HUMAN-LABS [EU / International]

Just received some products from these guys amazing stealth and communication
Bought test c tren E and anadrol

I will do a review on their test and tren in 4 weeks and reviews on thier anadrol in 1week
Tren Ace test looks good.
are the troubles with masteron solved? I would like to order some masteron with tren A and I’d like to know If the masteron things I readed In last pages was solved.
Sorry I didnt keep up with the thread but I saw you guys talking about tren being finally good. I received my tren ace from human labs more than 1 month ago, so that means mine is shit?
Sorry I didnt keep up with the thread but I saw you guys talking about tren being finally good. I received my tren ace from human labs more than 1 month ago, so that means mine is shit?
Not really, your Tren A is their first oil of what they called exotic products line.
21% underdosed Tren A with a bit of Bolde, their first exotic oil, also sold as Spicy Tren.
Not really, your Tren A is their first oil of what they called exotic products line.
21% underdosed Tren A with a bit of Bolde, their first exotic oil, also sold as Spicy Tren.
Bro i didnt ask that to get trolled, my question is: do I have to toss it?
any updates on exotics? :) @hleur
The first release will most likely be PCT and AI products
Win inj??
Not planned
Bro i didnt ask that to get trolled, my question is: do I have to toss it?
Absolutely not. Shame @Klimmzugernie binned packaging so we had clear idea which batch was affected, but everything is pointing at a subset of 07UVWAQ tren acet batch which is one of the earlier batches. Anyway, if you're concerned get back to us at email or wickr and we will sort it out
The first release will most likely be PCT and AI products

Not planned

Absolutely not. Shame @Klimmzugernie binned packaging so we had clear idea which batch was affected, but everything is pointing at a subset of 07UVWAQ tren acet batch which is one of the earlier batches. Anyway, if you're concerned get back to us at email or wickr and we will sort it out
hello sir! I have three Vials of Tren Ace from the old batch, of course I can attach photos of everything, is it possible to be "Refunded" by sending me three Vials of the new Tren Ace Batch?
hello sir! I have three Vials of Tren Ace from the old batch, of course I can attach photos of everything, is it possible to be "Refunded" by sending me three Vials of the new Tren Ace Batch?
Hello. To refund for what exactly please?
Hello. To refund for what exactly please?
21% underdosed and contaminated, with boldenone, trenbolone
21% underdosed and contaminated, with boldenone, trenbolone
You seem to like numbers and percentages especially. So let me tell you roughly 90% of your messages in the thread has 0% value. Helps nobody too actually.

Unless you were hired as a rep or speaker, I believe @4ster90 is qualified to speak for himself.

We contacted customer @4ster90 and asked to send samples for analysis where we reimburse HPLC + shipping costs and offered a form of compensation if test results come back unsatisfactory.

To this day no samples were sent we'd be aware of, no results coming back, no bad product confirmed.

So the question is,
Hello. To refund for what exactly please?

So far @Klimmzugernie is a customer with affected product, entitled to be refunded somehow, and he haven't even claimed his store credit in full yet.
You seem to like numbers and percentages especially. So let me tell you roughly 90% of your messages in the thread has 0% value. Helps nobody too actually.

Unless you were hired as a rep or speaker, I believe @4ster90 is qualified to speak for himself.

We contacted customer @4ster90 and asked to send samples for analysis where we reimburse HPLC + shipping costs and offered a form of compensation if test results come back unsatisfactory.

To this day no samples were sent we'd be aware of, no results coming back, no bad product confirmed.

So the question is,

So far @Klimmzugernie is a customer with affected product, entitled to be refunded somehow, and he haven't even claimed his store credit in full yet.
Mm.. If the batch he has, it's the same that the contaminated and underdosed one.. It's completely normal he asks for a refund.
You seem to like numbers and percentages especially. So let me tell you roughly 90% of your messages in the thread has 0% value. Helps nobody too actually.

Unless you were hired as a rep or speaker, I believe @4ster90 is qualified to speak for himself.

We contacted customer @4ster90 and asked to send samples for analysis where we reimburse HPLC + shipping costs and offered a form of compensation if test results come back unsatisfactory.

To this day no samples were sent we'd be aware of, no results coming back, no bad product confirmed.

So the question is,

So far @Klimmzugernie is a customer with affected product, entitled to be refunded somehow, and he haven't even claimed his store credit in full yet.
Remember you are just a source, this is not a source based forum but a harm reduction one.

The only reason we discovered the underdosed and contaminated compounds was thanks to a Meso member who shared it for the community, not thanks to you. If he would have not shared them we would have never heard of them from you. And many more contamination cases in your compounds we are not aware of because you are not doing your job or trying to hide.

You do not test every batch you receive which is a shame.

And the shameful attemp of hiding those cases discovered by @Klimmzugernie , trying to leave behind the last pages by offering that cheap test to have the shills happy saying they received their cheap testosterone and how good this source for doing it.

That is why we are here, we do not give a fuck about you nor any source, you are just here for the profit, you do not give a fuck about us as well as we do not give a fuck about you. In a year you will be under another shitty UGL name, that is all.

And as you said, if Meso is just the tip of the iceberg, gtfo then, we have plenty of legit sources around who test every single raw they get and oil batches they make, and more that will come. We do not need contaminated gear nor shills to be grateful for cheap testosterone. That is not what this forum is about.