HUMAN-LABS [EU / International]

how is the viscosity of MCT? it is not as liquid as GSO, correct?
any experience about the PIP of the 300mg/ml Test E?
I’ve used vials that had MCT as the carrier and experienced no PIP, but the BA needs to be dosed properly otherwise it feels like you’re injecting acid into your ass.
I’ve used vials that had MCT as the carrier and experienced no PIP, but the BA needs to be dosed properly otherwise it feels like you’re injecting acid into your ass.
sounds juicy xD
anyone experience with Human Labs Oils that can say something about the PIP?
I’m using Test Ena 6 ml week and Tren Ace 10ml week and oxy 150mg die.
PIP in the syringe on Monday Wednesday and Friday with respectively 4-5ml per syringe 2-3 ml testo 2 ml Tren Ace, the pips are really low, while for the 1-2 ml syringes of Tren ace in the delts they are really low and last 1-2 days
I’m using Test Ena 6 ml week and Tren Ace 10ml week and oxy 150mg die.
PIP in the syringe on Monday Wednesday and Friday with respectively 4-5ml per syringe 2-3 ml testo 2 ml Tren Ace, the pips are really low, while for the 1-2 ml syringes of Tren ace in the delts they are really low and last 1-2 days
your running almost 2g test, 1g tren a week and 150mg oxy daily?
Ahahahahahhahahahahhaha! I hope for the guy he is 130kgs sub 10% bf at least
no sir, net of foreign countries are 1300mg tests per week and 800mg of tren Ace and you are 124kg at 12% BF :) and I'm 198cm
and I don't understand what the problem is with these dosages and the general mockery of all of you, I was just sharing my experience on PIPs by answering a user's previous question, not bragging about who knows what records.
well, it is not an unbelievable amount but still an advanced cycle..
what do you mean with "net of foreign countries are 1300mg Test / 800mg Tren Ace"?
i am not judging you, i just hope you are checking your vitals and blood work regularly.
well, it is not an unbelievable amount but still an advanced cycle..
what do you mean with "net of foreign countries are 1300mg Test / 800mg Tren Ace"?
i am not judging you, i just hope you are checking your vitals and blood work regularly.
I was wrong to write sorry, I meant net of ester
I do analysis periodically but this sport is known, it has risks just be aware of them
Pack landed in around 2weeks ,found very good to communicate with over wickr fast response ,I'm using test e 300 for trt purpose ,first jab zero pip in delts with insulin needle 0.2ml quick n easy
What is your trt dose?
Between 150 and 180 a week works for me 50mgs or 60mgs 3x a week tue Thur sat ,big improvement mentally was quite depressed before anxiety too, big change in those started training 6minth ago recovery is better life is just better in trt I'm 43 by the way