HUMAN-LABS [EU / International]

Most retarded shit I've ever read in my fucking life, you fucking dumbfuck, you can be poor and still look like a freak. You don't need the steroids or expensive food to look like a beast. Fucking moron. There some people out there who can't afford chicken every day or steroids. People who eat rice and cheap protein sources, who train naturally and probably look better than half of the meso community.

Your statement was NUMBER ONE dumbest shit I've read here on this board.

Get a life fag
You are the Man
I will Print your post and read it every day to remember
True but don't hate so much mate , I see that HL tren is hitting hard on you hahaha
It's not the tren, I hate when people say shit like that, it doesn't take money, roids or the most expensive food to look insane. Dedication, and hard work is all someone needs to look sick. Even with shit genetics.
It's not the tren, I hate when people say shit like that, it doesn't take money, roids or the most expensive food to look insane. Dedication, and hard work is all someone needs to look sick. Even with shit genetics.
This I do agree with. So many people spend SO much money on shit but forget the most basic part; train hard as fuck and stay consistent which is why so many looked better back in the golden era. I even made a thread on this topic.
because now the old school is no longer,you trained hard and constantly for 5/6 years and then you goes to the dark side
Bodybuilding is a sport for the rich lmaoooo you can literally do a full cycle with 100 bucks, and chicken and rice are cheap as fuck.
You clearly have to make the distinction between bodybuilding as it was original stated and having a good body/ being a freak.

Competitive bodybuilding as a sport, is for the rich, yes. Unless you're not talking about the open category. To be a decent pro you've to invest a lot of money, plus all the other stuff obviously. No matter how hard you try and how good your genetics are. LOL at talking about random cycle prices. To be a competetive pro BB you'll have to spend a lot on all sort of PEDS, food, etc.

Now if you wanna be just a decent amateur or a mens physique the story is a bit different, obviously.
Athlete = for rich/not rich also , competitive bodybuilding = rich , donee fuck you y'all , I just want to see HL putting , those new products for sale
Primobolan from my order month ago. THIS IS NOT THE LATEST BATCH!
The sample was taken out if my OLD order where the results from test e, drosta p and tren a was from.

Underdosed but at least no contaminationView attachment 146668View attachment 146669
And another underdosed case, 25% which is huge, unveiled by a valuable meso member.
Did @hleur test that batch and hid it on purporse or you simply did not test that shit at all? Just cherry picking what you send to test?

Disgusting lack of control of finished oils, and raws as well which is what is leading to those cases in oils.
Those were old batches , just wait till tested new ones , stop complaining , if the new ones have same issue , then there is a reason to complain
Shouldn't put to sell those products in the first place. Should know what he sells
Stop complaining when you give money for a product and test like this is something very worst to say. Where have you been until now? Now is acceptable to sell bad products? Is acceptable to make excuses when you give money to a source to sell some good products underdosed and contaminated?
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Those were old batches , just wait till tested new ones , stop complaining , if the new ones have same issue , then there is a reason to complain
Yeah, you are right. A batch that was never tested, or at least they never published it, but members were still able to purchase it.
What are you going to tell to those who purchased that 25% underdosed batch? Hey, do not worry, it is an old batch, if you were one of those who got it just fuck yourself hehe, give me 5 bucks sustanon vials again hehe.

What a fucking stupid shill you are. It is not an "old" batch, is just a batch that anyone could get paying the same because of the lack of quality control of their "production".
And once again became public only because a fucking member published it covering all the fucking expenses and risking it.

How long are you going to tolerate it @silv10? As long as they provide you cheap gear as they did some months ago after they fuck up every single time? And only was discovered because of some members effort? Effort that should be done always by the source plus the members test as an extra security.
Primobolan from my order month ago. THIS IS NOT THE LATEST BATCH!
The sample was taken out if my OLD order where the results from test e, drosta p and tren a was from.

Underdosed but at least no contaminationView attachment 146668View attachment 146669
There were exactly 2 batches of primobolan. 13UVWAQ - the old one - labs posted at first page (97.97mg/ml) and 13YYVGE - new one, received recently. Your order was like months and months ago so it's DEFINITELY 13UVWAQ - tested one.

Something doesn't add up
Batchnumbers mean exactly nothing. You think sources will throw away thousands of boxes of an already used batchnumber because there is a new batch? Answer is no.

Might aswell use no batchnumber at all
Now put the speech with jano testing is off. Not the first source that will say this.
Jano testing is good if the results are good if not jano testing is off
That speech will be 100% legit now