HUMAN-LABS [EU / International]

Ignorant implies ignoring. We never ignored issues and took care of them and customers.

You ignore these facts. You're ignorant
Eh, one customer performed 4-5 tests from single order of the earlier batch. Yeah that's a lot of evidence we don't do better
I see that you don’t do better
Is been like a dialog between me and you only.
I'm out until the next shit appears and let other members to say something if anyone cares about you anymore
Speak again soon when another issue appears and we would read again all your story.

And for anyone that have doubts do a reading before ordering and see for yourself the story. Is all here don't need anyone to tell how decent this guy is or isn't
Huh? This person can see we don't do better. @Klimmzugernie can you perform one more test of either mast P or tren or whatever - the problematic vial - so this guy can come back again and conclude we still don't get better?

Or wait 2-3 months with the testing,that'll have far bigger impact

Yes please do the reading and you'll see there were indeed issues, that were taken care of appropriately, just like aggrieved customers who got appropriate care.
@Klimmzugernie and if you do this time don't draw your oil in your mama kitchen like last time
Dennia , is kind actually true , all theyr batches got tested , if any problem was found they tried to fix it like the mixed Raws and underdosed ones , other problem , the bad reading of vial logos , another thing they fixed , now they want new batched to get tested , so we will see if theres any problem , and if it actually exist , they may try to fix it , I'm here since the beginning of this ugl , I've been using they're products , and they actually are trying to solve they're problems not just ignoring them , that is why they want their new batches tested , if you don't like this source , just go away , probably if you started a new source by yourself , you also would have some problems that you would like to fix , so you don't get bad reputation , and that's what is happening right now, nobody is perfect m8
Dennia , is kind actually true , all theyr batches got tested , if any problem was found they tried to fix it like the mixed Raws and underdosed ones , other problem , the bad reading of vial logos , another thing they fixed , now they want new batched to get tested , so we will see if theres any problem , and if it actually exist , they may try to fix it , I'm here since the beginning of this ugl , I've been using they're products , and they actually are trying to solve they're problems not just ignoring them , that is why they want their new batches tested , if you don't like this source , just go away , probably if you started a new source by yourself , you also would have some problems that you would like to fix , so you don't get bad reputation , and that's what is happening right now, nobody is perfect m8
If you like his products buy them. I haven't shit against but people should know what they buy. Like underdosed product and hormones that shouldn't be there
And how hard is to actually make a decent product and sell without having all the problems. Guy had problems after problems and still sell products with problems
And the forum is for reduce harm not if you don't like the source and what shit he is selling fuck off.

Anyone is free to buy whatever he want but should know firstly what he buy and the quality and if he is ok with that then buy it not buy a kinder egg surprise. Don't know what is inside
If you like his products buy them. I haven't shit against but people should know what they buy. Like underdosed product and hormones that shouldn't be there
And how hard is to actually make a decent product and sell without having all the problems. Guy had problems after problems and still sell products with problems
And the forum is for reduce harm not if you don't like the source and what shit he is selling fuck off.

Anyone is free to buy whatever he want but should know firstly what he buy and the quality and if he is ok with that then buy it not buy a kinder egg surprise. Don't know what is inside
That why problems have to be solved , if you don't like , just gtfo , if you want top notch go buy pharma grade
That why problems have to be solved , if you don't like , just gtfo , if you want top notch go buy pharma grade
Is not the forum about get the fuck out if you don't like dude if you haven't know that already
Is about harm reduction. Protecting members from underdosed and shitty quality products like the ones in this thread
And problems should be solved before any members buy the products. Is not hard to makes things right
Huh? This person can see we don't do better. @Klimmzugernie can you perform one more test of either mast P or tren or whatever - the problematic vial - so this guy can come back again and conclude we still don't get better?

Or wait 2-3 months with the testing,that'll have far bigger impact

Yes please do the reading and you'll see there were indeed issues, that were taken care of appropriately, just like aggrieved customers who got appropriate care.
In my opinion I was very transparent regarding the samples I have tested and the way of documentation.
Was there any other users who tested your gear and did it better? If yes - what is your preferred way customers document the testing of your products?
If you can tell me how human labs would like to proceed in the future, new terms and conditions of lab test an refunds be sure I will follow your direction to 100% to avoid any doubts in the future if the results turns back not 100 satisfying ... Just let me know
Once upon a time I precisely drew all the floaters from some gear I made....and injected all of it to my quad

It was rubber,crystallization,everything...a fuckload.

Nothing happened.
I may have been lucky. But curious at the same time time wanted to end this curiosity.

Quad because I can operate on my quad if shit hit the fan.

I am speaking dead seriously.
This is not a defense to hl.
Gear should be clear.
I was lucky. You may not be.
It depends what the floater is. Bio material will resolve in the body but hard material like glass won't.

So funny we are discussing this about this source and people still order from it
It depends what the floater is. Bio material will resolve in the body but hard material like glass won't.

So funny we are discussing this about this source and people still order from it
To be perfectly honest. This kind of issue I saw in other "high end labs" as well. Many times..
It just will become an issue when the lab refuse to exchange the problematic vial and as far as I saw here Human Labs already told the customer to replace it.
That's the reason I always prefere white glass vials to get a view into it. Brown would be better regarding light degradation especially with tren but you cannot see anything inside.

Summarizes a customer claims a particle in the vials and the lab offers to replace it. I can happen and the reaction from the lab was good.
Just to be fair
Is not the forum about get the fuck out if you don't like dude if you haven't know that already
Is about harm reduction. Protecting members from underdosed and shitty quality products like the ones in this thread
And problems should be solved before any members buy the products. Is not hard to makes things right
Keep doing your thing brother.
In my opinion I was very transparent regarding the samples I have tested and the way of documentation.
Was there any other users who tested your gear and did it better? If yes - what is your preferred way customers document the testing of your products?
If you can tell me how human labs would like to proceed in the future, new terms and conditions of lab test an refunds be sure I will follow your direction to 100% to avoid any doubts in the future if the results turns back not 100 satisfying ... Just let me know
No you doing your job good. I was happy first time with masteron, I was happy second time because your testing just confirmed our findings that initial batch indeed had issues, I never said anything doubtful back then, swallowed the pride and accepted bad results. Third time I had doubts because the same customer testing so many products of same order is let's say rare and intimately knowing HL primo batches, the result is highly suspicious.

Overall there's nothing to change with the way you test because there's nothing that can be done better, accepting results of either party is all about trust after all. I just want to see testing of other's that's all.

Plus your testing of the same batches periodically within 6 months timeframe doesn't help either because it leaves impression nothing was done on our end and those people that have flaming sources for a hobby love to pick up on it.
I like how every stupid drug dealer starts here all professional and ends up throwing insults like a baby
It's more like an adjustment to local standards
It's more like an adjustment to local standards

Maybe adjust your oil to the normal standards and it will be no discussion about anything you have done so far.
Or you like their low quality standards and you like their money and no questions about anything. You like is not Pfizer,gtfo if you don't like standards?
If you are such a high standards dude pick your toys and go in other place or in other places is other quality standards and is not working you draw the oil in your mama kitchen speech?
Don't talk about standards when you sell a 25% underdosed product because people pay 100% of the price and the cost to make 10ml vial of primo is about 20€ and you sell with 38€ or to make a vial of tren a is about 7€ and you sell with 30€.

Or the charity you have given and how you lost profits. Test 2,5g at 0,60/g is 1,5$ let's say 2$ plus vial 1$ plus oil,solven and filter let's say another 1$. That's 4$ to make 10ml and you was selling for 5€. 5€ in $ is about 6$.
You was still profitable with your cleaning image move

Why you underdose in the first place no idea, why you don't change filter between hormones no idea. Is that hard to adjust to those standards
Are you really ignoring everything that we have done for the fix and for all the aggrieved customers, ignorant?

I was told my reasoning with you is boring and annoying - told by the most annoying person I know :D

I must agree with him unfortunately. Reasoning with unreasonable people is not reasonable.

Until you have something NEW to say:

Plus you're telling lies and making up stories. The fact is earlier batch had issues discussed through many pages. The fact is the issue was fixed as soon as we found the issue with tren e ourselves. The fact is the batch had also problematic crimps on some vials. The fact is we fixed it immediately. The fact it testosterone labels didn't read well. The fact is we invested in better printing tech. The fact is stoppers are standard quality. The fact is we committed having better.

The fact is we indeed care and the fact is ignorance is definitely NOT in our vocabulary. The fact is we offered refunds to people, issued replacements and generally offering amazing customer service.

The fact is you and few more members simply can't swallow mistakes do happen in less then ideal world and another fact is you can't swallow even at meso, reasonable people are to be found.

Since you're not even our customer I still offer a special treatment. Have a HL logo inked on your forehead and you get all the perks too!
Good job man! You have a great product man! You have a great service! You have a great heart as doing all the charity and underdose products to reduce harm by making people take less and protect them for abusing high dosage
And for who don't like gtfo as is not Pfizer here.
Now you like that?

Anyone can do a reading and see how things are. They can clearly see how you do a -20-25% product when they pay full price. That's greed underdose oil when it cost you 20% the price of what you sell for
It was that hard to not be a greedy dude and put the correct amount of raws and make a decent product

We will talk again soon when another shit hit the fan and you will make another story
History of fucking up for you will repeat again but too bad members will pay for that by losing time with you
Anyone today was my free day so now I'm out going back to my routine and speaking with a greedy seller is not my routine
@hleur do you want to start the shitshow and roasting? We can start flooding your dirty garage UGL source thread with real warnings and proofs so every single one coming herr can have a first idea of what he will find and warn them to stay away from your underdosed, contaminated with other compounds, with floaters and your "charity" actions.

Just real facts, promised!

Bold, minimum font size 26 and well spaced so everyone can get it!