl can have health issues pining other substances that shouldn't be there and they can end their careers because is a long detecting substances in your products
I am not giving you responsibility lessons here you should already had that before selling contaminated gear

So probably that is the deal with giving a shit about who will pin what you deliver
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the biggest problem that is bothering me is not that you had underdose products is that you have other substances where they shouldn't be there.
This is my only concern, all your products have tested well, excluding the 21% underdosed tren but rest of compounds are on point or slighty overdose which is fantastic, and there have been several blind tests by trusted users.

But I cannot understand why if you take your time and you are honest to the point of offering well dosaged products which has already been proved by blind tests, why would you not take care of cross contamination? I mean, rest of things are okay, you had almost everything on point(price, shipping, availability, tests), why would you do such an unprofessional work when brewing? And it can't be an single mistake, because contamination has been shown on different tests of several compounds, which makes it look like a common practice and simply the way you do it.

If you had the rest on point, why do you allow that to happen? Might be unskilled brewer, just lack of brewing knowledge... But if contamination happens that often, being an "easy" issue to correct or to take care of, imagine more serious concerns like sterilization, how can sterilization be assured if more simple things like hygienic measures to avoid filtering contamination are not properly done?

Also manufacturer came back with a little present for all of you. There is 100 vials of testosterone mix prepared at 250mg/ml. The price is 5€/vial. 10 vials per customer limit. Heck store credit for testing em too

Is that Sustanon? Or what Test mix? Also how many ml/vial?
we hope everything is solved, waiting for new updates. Do we have to write to you privately for the order for the Testo Mix vials?
Yes please the orders are taken the usual way.
you had underdose products
Thank you very much for your valuable input. As experienced veteran as you definitely are, you surely must know that trenbolone wasn't underdosed, but was DISPLACED by 3x more concentrated EQ.
Vial is 10 ml ?
But I cannot understand why if you take your time and you are honest to the point of offering well dosaged products which has already been proved by blind tests, why would you not take care of cross contamination?
The cross contamination wasn't caught initially because the process assumed mere draining and flushing the filtration capsule expelled all the previous compound. This was proven untrue by further testing of finished product and fixed accordingly. End of story.
The most of the raw materials are tested before brewing products so it can be accurately dosed. Because of this manufacturer did not test every finished product. If they had, the issue would be caught sooner. Lesson learned.

As you can see the issue didn't happen because of recklessness but because method assumed to work reliably simply wasn't working in few cases.
Is that Sustanon? Or what Test mix? Also how many ml/vial?
Test P, Test C, Test D. 10ml
Thank you very much for your valuable input. As experienced veteran as you definitely are, you surely must know that trenbolone wasn't underdosed, but was DISPLACED by 3x more concentrated EQ.

So if you buy 100 mg/ml of tren a and in that you have only 79mg and some eq is not underdose is ok. Is ok to have eq in a short ester and if you get tested and all you career is finish is ok because the boss pin what he has brew and he care about users.
And if you are a girl and the npp that you pin has test or tren in there is ok because the boss pin what he brew.
Ok then,if that's ok for you then what can I say. If you sleep well at night knowing that you could end someone career because you can't do a job well then good for you.
Continue to pin what have you brew because you care about your customers.

Personally I don't care but the problem is contamination. Put yourself in the shoes of a tested athlete that he pin eq because the lab can't do the job well or put yourself in the shoes of a girl that potentially has pin npp contaminated with test because the lab in not competent to do a simple task

Homebrew is a easy thing to do. Anyone can do that very easy without problems that you had. Is simple rules that you should apply but you didn't.

The major problem is not that you have 79mg of tren instead of 100 the problem is that you potentially fuck up someone careers that's the problem
So if you buy 100 mg/ml of tren a and in that you have only 79mg and some eq is not underdose is ok. Is ok to have eq in a short ester and if you get tested and all you career is finish is ok because the boss pin what he has brew and he care about users.
And if you are a girl and the npp that you pin has test or tren in there is ok because the boss pin what he brew.
Ok then,if that's ok for you then what can I say. If you sleep well at night knowing that you could end someone career because you can't do a job well then good for you.
Continue to pin what have you brew because you care about your customers.

Personally I don't care but the problem is contamination. Put yourself in the shoes of a tested athlete that he pin eq because the lab can't do the job well or put yourself in the shoes of a girl that potentially has pin npp contaminated with test because the lab in not competent to do a simple task

Homebrew is a easy thing to do. Anyone can do that very easy without problems that you had. Is simple rules that you should apply but you didn't.

The major problem is not that you have 79mg of tren instead of 100 the problem is that you potentially fuck up someone careers that's the problem
Completely understood. Nobody said it's okay, it's not okay we were the first to admit. The thing is though, SIR, you already expressed how offended you feel and described every possible catastrophic scenario that could have happened over, over and over again. No reason to play copy paste war with you anymore.

Of course we received feedback. Some customers were unhappy, some didn't mind and some didn't actually give a single fuck. It's natural.
If you're looking for perfection, please, Pfizer has a thread nextdoor. We are after perfect too actually, so next time HL is looking for brewer please issue a CV!

What else can we add? Everything was already told. The technicality of why that happened was explained In such detail, so it must be clear by now that the process was carried out with care, but previously verified process step simply failed in some cases and needed simple fix that was already implemented anyway. Some vials might be affected, some seemingly not. We offered compensation for those who customers DO mind.
Homebrew is easy to do in reasonable amounts.

When I upped the started getting weirder and weirder to get everything right.

I am talking personal use.
But when I jumped from 100ml to 1lt of multiple compounds,shit started getting more and more complicated.
Yeah personal use. I don't brew often,at all. Once per year. More like once per two years.

I knew about the cross contamination since I would filter multiple compounds through the same filter till I have exhausted it totally. But I couldn't ever imagine that it could cause THAT amount of cross contamination.

In my opinion ,other compounds displaced a percentage of the intended compound,in their case. I don't think that there was underdosing in purpose. I just can't believe it because to get the concentration right,IT IS EASY.

I don't believe they intentionally underdosed.

Just my opinion.

So, tell us...
what's up with the crimps, first of all?
Secondly,proof that there's no cross contamination anymore. And that concentrations are consistent.