HUMAN-LABS [EU / International]

i guess cost isnt the issue for @Sampei but injection volume/frequency..

yeah i mean this was not even his question.
i guess human labs had something in mind why they chose 100mg/ml. The question is the reason :->

Do you know what concentration means? Clearky no. You will use more quantity but concentration will remain the same.

He is just asking about technical details for not raising concentration.

Thanks for trying to explain it, I guess the retard doesn't understand English very well, and I'm not native but jeez.. I wanted just to know the reason.

Actually I use Deca because I dislike pinning multiple time a week max I can do is 2x and I'm bored of it (on TRT so I fucking pin every week already)

But NPP at higher concentration could be very interesting if the PIP is the same because one could do faster/shorter deca cycle. But with 100mg/ml the volume of oil is over9000 and I dislike it a lot.

I pin at least 400-600 deca and with NPP that would be 4-6ml a week, plus if you add 500 of test that's 2ml for a total of 6-8ml week, if you wanna do 750-1g of test then the total ML goes up even more! Too much, I usually try to not go over 6ml a week and like to do test/deca + dht so masteron?

Hey I just wanted to chat with HL lab rep for info :)
Thanks for trying to explain it, I guess the retard doesn't understand English very well, and I'm not native but jeez.. I wanted just to know the reason.

Actually I use Deca because I dislike pinning multiple time a week max I can do is 2x and I'm bored of it (on TRT so I fucking pin every week already)

But NPP at higher concentration could be very interesting if the PIP is the same because one could do faster/shorter deca cycle. But with 100mg/ml the volume of oil is over9000 and I dislike it a lot.

I pin at least 400-600 deca and with NPP that would be 4-6ml a week, plus if you add 500 of test that's 2ml for a total of 6-8ml week, if you wanna do 750-1g of test then the total ML goes up even more! Too much, I usually try to not go over 6ml a week and like to do test/deca + dht so masteron?

Hey I just wanted to chat with HL lab rep for info :)
I'll explain our decision making briefly. The primary goal was to bring a solid line of mainstream products that covers needs of majority of people. Apart from minor bumps along the road, we believe we have been achieving the goal with good success. But we also watch market trends closely, and if market is hungry for it, nothing prevents us from seeing NANDRO P 150 in future.
@hleur There is a possibility to add Ment to your portfolio in the future?
Sure, let's see
Any updates on arimidex/aromasin?
Yes, it is on it's way. We had to focus on different issues recently, which slowed the process a little, but PCT and AI products is being worked on.
when new stock of trenbolone and masteron arrive please advise
Trenbolones already arrived, waiting to be tested. Masterons, yeah poor masterons still not with us. Recent raw material shortage causes unexpected delays.
they have removed the mixed products from the range. they said the lab will fix the problem and go for testing again.
That is what they said with the first Tren E contamination, which they did not try to hide which was cool, but it seems they are not testing all new "batches" that they receiving, it had to be from 2 users who discovered the new contaminated compounds. If they would have tested new received products, that issue would have shown, but maybe that time they tested but prefered to hide it.
Both options of not testing every single batch they are receiving or hiding contaminated compounds results are worrying, and they somehow fucked the good start they had.
Unfortunately masterons have been taking longer than expected due to factories being completely out of masterons raw materials. Tren acetate is under testing though, should be done today and results shared