I would like to know what those of you who support trump will do when he loses the election?

Pussy Democrat mayors that welcome destruction and chaos to their cities with open arms, all while apologizing at the same time their peace officers are getting fucking shot at and having rocks thrown at them and cars burned. Idiots too stupid to call the Guard in and get real help, because a higher authority of control "infringes on the people's rights". If assholes followed the law and did what they were supposed to then it shouldn't matter.
Really, really terrible time to be in LE. All for what? 50k/yr?
So every POS arm chair quarterback can tell you how they would handle things differently.
I would not for the life of me want to be a cop. To see the shit they see, deal with assholes day in and day out, and now have people turn on you only for them to want your help when something happens to them. Fuck that plus you can't tell me that shit don't fuck with them
Really, really terrible time to be in LE. All for what? 50k/yr?
So every POS arm chair quarterback can tell you how they would handle things differently.
Yep, living in an age where law enforcement feels like if they don't turn their back on a problem it's their job and their life that will be destroyed. A show of force is what communities need becaise now the attitude is "you can't do anything to me, I have a camera on you" but often we don't get the entire story. The community dictates how issues are handled now, not the law. It's unfortunate
If anything police departments need to be funded, not defunded. When budgets get lower and job demands get higher you get applicants that otherwise wouldn't be qualified. Part of LE job is knowing their community, but how the fuck do you do that when you get scrutinized and spit at before ppl even get to know you?
If anything police departments need to be funded, not defunded. When budgets get lower and job demands get higher you get applicants that otherwise wouldn't be qualified. Part of LE job is knowing their community, but how the fuck do you do that when you get scrutinized and spit at before ppl even get to know you?

Your police clearly very often recruit the wrong type of people, regardless of budget constraints & have been doing for many decades - pretty much forever really.

Only have to look at the "shoot first, think later" mentality of many US cops to see that - somewhere around half of all people shot & killed by the US police are unarmed. Somewhere around 20% of them are killed were actually trying to seek assistance from the police who shot them.

So yeah, I think budgets need to go up to account for better recruitment, vetting & training.

No, I haven't referenced my numbers, but 5 min googling will show a mass of data comparing US police killings vs police in other Western democracies.

It's actually pretty fucking shocking & sobering reading.

& no, it's not "libtard" propaganda, before anyone says it is.
Only have to look at the "shoot first, think later" mentality of many US cops to see that - somewhere around half of all people shot & killed by the US police are unarmed. Somewhere around 20% of them are killed were actually trying to seek assistance from the police who shot them.
you're wildly uninformed. Please post what you're using as a source for this info.

There are ample sources that have your "half of all people" claim at less that 1%, many of the sources being liberal. Stats don't lie.

Police shootings myth: Unarmed Black Americans don't face an epidemic
About Those Unarmed Black Men Killed by Cops...

According to the DOJ,” writes Walsh, “police make about 10 million arrests each year. As a rough average, 7 million of the arrested suspects are white and 3 million are black. Out of that number, last year, 25 unarmed white people were killed by police, compared to 14 unarmed black people, according to the Washington Post database of police shootings. That means about .0004 percent of all blacks arrested were killed while unarmed. The percentage for whites is comparable. In total, 1,000 people were shot and killed by police in 2019, the vast majority of whom were armed.” In any case, those 1,000 shootings amount to just 0.01% or one-ten-thousandth of all arrests made
you're wildly uninformed. Please post what you're using as a source for this info.

There are ample sources that have your "half of all people" claim at less that 1%, many of the sources being liberal. Stats don't lie.

Police shootings myth: Unarmed Black Americans don't face an epidemic

Off the top of my head I couldn't tell you, but I'll take a look online later & see where I got them from. I'm pretty sure though they were coming from the release of the FBI's assessment of US police killings in (IIRC) 2019.

Like I said though, take a look at US police killings per capita vs other Western democracies. Those figures are shocking.
Just skimmed your posts, will read properly later, but to clarify, I am not talking about US police killings of black people, I am talking about US police killings in general
UK police killings in the same period were 3. We have somewhere around 20% of the US population

If you act like a fucking animal you should be killed. You act like this is a bad thing. Color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc doesn't matter at all. If you're a moron doing violent things and you get killed, you deserve it. The criminal, their family and all of the enabling rejects that put the deceased where they ended up deserve what they get.
FBI assessment of US police killings in 2019 puts the number at over 1,000.
and of this figure less than 40 were "unarmed". This term allows for things like vehicles and tasers to not be counted as weapons, so the actual number is even lower if you'd count someone trying to run you over as a person with a weapon.

If you focus on the numbers solely, you're going to miss cause and effect as to why. Read about it more, I feel that a better understanding of what's really happening will make you less aggressive as to how many are being killed, and your mindset will go down the rabbit hole of "why are they being killed".

Simply put, americans are putting themselves in the situation. It's not a law enforcement problem. It's a societal issue based on class, education, drug abuse, respect etc. Your countrymem are probably not acting in such a way that they'd find themselves in that position often.
Your police clearly very often recruit the wrong type of people, regardless of budget constraints & have been doing for many decades - pretty much forever really.

Only have to look at the "shoot first, think later" mentality of many US cops to see that - somewhere around half of all people shot & killed by the US police are unarmed. Somewhere around 20% of them are killed were actually trying to seek assistance from the police who shot them.

So yeah, I think budgets need to go up to account for better recruitment, vetting & training.

No, I haven't referenced my numbers, but 5 min googling will show a mass of data comparing US police killings vs police in other Western democracies.

It's actually pretty fucking shocking & sobering reading.

& no, it's not "libtard" propaganda, before anyone says it is.
Most europeans approach this issue with a preexisting belief that guns are bad there for cops/citizens with guns are bad. We have a huge burden here in the US. We are very different from any other country and always have been. The burden is freedom and keeping it free. We are free to do as we choose. We have the right to bear arms and that right shall not be infringed. That is unless you have a criminal or mental illness history. When the background check is properly done it separates the have from the have nots. That eliminates the avenue for disqualified citizens to achieve gun ownership LEGALLY. Of course anything can illegally be obtained. There are ppl peddling anything you need lying in the shadows any time any where. Everything from narcotics to AAS to guns. Of course what you cannot predict is peoples futures and what they MAY do even if they are otherwise law abiding. Unfortunately if you show up to your girlfriends house and rape her with her kid right next to her in her bed. Then take her car keys and her wallet and leave. Then show up back at her house with a lawful restraining order against you upheld by a judge and get in to an altercation with 3 police officers. Get wrestled to the ground. Stand up and take tazers to your torso that have no effect and rush over to your drivers seat to find your weapon you MAY be shot 7 times in the back to end an unreasonable threat to officer safety.

Case law below
Unfortunately if you show up to your girlfriends house and rape her with her kid right next to her in her bed. Then take her car keys and her wallet and leave. Then show up back at her house with a lawful restraining order against you upheld by a judge and get in to an altercation with 3 police officers. Get wrestled to the ground. Stand up and take tazers to your torso that have no effect and rush over to your drivers seat to find your weapon you MAY be shot 7 times in the back to end an unreasonable threat to officer safety.
only issue in that case was the left over rounds in that officers magazine. He had more he could have used, should have used them imo. Then we wouldn't have to pay for a dang trial, and all of the appeals that'll come. That man should be dead.
only issue in that case was the left over rounds in that officers magazine. He had more he could have used, should have used them imo. Then we wouldn't have to pay for a dang trial, and all of the appeals that'll come. That man should be dead.
He is a piece of shit. And western justice is better than legal justice. Especially when visited in hindsight to see the scope of just how much of human shit a person was/is. And you know what? Theres ignorant athletes that are wearing his fucking name on their helmets. Wonderful, eh? Nothing like the victim of his rape having to relive her attackers memory and glorified over a false narrative in THE NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE.