I would like to know what those of you who support trump will do when he loses the election?

I'd say it was combination of the 16 years, the 8 of Bush and the 8 of Obama. Bush really fucked the economy, I was surprised I came out of the Bush 8 without being unemployed. Honestly Obama provided more stability in the economy, but it was a very slow economy full of regulations.

Trump turned up the heat big time, but anything that goes up too fast will come down even faster. And Trump despite trying to copy Pat Buchanan doesn't have the will to force manufacturing to be done in this country or we don't buy the products at all, until that day comes venture capitalists win and we all lose.

The biggest problem for America was the switch to a service industry instead of a manufacturing industry. Before NAFTA there were no working age men that I knew of that were unemployed, it didn't exist. Never saw a man sitting on the couch lounging around, they worked 6 and sometimes 7 days a week, good insurance, great benefits, wages weren't all that great, but you could live a solid middle class.

Fast forward and you have all these people working in the service sector, work that is completely unproductive(it does nothing but suck off saved up wealth from previous generations, it's little more then fluffing the pillows while you take someones retirement).

When I was a young lad in high school I worked construction building homes, we never went out to eat while on the job, you brought your sack lunch, you got your project done, sat down for ten minutes to shove your food in an got back to work.

Now we have our entire economy based on restaurants and coffee houses.

We went from working our asses off and feeling like we accomplished something, to someone with $80K in student loans saying "can I take your order ma'am".

If you want to survive you have to be completely self sufficient, you can't depend on all this old wealth that is completely dependent on generations before that had pensions from manufacturing that is now gone. All these people going in Healthcare profession, charging obscene prices for their services, this will dry up once the boomers are gone.

Due to the industry I’m in I did pretty good under Bush jr. Bush jr.’s biggest problem with the economy was what gave Clinton a great economy during his 2 terms. Firstly, Clinton had the luck to have an entirely new industry begin to grow during his first term. That industry was the Internet. The growth of the internet created wealth overnight thus giving Clinton a great economy to run on for re-election. Then during Bill’s second term a little thing popped up called Y2K. That was the glitch in almost every computer system in America that required them all to be replaced or at the least updated. All of this Y2K updating had to be completed by New Years of 2000 or we were going to have a nuclear holocaust (obviously that was a stretch). Regardless, with all of the tech systems replaced globally, there wasn’t much of a market for tech vendors for quite a while. So there went the Nasdaq. Bush jr. walked into office at the beginning of a tech sector recession. The economy didn’t stand a chance no matter who would have been in office at that time. While at the same time, even Howdy Doody could have had a great economy during the Clinton terms. Sometimes it’s more of a matter of when you are rather than who you are.
Due to the industry I’m in I did pretty good under Bush jr. Bush jr.’s biggest problem with the economy was what gave Clinton a great economy during his 2 terms. Firstly, Clinton had the luck to have an entirely new industry begin to grow during his first term. That industry was the Internet. The growth of the internet created wealth overnight thus giving Clinton a great economy to run on for re-election. Then during Bill’s second term a little thing popped up called Y2K. That was the glitch in almost every computer system in America that required them all to be replaced or at the least updated. All of this Y2K updating had to be completed by New Years of 2000 or we were going to have a nuclear holocaust (obviously that was a stretch). Regardless, with all of the tech systems replaced globally, there wasn’t much of a market for tech vendors for quite a while. So there went the Nasdaq. Bush jr. walked into office at the beginning of a tech sector recession. The economy didn’t stand a chance no matter who would have been in office at that time. While at the same time, even Howdy Doody could have had a great economy during the Clinton terms. Sometimes it’s more of a matter of when you are rather than who you are.
Absolutely correct! Great post.
Soros-Backed Coalition Preparing for Post-Election Day Chaos

Excellent read. I encourage all to read it.

Now idk what the hell is going on in this country or how we got here. It has alot to do with lies and manipulation. These are treasonous actions if followed thru by the left. This is chilling to say the least. As said in the article unless a land slide victory in favor of Biden they are organized and trained to form a coup. I hope they come to their senses. Theyve been stirred in to a frenzy over manipulation and lies. Hypothetically speaking, if they intend to follow thru with violence if the election doesnt go their way, this is a road that cannot be undone. The blood will be on democrats hands. And when the history books are wiped of the fascist control formerly known as the democratic party it will be a new day. And always and forever the 2nd civil war will be taught in schools to children how corruption, evil and lies brought brother to kill brother. Neighbor to kill neighbor. I sincerely hope it doesnt come to this.
Soros-Backed Coalition Preparing for Post-Election Day Chaos

Excellent read. I encourage all to read it.

Now idk what the hell is going on in this country or how we got here. It has alot to do with lies and manipulation. These are treasonous actions if followed thru by the left. This is chilling to say the least. As said in the article unless a land slide victory in favor of Biden they are organized and trained to form a coup. I hope they come to their senses. Theyve been stirred in to a frenzy over manipulation and lies. Hypothetically speaking, if they intend to follow thru with violence if the election doesnt go their way, this is a road that cannot be undone. The blood will be on democrats hands. And when the history books are wiped of the fascist control formerly known as the democratic party it will be a new day. And always and forever the 2nd civil war will be taught in schools to children how corruption, evil and lies brought brother to kill brother. Neighbor to kill neighbor. I sincerely hope it doesnt come to this.
Anybody that believes civil war will be a good time to be had will learn quickly that it isn't fun and games. Like the little asshole who got shot in the bicep when he tried shooting the kid in wisconsin. Screaming for a fucking medic like he thought he was playing call of duty. I hope our country comes to it's senses but I also know this. These extreme leftists talk a big game. There are a lot of combat veterans in our country from the last 20 years of conflict around the world. If shit really actually hits the fan, democrats may become an endangered species in this country. I don't think they realize what might happen if they continue poking the bear.
Anybody that believes civil war will be a good time to be had will learn quickly that it isn't fun and games. Like the little asshole who got shot in the bicep when he tried shooting the kid in wisconsin. Screaming for a fucking medic like he thought he was playing call of duty. I hope our country comes to it's senses but I also know this. These extreme leftists talk a big game. There are a lot of combat veterans in our country from the last 20 years of conflict around the world. If shit really actually hits the fan, democrats may become an endangered species in this country. I don't think they realize what might happen if they continue poking the bear.
One side cant figure out what gender they are. The other side salt of the earth, quiet and well trained lol. Hmmmm
But yes its not funny
General Mattis
"I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all."
POTUS gave a speech yesterday, announcing he will be taking action to reverse the anti-American indoctrination which has been rampant in schools.