HUMAN-LABS [EU / International]

Only the test is from them.that i can say is legit primo and var is balkan.
I went with human labs because its in MCT oil.
Reading trough the thread i can see why people are upset.
I have lots of this cyp and will use it without hesitations as it dose what test dose.
If it has other compounds at minimal concentration is hard to tell but feels are good 8 weeks in.
Only the test is from them.that i can say is legit primo and var is balkan.
I went with human labs because its in MCT oil.
Reading trough the thread i can see why people are upset.
I have lots of this cyp and will use it without hesitations as it dose what test dose.
If it has other compounds at minimal concentration is hard to tell but feels are good 8 weeks in.
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Very nice, to be honest I don't care if my test is contained with 20mg tren ace or something else, also if it's under dosed 10-15% I also don't care, maybe I am just not that soft or probably so desperate from buying so many times fake juice that I would even be happy as fuck if they're test 300 has 200mg test in it haha
I 500 testo propionate, 350 trembo acetate y 500 masteron propionate e impresionante ... Fuerza, dureza ... Muy feliz
Todos los laboratorios humanos
Both from human labs?
Very nice, to be honest I don't care if my test is contained with 20mg tren ace or something else, also if it's under dosed 10-15% I also don't care, maybe I am just not that soft or probably so desperate from buying so many times fake juice that I would even be happy as fuck if they're test 300 has 200mg test in it haha

You have already sent your products to the real lab?
Refunding someone is not an excuse to be a shit dealer. Do you know some of us have preps and take this seriously? You waste our time with underdosed and dangerous contaminated shit, and you brag how you allow refunds. Nobody wants a refund. We want to blast properly and get the results without dying.
No I didn't even receive it yet, I hope they come Monday, I will also do a video of the unpacking, and show every vial, but the package I receive Monday is 1 tren and 1 test e

This week I will receive another package from human labs with 1 test e and 2 x deca, I will do a unpacking video here too
Very nice, to be honest I don't care if my test is contained with 20mg tren ace or something else, also if it's under dosed 10-15% I also don't care, maybe I am just not that soft or probably so desperate from buying so many times fake juice that I would even be happy as fuck if they're test 300 has 200mg test in it haha

In what other aspect of your life would such illogical thinking be acceptable?

If you went to buy steak and the butcher showed you the cut of meat you want, then hacked off 20% of it and threw a handful of fish on top of it, would you happily accept that?

i'm sorry, but you passed the line in the sand marked soft and desperate about 3 miles back.
Very nice, to be honest I don't care if my test is contained with 20mg tren ace or something else, also if it's under dosed 10-15% I also don't care, maybe I am just not that soft or probably so desperate from buying so many times fake juice that I would even be happy as fuck if they're test 300 has 200mg test in it haha
Basically you are saying that if is something in the oil doesn't matter what you are happy
Then congratulations because you have buy from the right place. Maybe is test,maybe eq,maybe is whatever has been left in the filter
Maybe is 25% underdosed or maybe you are lucky and is only 15% underdosed. Maybe is rubber in the oil maybe not
You choose the right dealer then
No I didn't even receive it yet, I hope they come Monday, I will also do a video of the unpacking, and show every vial, but the package I receive Monday is 1 tren and 1 test e

This week I will receive another package from human labs with 1 test e and 2 x deca, I will do a unpacking video here too
You do a unpacking video to show what? To show that you receive 2 vials with oil and who knows what contains that oil
Do you think that here is youtube to do a unpacking video and show what you recive?
Basically you are saying that if is something in the oil doesn't matter what you are happy
Then congratulations because you have buy from the right place. Maybe is test,maybe eq,maybe is whatever has been left in the filter
Maybe is 25% underdosed or maybe you are lucky and is only 15% underdosed. Maybe is rubber in the oil maybe not
You choose the right dealer then

These things are to be expected. He's not buying gear from Pfizer, you know.
No you doing your job good. I was happy first time with masteron, I was happy second time because your testing just confirmed our findings that initial batch indeed had issues, I never said anything doubtful back then, swallowed the pride and accepted bad results. Third time I had doubts because the same customer testing so many products of same order is let's say rare and intimately knowing HL primo batches, the result is highly suspicious.

Overall there's nothing to change with the way you test because there's nothing that can be done better, accepting results of either party is all about trust after all. I just want to see testing of other's that's all.

Plus your testing of the same batches periodically within 6 months timeframe doesn't help either because it leaves impression nothing was done on our end and those people that have flaming sources for a hobby love to pick up on it.

It's more like an adjustment to local standards
then why keep posting you retard? if the local standards are so low for your drugs, are you to poor to pay one of the sponsored forums?
by the way we dont give a fuck if you fix issues, when someone plans a cycle and you fuck it up with underdosed garbage, giving him some test for free afterwards serves nothing, we are not beggars, we want to buy good product, and i saw some huge fucking floaters as well so when someone has his buttcheek cut off then I think he won't care if you try to fix it. you say you put effort as in you expect us to give a fuck. we don't so piss off kid
And about @TrennedOutLunatic , I am glad you liked @Crusancito message, I hope not to see you roast any other source thread with bullshit like you use to do. But I guess you act different when they have your personal information. But as I said I am happy you liked someone who said that feelzzzz are enough and that even having contaminated/underdosed gear there is no reason to stop buying. After all, they are not Pfizer, right? Shame on you
200 (2).gif
I just saw this shit.

I liked the guy's comment and I would like it again.
If you read the fucking thread dipshit,you will see that I am not even buying finished,and that this was the first time in my fucking life.(online finished)
I didn't even know this shit has qr codes.
I am all over the brewing section helping anyone with every question that I can answer to.
My raws was in freaking transit for months. Longest time ever.
I am a brewer. And I have the capacity of brewing hundreds of vials too.(I wonder why,since I am not doing business. Different brains long time ago).
I won't even buy again finished. I will be preparing 6 months earlier every time I want to brew,this time. I learned my lesson.
Last reason I bought from them is that they weren't accepting only bitcoin.

I can explain this shit to you. My experience with them has been positive. Go look at my review earlier. I mentioned the flaws and the shit was fixed in no fucking time. I didn't have time for the testing. I mentioned this in my review too.
I covered whatever I could,with as many specifics as I could,other than the hplc testing.
I had no fucking time to do more. I am constantly between countries,dealing with state exams in the meantime.

Now kid,if you believe that they have my information, either you are completely oblivious regarding opsec, or you are playing stupid. Like..actual opsec.
You think I am the one receiving my stuff? Be it raws or for only this time .... finished?
You think that the payment is made in any way related to me?
My name doesn't exist. Anywhere. Not on the package. Not in the money transfer.

I have a lot to lose. Way too much. I have a career. Maybe you just smoke meth and give zero fucks about opsec because you ain't got nothing to lose.

And how did I learn about all this shit if I have bought finished only once..?
Indeed. Finished. Once.
Long live the darknet.

Plus,as I mentioned later in a post,I have an idea.
Let's hope I get done with the fucking state exams soon without delays and I will make it a reality. Otherwise I don't know really. I need time and sanity. This state exams shit is getting at me.

I have no problem fucking anyone in the ass and I make no exceptions.

Regarding the post I liked? Didn't this guy say that they tested 80% of their shit? If he meant by feels only,then I apologize.

I am inactive these days because I am having state exams. And my job is super fucking high paying. It is impossible to buy me.
Well maybe for 100k € or something.
Everyone has a price.
There are people who not only know,but also have seen proof of what I do for a living.
You can't buy me with vials. You need a lot of money to buy me.

Also,I don't give a fuck about cross contaminated gear. You should see what I get locally. I can forward to you some hplc tests of locally sold "top brands". I had no time and needed a European source who doesn't accept only bitcoin. Do the math. It was either local or HL. Summer is coming.
And also,I mentioned that cross contamination is not good at all,and particularly for women or professional athletes,but i guess you came here only for the noise. Did you ever read the whole thread?

I can only say their tren acetate was good.
This and nothing else.
Over 140mg I can totally feel trenbolone acetate.
Because at 350mg per week of tren acetate that I brew, I am totally losing my crap. I am very sensitive to trenbolone nowadays. Gone are the days of the 700mg per week. I grew up.
It was exactly the same with theirs.Feels. And I mentioned that too. Also mentioned that I have limited experience with the mast prop that I bought, so I cannot tell shit by feels.
And also mentioned that I will do testosterone bloodwork when I will be cruising.
Did you even read the thread you imbecile?
I mentioned every single flaw of their products.
Every single flaw,whatever could be obvious without hplc.

Wash your mouth when you speak about me.
In the meantime,dig around for some opsec.
And read the fucking thread. All of it.

I see only bullshit talk in this,with the quick look that I had. More hplc testing.
Till now they handled everything professionally in my opinion. Let's see the rest.
Didn't they say more testing is coming? I think.

Hplc testing and once I have enough time and ofcourse,evidence of having not corrected their shit....
I will shit all over this thread.
They said they corrected issues. Let's see.
I hope so. For their own good.
They said no more cross contamination. Let's see. They promised more too. Let's see.
I am just way too busy these days. My career depends on these two months and whether I succeed or not.

And finally, fuck off. I won't even bother with you anymore.
What the fuck do you even contribute in here,I fucking wonder. Are you here only for the noise?
No worries,no hate.
I've done worse. Like fucking trannies in the ass or have my wife do cyst excision from my buttcheecks on all 4s. In the bedroom. Got proof.

If you are here only for the noise,respect.

Just mention it. Don't be a dick.

Ps: regarding the pfizer talk?
Suck my dick.
I am more of an AstraZeneca type.

In fact,got a fever as I am typing,right after the second dose.

Stacks great with tren.

Fuck you.
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