I would like to know what those of you who support trump will do when he loses the election?

Black Lives Matter got training from Muslim terrorists

BLM, Antifa and the like are scum. They will be killed off and/or tried for treason as they push us closer to another civil war.

Barr has been digging deep into this subject and something tells me Obama has treason painted all over his face. There is talk about Barr dropping some serious legal heat in October.

He is a piece of shit. And western justice is better than legal justice. Especially when visited in hindsight to see the scope of just how much of human shit a person was/is. And you know what? Theres ignorant athletes that are wearing his fucking name on their helmets. Wonderful, eh? Nothing like the victim of his rape having to relive her attackers memory and glorified over a false narrative in THE NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE.
Dumb athletes. Why do they always grandstand on some sub human scumbag that's more than guilty of being a degenerate?

You have a problem, attack the problem. Seems like domestic violence and sexual assault was the problem in that case. The George Floyd case, well, seems like swallowing about 2 grams of fent as youre being arrested was the problem in that case.

Have you seen that video yet? The entire Floyd videos? You can see him eat drugs before he's out of the car. You can literally see him turn his head, put it in his mouth and even see it in his mouth as he's talking directly after he puts it there. That loser died of an overdose. Fuck him
It is simple appeasement, according to Spencer: "It was Churchill who said the appeaser will feed the crocodile hoping it will eat him last. And that is what we are seeing with these mega-corporations and sports leagues supporting Antifa and Black Lives Matter."

My favorite part of the article posted above.

I can not wait for the chance to help end this foolish insanity. I will be there front and center. That's a promise.
Unfortunately if you show up to your girlfriends house and rape her with her kid right next to her in her bed. Then take her car keys and her wallet and leave. Then show up back at her house with a lawful restraining order against you upheld by a judge and get in to an altercation with 3 police officers. Get wrestled to the ground. Stand up and take tazers to your torso that have no effect and rush over to your drivers seat to find your weapon you MAY be shot 7 times in the back to end an unreasonable threat to officer safety. ( is this the Jacobs guy I thought he was just some random guy stopping 2 women fighting. If this is actual events can you post or pm a link plz)
Unfortunately if you show up to your girlfriends house and rape her with her kid right next to her in her bed. Then take her car keys and her wallet and leave. Then show up back at her house with a lawful restraining order against you upheld by a judge and get in to an altercation with 3 police officers. Get wrestled to the ground. Stand up and take tazers to your torso that have no effect and rush over to your drivers seat to find your weapon you MAY be shot 7 times in the back to end an unreasonable threat to officer safety. ( is this the Jacobs guy I thought he was just some random guy stopping 2 women fighting. If this is actual events can you post or pm a link plz)
Jacob Blake pleads not guilty to sexual assault, domestic abuse charges
Was just reading about it. Well there is always more to the story guess he wasn't just stopping to break up a fight between 2 women. Love the other news sites they just mention he plead not guilty to DV. And leave it at that
Was just reading about it. Well there is always more to the story guess he wasn't just stopping to break up a fight between 2 women. Love the other news sites they just mention he plead not guilty to DV. And leave it at that
I had the police rape affadavit read to me and millions of other listeners on am radio. I couldnt immediately access this information as a follow up to your request. Ill continue looking. Maybe i can obtain it for myself
@Big_paul its funny that you even created this post when it’s clearly the democrats who are the ones rioting and refusing to accept results. Numerous democrats have already been busted for ballot fraud and yet you ask what Trump voters will do if he loses? That’s clear projection of what the democrats are already and have been doing, yet you seem to think the non-rioting republicans will be the ones to stoop to the democrats level? Democrats are telling us they will not accept a Donald Trump win. Are you listening?
Feelings, that's all the leftist have are feelings. There is no substance. There is no direction that allows for a level playing field. There is nothing other than fear mongering and outright lies.

When people are called out and asked to explain themselves with something other than emotional discharge the leftist can not. Republicans can provide tangible facts to back up most of their rhetoric. Leftist can not.

You can't point to one societal endeavor the had socialist underpinnings that became a success. It always fails in a dramatic fashion.

People need to watch/read republican based news. And then they need to watch/read liberal based news. Throw your emotions aside and invest in it, it's only time. Watch the daily wire, young americans foundation, shit like that. real journalism and editorials that are sculpted from facts, not emotion.
Feelings, that's all the leftist have are feelings. There is no substance. There is no direction that allows for a level playing field. There is nothing other than fear mongering and outright lies.

When people are called out and asked to explain themselves with something other than emotional discharge the leftist can not. Republicans can provide tangible facts to back up most of their rhetoric. Leftist can not.

You can't point to one societal endeavor the had socialist underpinnings that became a success. It always fails in a dramatic fashion.

People need to watch/read republican based news. And then they need to watch/read liberal based news. Throw your emotions aside and invest in it, it's only time. Watch the daily wire, young americans foundation, shit like that. real journalism and editorials that are sculpted from facts, not emotion.
The only good thing that has came out of communism/socialism is the invention of the ak-47 and the leftists fucking hate it.
If they cannot agree to have a vote like we have always done as a republic and agree to accept the results of the election then perhaps they should have no voice in the election process.

It cannot be a govt by the people for the people if they threaten death and war if THEY dont get their way.(which i find almost ridiculous btw. It has been said the ONLY war democrats know how to fight is a war against the republican party. Which is true. Dont awaken the patriots and threaten us. What we will do to you will be written about for 1000 yrs.)
If they cannot agree to have a vote like we have always done as a republic and agree to accept the results of the election then perhaps they should have no voice in the election process.

It cannot be a govt by the people for the people if they threaten death and war if THEY dont get their way.(which i find almost ridiculous btw. It has been said the ONLY war democrats know how to fight is a war against the republican party. Which is true. Dont awaken the patriots and threaten us. What we will do to you will be written about for 1000 yrs.)
Truth brother

Donald J. Trump

The Democrats, together with the corrupt Fake News Media, have launched a massive Disinformation Campaign the likes of which has never been seen before. They will say anything, like their recent lies about me and the Military, and hope that it sticks... But #MAGA gets it!