Humble pie for a newbie...

So I'm going to get bloods done on the 28th and work on de-stressing myself as its only been 4 weeks off a 14 week course, and wait to hear from them and I will post them up if anyone can tell me what levels I need to be looking at and at what the ideal rates are expected!? Thanks again..

Your lab paperwork will probably have reference ranges next to your values. They will also flag any of your values as high or low based on there reference range. Basically, anything out of the norm will probably stand out to you. But you might not have any clue what some of the items being flagged even are. Posting your bloods up on meso will allow members to interpret why some values are out of range and what to do to remedy it. Be careful to blot out any personal information. I know a few members real names because they posted without double checking.
E2 and TT values
You want your e2 somewhere in the 25-40 range with 34 being right in the butter zone
You want your TT somewhere between 400-1100 hopefully the same as your pre cycle bloods with an ideal being 9999 and that's why we cycle :D but ya anywhere around 600-800 would be great IMO

Thank you rodgerthat I know you guys don't wanna spoon feed ppl but how do you get the knowledge without asking!? I definitely don't want to be in this position again and asking for all this advice. Thank you again for helping out a broken man
Your lab paperwork will probably have reference ranges next to your values. They will also flag any of your values as high or low based on there reference range. Basically, anything out of the norm will probably stand out to you. But you might not have any clue what some of the items being flagged even are. Posting your bloods up on meso will allow members to interpret why some values are out of range and what to do to remedy it. Be careful to blot out any personal information. I know a few members real names because they posted without double checking.

Thank you eman I'll get the results up and hope that you guys on here will shed some light as to what some might be because you are right I don't understand it too greatly but I am picking it all up with your help.
Thank you rodgerthat I know you guys don't wanna spoon feed ppl but how do you get the knowledge without asking!? I definitely don't want to be in this position again and asking for all this advice. Thank you again for helping out a broken man

Got no problem with someone asking the right questions and trying to fix problems and being proactive with their learning, that's not spoon feeding. It's the "please lay out a cycle and pct and diet and training and supplements and where can I buy it?" combo I'm not a big fan of. In general of a thread has 3 of those or more I won't comment 2 of those ill maybe take a stab if I'm interested as long as it isn't the final question.
Got no problem with someone asking the right questions and trying to fix problems and being proactive with their learning, that's not spoon feeding. It's the "please lay out a cycle and pct and diet and training and supplements and where can I buy it?" combo I'm not a big fan of. In general of a thread has 3 of those or more I won't comment 2 of those ill maybe take a stab if I'm interested as long as it isn't the final question.
Got no problem with someone asking the right questions and trying to fix problems and being proactive with their learning, that's not spoon feeding. It's the "please lay out a cycle and pct and diet and training and supplements and where can I buy it?" combo I'm not a big fan of. In general of a thread has 3 of those or more I won't comment 2 of those ill maybe take a stab if I'm interested as long as it isn't the final question.

So....... Can you tell me what course to take, what pct I need, what I do with myself, what shoes to wear!? Lol, I understand what your saying and I assure you my intentions are to learn. I see this advice as priceless knowledge and you don't bite the hand that feeds you, so again I am extremely grateful. I'll just keep my head down and let my body try and put things in order for a few weeks and get these bloods done.
So....... Can you tell me what course to take, what pct I need, what I do with myself, what shoes to wear!? Lol, I understand what your saying and I assure you my intentions are to learn. I see this advice as priceless knowledge and you don't bite the hand that feeds you, so again I am extremely grateful. I'll just keep my head down and let my body try and put things in order for a few weeks and get these bloods done.

I know your not one of those guys. Stick around and you'll learn lots and eventually like myself you'll gather the knowledge to pass to the next guy.
You guys are just what the doctor ordered, like I said I'm just riding the wave not taking anything else until I get my bloods done and just gonna enjoy time with my daughter and lifting some heavy weights lol not at the same time!!
thank you for all advice and aiding a broken man! Never been like this before especially after 9 years pro fighting! I always thought I was strong enough to deal with anything!? Not arrogant just thought I could manage by myself! Turns out I'm not, It's a small wake up call and I really appreciate the comments you guys have given. I'll try to be proactive in other threads and share any knowledge I have on my training and dieting etc as I am in need of others advice in this bodybuilding department. Thank you..
Humility is an asset. It means you can more easily learn from your mistakes and be receptive to constructive criticism.

I do know something about this being one of the most prideful assholes who ever walked the face of the earth. I could have used some advice.
Humility is an asset. It means you can more easily learn from your mistakes and be receptive to constructive criticism.

I do know something about this being one of the most prideful assholes who ever walked the face of the earth. I could have used some advice.
Your a good man Big_paul
And very helpful.
Like RodgerThat said, you came in here humble and with an a genuine demeaner. It's guys like he described wanting to be spoon fed or the guy that comes in with an asinine cycle plan looking for validation only to go full douche bag when respected members dont tell them what they want to hear (and often offer enough good, solid advice to plana killer cycle). Those sre the guys that drive members nuts.
When I joined, I was pretty much welcomed immediately. I was given great advice that I put to use in my 1st cycle and am putting to use now in my 2nd run. The yahoos dont last long here and you are not one of those. Welcome to Meso.
Thanks guys I feel so welcomed here and it's a great pressure off being able to tell my story instead of thinking it over and over again in my head! it has really helped and I appreciate all the advice and comments and pm's. I hope I can give the same advice back one day.