I would like to know what those of you who support trump will do when he loses the election?

Worst part is this shit is giving all black ppl a bad name, when 70% of it is being caused by some scrawny white radical fuck who thinks he is reliving a scene in his call of Duty video game. Bash his god damn teeth in!!!
Biden has done what trump refuses to do. He has come out against all violence and vandalism. Trump makes excuses for a 17yo who has shot and killed a couple people.

I don't expect trump to change.
Everyone can agree that there a piece of shit cops out there and there always have been. But now it's strictly a race issue regardless of the crime, threat, or provocation. Dude, fuck what color you are, you point a piece at a cop then you are gonna get what's coming to you. The mistake here is defunding police and making examples out of ppl doing a difficult job by firing them when there was indeed a threat (I'm not talking abt the George Floyd scenario here)

Personally I think they need to beat the everloving shit out of people causing problems and make an example out of them. You see what backing down for fear of public scrutiny gets ya lately? Yea. More crime and anarchy. I'm all for the national guard coming in and mowing over these assholes, these pussy mayors are spraypainting shit on sidewalks with these ppl. Fucking disgrace
You make some points here that I can agree with sir. I have never had much respect for most cops but if i were to resist arrest i would expect the worst. I know what its like to stare down the barrel of a gun held by LE. I didn't resist. That is suicidal.
Spraypaint people's houses and hit innocent ppl in the head with bricks because I'm pissed off at something , yes that sound like the logical thing to do if I don't get my way, hahahhaa
Who in any position of authority has not been opposed to vandalism and violence. I support peaceful protest. That is something people in this country have felt strongly enough to die for.

Those people who choose to resort to violence should be prosecuted and punished accordingly.
This isn't the purpose of this post. My question is what will you do if you are disappointed by the election results.

I know better than to argue to change anyones mind here.
Correction Paul....... you said what will we do WHEN he loses, like a egomaniac , many times .
Correction Paul....... you said what will we do WHEN he loses, like a egomaniac , many times .
Whats the answer? I have no doubt that trump will lose this election and alot of people will not accept the results even with no proof of the election being rigged. Just the accusations of a habitual liar and megalomaniac.

Whats the answer? I have no doubt that trump will lose this election and alot of people will not accept the results even with no proof of the election being rigged. Just the accusations of a habitual liar and megalomaniac.

I dont support either way but Trump will not lose this election. Not happening whether you want to convince yourself or not.
Whats the answer? I have no doubt that trump will lose this election and alot of people will not accept the results even with no proof of the election being rigged. Just the accusations of a habitual liar and megalomaniac.

Throwing around a lot of WHENS, and IFs . I like when a man shows his cocky ness if really masked by brittle faith . Keep it up, don’t doubt your self big guy , confidence is power
Throwing around a lot of WHENS, and IFs . I like when a man shows his cocky ness if really masked by brittle faith . Keep it up, don’t doubt your self big guy , confidence is power
You still haven't answered the question? No need to I think I already know. I have a high degree of confidence that there will be alot of disappointed folks around here and I won't be one of them.
My answer is the same as yours , a high level of confidence, but I defiantly have the intelligence not to say WHEN, pride always comes before the fall, I just wanted to show your arrogance, thank you for leveling with me and showing that . High level of confidence fell along way from ( what are you going to do WHEN you lose ) carry on, bye now ...
Whats the answer? I have no doubt that trump will lose this election and alot of people will not accept the results even with no proof of the election being rigged. Just the accusations of a habitual liar and megalomaniac.

I can’t even picture Trump loosing. It’s so far from a possibility in my mind that I can’t give you and answer to “when” or “if”. Trump winning is it. There’s not a question to ask.
What do you think he is doing when he is encouraging his followers to cheat by voting multiple times? Why would the dear leader prepare his followers to disregard the election results? He has you convinced I see.

You answered my question thanks @ickyrica . Thank a deep breath and calm down. Maybe I will be the one who doesn't like the election results. Thats a long shot but anything is possible.

I'm not going to use this thread to list every reason why I don't support a megalomaniac. You can read the trump timeline for that.
Show me the quote.
I can’t even picture Trump loosing. It’s so far from a possibility in my mind that I can’t give you and answer to “when” or “if”. Trump winning is it. There’s not a question to ask.
I am definitely in the minority but i like my candidates chances. Im not surprised by the response though.
I expected to get some folks blood up. I was right. I'm not the one who supports a man who has no moral compass.
What will you do when trump declares the election was rigged and encourages his followers to take to the streets?
You support baby killers and pedophiles, much worse in my book.
You support baby killers and pedophiles, much worse in my book.
No but it would be nice to have a president who uses complete sentences. Baby killers and pedophiles no sir. Im prolife and feel that chomos deserve a special kind of justice.

I just can't support a man who can't help lying everytime he speaks, and has absolutely no moral compass. He operates completely out of self interest. Show me a true conservative and im all in.
No but it would be nice to have a president who uses complete sentences. Baby killers and pedophiles no sir. Im prolife and feel that chomos deserve a special kind of justice.

I just can't support a man who can't help lying everytime he speaks, and has absolutely no moral compass. He operates completely out of self interest. Show me a true conservative and im all in.
Then how do you support Biden and Harris?
I just can't support a man who can't help lying everytime he speaks, and has absolutely no moral compass. He operates completely out of self interest. Show me a true conservative and im all in.

If a new reader came into this thread without reading the title or previous posts and saw this quote, they wouldn't know which one of the jerk off candidates you're referring to.
No but it would be nice to have a president who uses complete sentences. Baby killers and pedophiles no sir. Im prolife and feel that chomos deserve a special kind of justice.

I just can't support a man who can't help lying everytime he speaks, and has absolutely no moral compass. He operates completely out of self interest. Show me a true conservative and im all in.
Have you heard Biden? Smfh. No you're not that dumb. My only advice is maybe up the Adex if Trumps words hits you in the feelz.