HUMAN-LABS [EU / International]


The email is periodically checked an answer is usually the same day. If your email hasn't been answered meanwhile, send me a PM with your email address and we can check together if it actually got through.
Yea I sent you a message through wickr :)
very satisfied. my package arrived in my western eu country within 5 days. Communication was excellent. can only recommend ordering here. I'm looking forward to the effect of the gear. Cant wait that the gyms Open their Doors to test the oils
Manufacturer has finally delivered packaging for the rest of products.

Our warehouse troops are starting to box everything shortly
The Ace is there for a quick boost!
LOL! Has anyone ever complained about extra gear? (joke)
Can @hleur explain how that happened?

@Sampei Is this this explaining the issue or I misunderstood the post and you wanted explain something totally different?
Can @hleur explain how that happened?
Guess it was because the lab shared the same filter for tren ace and e. But in my opinion the explanation doesn't make sense because at a certain point the already used filter is completely covered with the new gear. This means the ace contamination should be less over time.
Due to the fact that we now see the second case of this amount of contamination let me assume that it is not the used filter. I guess the root cause is either the jar of mixture has not been cleaned or the raw was not clean.
Both scenarios are not beautiful and I really hope the lab will improve their processes to maintain/improve the quality.
But as a already mentioned... I don't know the root cause of these contaminations I just assume possibilities.
Anyhow... The products I analized were always on point without any contaminations (test e300, mast p100, tren a).
The source is reacting very fast, ultra fast shipping within eu and their products are useable.
Guess it was because the lab shared the same filter for tren ace and e. But in my opinion the explanation doesn't make sense because at a certain point the already used filter is completely covered with the new gear. This means the ace contamination should be less over time.
Not necessarily the case as they can transfer whole filtrate into pre-sterilized container/jug/whatever that is attached to a filling line. Which means whole batch is homogenously contaminated.

Whatever the case, in the end of the day, acetate is not supposed to be there
LOL! Has anyone ever complained about extra gear? (joke)

@Sampei Is this this explaining the issue or I misunderstood the post and you wanted explain something totally different?
Yes that was the answer I was searching. Thank you.

You gear looks really good, I hope you will keep up the quality control
Not necessarily the case as they can transfer whole filtrate into pre-sterilized container/jug/whatever that is attached to a filling line. Which means whole batch is homogenously contaminated.

Whatever the case, in the end of the day, acetate is not supposed to be there
Got it. Thanks
sorry if it was mentioned anywhere and ive missed it:
whats the carrier on your injectables?
Prices are good, but the lab results make me iffy, 15mg traces of Tren Ace in E just screams irresponsible to me. I like to run Ace first and then use E when that begins kicking in, I don’t need anymore faster acting Tren on top of E.