I would like to know what those of you who support trump will do when he loses the election?

There is no communicating with the trump base. I knew that going in to this discussion.

Kind of hard to communicate with someone when your opening salvo is telling them that they are racist, a moron, and a moral degenerate, then mischaracterizing their views and asking your questions in a “when did you stop beating your wife” format.

You are delusional.
My Letter to America
By Noor Bin Ladin
(Osama Bin Ladins niece)

Two hundred and fourty-four years ago, the resolve, courage, and wisdom of your Founding Fathers forever changed the course of history. For the first time, with the ratification of your Declaration of Independence, mankind was offered an unmatched societal ideal and dignified way of life. Human beings were recognized for what we truly are by nature: all created free and equal, endowed with unalienable rights which do not derive from any government, but from our Creator. With your Constitution, your Founders sealed these God given rights, and protected them by instituting a limited form of self-government along with a robust justice system. This combination keeps the promise of freedom for future generations alive and allows for human injustices to be rectified.

This, America, is what makes your nation exceptional. It is why you have stood as a beacon of democracy and hope for all subjugated peoples over the past two centuries. During some of our darkest hours, we remember how you fought for those who couldn’t defend themselves from tyranny, at the cost of your own brave men. The world is forever in debt for your sacrifice, and we are grateful for the refuge you provide those who can flee persecution.

This, America, is your heritage and the reason we still look to you as our champion of liberty to this day. Those currently fighting for their freedoms across the world value the plight of your brave Founding Fathers who forever inked the model to which we can hold our governments accountable. From the peaceful Hong Kong protesters who proudly brandish the American flag in the streets, to the Iranian students who refused to walk over a painted version of it on the ground of a Tehran university, people who live under oppressive regimes know first hand that being free has no price. And they know that America is the ultimate shelter for the downtrodden.

Watching the gratuitous violence, streets burn, buildings and statues being defaced in America over these past months, I am heartbroken to see how an entire generation was successfully brainwashed into hating the very nation that has yielded the most freedom, justice and equality anywhere in the world.

I am also highly distressed by the blatant erosion at various levels of your most basic individual rights and freedoms as guaranteed by your Bill of Rights, from arbitrary censorship of speech to unlawful, politically motivated abuses of justice.

America, this is why I feel compelled to address you. Though I am an unlikely messenger at first glance, rest assured that the name that I carry is antithetical to the values I hold, and that my heart is in the right place: with you. The level of urgency coupled with the available platform granted by my circumstance bound me to speak up and warn you before it is too late.

The question is, how did we get to this point? They want you to believe that this is a recent phenomenon. The truth is that the undoing of America has been decades in the making. The globalists, Deep State, swamp, whichever name you call them, have been hard at work to weaken America’s sovereignty and standing as world leader. Intent on erecting a new system of world governance where they would be in total control, they are seeking to undermine the fundamental principle of your country, “a government for the people by the people”, replacing it instead with a world order of international institutions ultimately puppeteered by a caste of technocrats, oligarchs and international bankers.

Though your Constitution stands firmly in their way, it never deterred them. Like a trojan horse, they infiltrated governmental and intelligence agencies, and all realms of society - education, media, entertainment, culture. At their disposal, tools of mass population influence: propaganda, fake news and censorship. By pushing their marxist-socialist progressive agenda for years, they set out to destroy your fundamental values and divide you. They negated God, dissolved the family unit and dissevered us from moral objectivity, effectively leaving a vacuum of degeneracy, cognitive dissonance and absurdity in its wake. Yuri Bezmenov tried to warn us. This social engineering operation took place as we were lulled into a sense of comfort and complacency due to modernity’s technological progress and liberalism’s appeal. In reality we were being driven further down a path of enslavement while they solidified their plans for a covert power grab.

However, they didn’t count on a great awakening of people tired of being crushed by their self-serving economic policies. Nor did they foresee that COVID-19 would highlight their system’s gross failings, from an over dependence on a global supply chain to corruption in major institutions like the World Health Organization. They didn’t anticipate that we would all rally online to share information and real news, bypassing their controlled mainstream media outlets. Above all, they never thought Hillary Clinton would lose.

Since President Trump’s victory, these nefarious forces have done everything in their power to stop him from reversing past administrations’ destructive policies. They have failed, hoax after hoax. Despite their relentless attacks on all fronts, President Trump has demonstrated he is the only leader who can save us from a bleak future. As evidenced by his first term, results of his America First policy speak for themselves.

Domestically, he removed handicapping regulations to American economic growth; rebuilt a depleted military; brought back manufacturing and revamped dying industries by renegotiating trade deals and cutting taxes; achieved energy independence; curbed immigration - all of which contributed to setting record unemployment rates. He also saved your tax payer dollars by withdrawing from corrupt international organizations and agreements. Remarkably, he tackled neglected issues such as human trafficking and unjust incarceration; defunded Planned Parenthood; took care of your disregarded veterans; lowered prescription drug prices. All these undertakings prove just how much he values the lives and wellbeing of ALL Americans.

By strengthening America from within, President Trump bolstered his plans when it comes to foreign policy, and thanks to his vision and tactical use of diplomatic avenues, has made the world a much safer place since taking office. To name a few achievements: he stood up to China, kept us out of new wars, made Europe comply with their NATO requirements, solidified ties with Israel, overturned the disastrous Iran deal, obliterated ISIS, took down other key terrorists, and facilitated a historic peace deal between Israel and the UAE. His administration has also made Christian persecution worldwide a top priority with the State Department instituting the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom, the first of its kind.

With President Trump at her helm, America stands a chance at restoring her principles, pride, independence and true place in the world as beacon of liberty and hope for all. This to me, is what “Make America Great Again” means. Looking back at your country’s foundation, and preserving what makes it truly GREAT. But also knowing that the best is yet to come.

All the above achievements will be torpedoed with a Biden/Harris presidency, and the dream of America’s enemies to see her weak and on her knees would be fulfilled. Make no mistake America, you are under attack. Supported by the fake news propaganda machine and violent marxists groups such as Antifa with their ISIS-type tactics, they have pushed their agenda through fearmongering, hypocrisy, lies and destruction onto you, the American people, and for one motive only: power. The escalation of the past four years is your preview of what to expect should we lose: an abject repudiation of our Judeo-Christian values and utter disregard for your individual rights. This insurrection if successful, would sign the unravelling of law and order and the end of your Republic as we know it. Tyranny would inevitably ensue.

America, you are at the very edge of the precipice. Please wake up! Take hold! Fight for your country, and be proud of your roots! Uphold your values. Stand for your flag and your anthem. Defend your history. Don’t relent in the face of those who seek to re-write it to serve their narrative and justify the destruction of your nation. You have much to cherish and protect for your sake, and ours.

We need you to stay the course, America. You are our last safeguard from an imminent civilisational collapse and if you lose, all humanity loses.

Be assured, we are with you in this decisive hour in your history. All of us freedom-seeking and loving people across the globe pray for you to succeed.

We are rooting for you and watching closely America, “for with |your] fate will the destiny of unborn Millions be involved.”

Your fellow patriot,

Noor Bin Ladin

My Letter to America.


© Copyright 2020 Noor Bin Ladin. All rights reserved.
Will you take to the streets? Will it matter that there is no evidence of fraud, other than trump supporters who follow trumps instruction and vote twice.
I’ll pm you a picture of me naked with a trump flag tied around my neck like a cape. If he loses then I’ll still Pm you a picture of me naked. Win win for you
If he loses I’m going to “protest” black on black crime that’s destroying neighborhoods with the local White Lives Matter group. It’ll be mostly peaceful. We’re not saying black lives don’t matter but just that white lives matter and private property matters too. We’re also going to protest black on cop violence and resisting arrest.
only issue in that case was the left over rounds in that officers magazine. He had more he could have used, should have used them imo. Then we wouldn't have to pay for a dang trial, and all of the appeals that'll come. That man should be dead.
He should have had plenty rounds left. He should have put one in the head and be done with that shit.
Have you seen that video yet? The entire Floyd videos? You can see him eat drugs before he's out of the car. You can literally see him turn his head, put it in his mouth and even see it in his mouth as he's talking directly after he puts it there. That loser died of an overdose. Fuck him
My apologies but I just had to.
Paul, you want to know what's going to happen on the 4th of November?

Trump supporters will go to work and provide taxable revenue.

Liberals will bumble their way through the next few weeks crying about how racist and fascist america is.

Americans will step on the necks of all liberals causing riots.

Liberals will claim abuse and cry.

Americans will always keep liberal retards in check. All we have to do is flex. The liberal movement isn't being pushed; they're simply hitting a wall of defense. When America pushes back it's game over. If it wasn't an election year it would already be over.

For every pansexual radical with jewelry stuck in every piece of available flesh on its face their are 50 well armed militia members waiting for the green light. I will gladly take up arms and happily destroy anyone that's part of the anti american movement. Yes paul, if we meet in the streets during an event like that, I am even talking about you. Is that the answer you are looking for? You want fodder to deflect from what your party is doing? You got it fool. 10mm raining down from the heavens. Simple as that. Every state has malitia activity, even liberal ones like mine. Massachusetts has more folks ready than anyone could imagine. I can't wait for your dumb ass to March down my streets. Game over.

Do yourself a favor, stop watching CNN, msnbc, etc. I know you want to suck rachel madows pee pee but you can't.

This!!! ^^ I couldn't agree more. Just had this discussion with my co-worker this morning. So tired of the bullshit that's been going on these past few months.
Many Canadians hope trump will win, but we are the minority, sadly most people here are mindless sheep who watch too much MSM.
I gotta say. I kinda enjoy the complete bipolar manic episodes liberals have with even the mention of Trumps name. Ive never seen such a target put on one man my entire life. If you scroll thru the fake media you can see they spend entire 1 hour episodes seething at the word Trump like moths bouncing in to the porch light again and again and again. Ive watched our good Dr Scally spend his every waking moment the last 4 yrs with blood shot eyes and bleeding teeth marked lips posting memes, cartoons or other communist propoganda in his thread. It just comes and comes. I suppose its a compliment? I mean we hired him to do a job and the swamp doesnt like it. If your opposition absolutely loathes what your doing that means its working.
The fake news is so friggin real. Forget the major networks. I've sifted through enough podcasts, brothers, the time is nearing when your Y2K Stock will be of value. I used to just want my piece of the pie, yet it has soured.
800 hp?! Holy shit. What’s in that thing - it is a Challenger Hellcat?
Yeah man, it's a hellcat with a little more wrench time after the fact. Manual gear box. I had a car with just over 400 at the crank when I was young. I thought that had power. Lol.
Yeah man, it's a hellcat with a little more wrench time after the fact. Manual gear box. I had a car with just over 400 at the crank when I was young. I thought that had power. Lol.
Any car with 400 at the crank is fun. Regardless of time. A hellcat with a stick must be wild. Them monsters cant get any traction as it is
:D all day long, unless it's raining. I'm only getting half that Hp, and it can get sketchy quick. :eek:
Amazing how the straightest, most level road around is up and down like a roller coaster when your 145+ and your too scared to look down to see how fast your going.
Doesn't matter who wins, your lives won't change at all.

Been through Ford, Carter, Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton, Obama.

The Sun comes and the Sun goes down, didn't mean anything to the average person on the street.

No matter who wins, Police Unions, Police State, Prison State will still be strong as ever and all of you will continue to sneak around to get your gear.
Doesn't matter who wins, your lives won't change at all.

Been through Ford, Carter, Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton, Obama.

The Sun comes and the Sun goes down, didn't mean anything to the average person on the street.

No matter who wins, Police Unions, Police State, Prison State will still be strong as ever and all of you will continue to sneak around to get your gear.

For the most part I agree with this statement due to the fact that the founding fathers gave us a constitutional foundation that is difficult for tyrants to circumnavigate. But I do have to admit that my financial situation has never been affected as negatively as it was for the 8 years that Obummer was in office.
For the most part I agree with this statement due to the fact that the founding fathers gave us a constitutional foundation that is difficult for tyrants to circumnavigate. But I do have to admit that my financial situation has never been affected as negatively as it was for the 8 years that Obummer was in office.

I'd say it was combination of the 16 years, the 8 of Bush and the 8 of Obama. Bush really fucked the economy, I was surprised I came out of the Bush 8 without being unemployed. Honestly Obama provided more stability in the economy, but it was a very slow economy full of regulations.

Trump turned up the heat big time, but anything that goes up too fast will come down even faster. And Trump despite trying to copy Pat Buchanan doesn't have the will to force manufacturing to be done in this country or we don't buy the products at all, until that day comes venture capitalists win and we all lose.

The biggest problem for America was the switch to a service industry instead of a manufacturing industry. Before NAFTA there were no working age men that I knew of that were unemployed, it didn't exist. Never saw a man sitting on the couch lounging around, they worked 6 and sometimes 7 days a week, good insurance, great benefits, wages weren't all that great, but you could live a solid middle class.

Fast forward and you have all these people working in the service sector, work that is completely unproductive(it does nothing but suck off saved up wealth from previous generations, it's little more then fluffing the pillows while you take someones retirement).

When I was a young lad in high school I worked construction building homes, we never went out to eat while on the job, you brought your sack lunch, you got your project done, sat down for ten minutes to shove your food in an got back to work.

Now we have our entire economy based on restaurants and coffee houses.

We went from working our asses off and feeling like we accomplished something, to someone with $80K in student loans saying "can I take your order ma'am".

If you want to survive you have to be completely self sufficient, you can't depend on all this old wealth that is completely dependent on generations before that had pensions from manufacturing that is now gone. All these people going in Healthcare profession, charging obscene prices for their services, this will dry up once the boomers are gone.