I would like to know what those of you who support trump will do when he loses the election?

Biden has done what trump refuses to do. He has come out against all violence and vandalism. Trump makes excuses for a 17yo who has shot and killed a couple people.

I don't expect trump to change.
This is the garbage im talking about. Ignorance on an level that can only be construed as stupidity. What are you watching? POTUS has been condemming violence for 3 months now. He has offered these cities help. The governor of WI has stone walled him every single goddam time. 3 months, 3 MONTHS PAUL and now he caves and asks Trump for federal support. He has repeatedly told the Mayor of Seattle to clean up your mess or i will. This has been going on for 3 entire months. And they all refuse to cooperate. The official response from 1 seattle mayor is "the fiery but mostly peaceful(im laughing so hard here i cant even stand it) protests just need time to breathe and get it all out". As their mayor defunds their police departments, are letting felons out of prison for fear of them getting COVID and has repeatedly sided with the rioters and protestors. Komela has even posted a gofundme to get rioters and looters out of jail for "nonviolent" crimes. Yes that is the VP of the democrat ticket encouraging violence. All this can be construed in only 1 way. The democratic party would rather see this country, its citizens and businesses burn and fucking die than to take Trumps offer up on federal help. This has been an offer since day one.

Now sleepy joe. His hide in his bunker and wait it out policy hasnt worked. As of september 1, 2020 he has officially come out and condemned the violence his paid for rioters started. Yes ladies and gentlemen. Thats 3 months of saying and doing absolutely nothing. While his VP cash rolls the gofundme to set rioters and looters free from law enforcement. And the only reason it took him to 9/1/20 to do some thing about it was because the POLLS SAID HE SHOULD! He was afraid to fracture the coalition movement. HIS coalition movement.

Part of the problem is one side here is completely insane. And that WILL cost you
we’re going to go burn down cities, businesses, loot stores, beat people up, and murder. oh wait never mind that’s what you guys are doing....

This is what’s got me scratching my head about Joe’s slogan. “Build back better”. Well, if y’all wouldn’t of tore it down it wouldn’t need rebuilt. o_O
This is the garbage im talking about. Ignorance on an level that can only be construed as stupidity. What are you watching? POTUS has been condemming violence for 3 months now. He has offered these cities help. The governor of WI has stone walled him every single goddam time. 3 months, 3 MONTHS PAUL and now he caves and asks Trump for federal support. He has repeatedly told the Mayor of Seattle to clean up your mess or i will. This has been going on for 3 entire months. And they all refuse to cooperate. The official response from 1 seattle mayor is "the fiery but mostly peaceful(im laughing so hard here i cant even stand it) protests just need time to breathe and get it all out". As their mayor defunds their police departments, are letting felons out of prison for fear of them getting COVID and has repeatedly sided with the rioters and protestors. Komela has even posted a gofundme to get rioters and looters out of jail for "nonviolent" crimes. Yes that is the VP of the democrat ticket encouraging violence. All this can be construed in only 1 way. The democratic party would rather see this country, its citizens and businesses burn and fucking die than to take Trumps offer up on federal help. This has been an offer since day one.

Now sleepy joe. His hide in his bunker and wait it out policy hasnt worked. As of september 1, 2020 he has officially come out and condemned the violence his paid for rioters started. Yes ladies and gentlemen. Thats 3 months of saying and doing absolutely nothing. While his VP cash rolls the gofundme to set rioters and looters free from law enforcement. And the only reason it took him to 9/1/20 to do some thing about it was because the POLLS SAID HE SHOULD! He was afraid to fracture the coalition movement. HIS coalition movement.

Part of the problem is one side here is completely insane. And that WILL cost you
We get our news from different sources clearly. If you want to talk about insane lets start with what is being regurgitated by right wing media. There is no communicating with the trump base. I knew that going in to this discussion. Im not going to try to change anyones mind. Trump has said everything that anyone needs to understand what kind of potus he is. If you choose to disregard it all, that is your decision.

It seems that those who support the megalomaniac moron who currently resides in the Whitehouse have a hard time reading as well. The question here was what would be the response when the inevitable happens. I got news for you. There are not enough fools in this country to reelected trump. I am not too concerned with the opinions of the people here.

You just need an open mind to see that the man is a complete joke. The joke is on his base. The ones that parrot every bit of right wing misinformation that comes down the pike. Hook line and sinker.

I will bump this thread to the top in November. Maybe then I can get a more accurate response to the question that was asked. I will be lmao.
We get our news from different sources clearly. If you want to talk about insane lets start with what is being regurgitated by right wing media. There is no communicating with the trump base. I knew that going in to this discussion. Im not going to try to change anyones mind. Trump has said everything that anyone needs to understand what kind of potus he is. If you choose to disregard it all, that is your decision.

It seems that those who support the megalomaniac moron who currently resides in the Whitehouse have a hard time reading as well. The question here was what would be the response when the inevitable happens. I got news for you. There are not enough fools in this country to reelected trump. I am not too concerned with the opinions of the people here.

You just need an open mind to see that the man is a complete joke. The joke is on his base. The ones that parrot every bit of right wing misinformation that comes down the pike. Hook line and sinker.

I will bump this thread to the top in November. Maybe then I can get a more accurate response to the question that was asked. I will be lmao.
Before you go to sleep and had your last beer. I want you to recite the undisputable fact in your head that "the democratic party, my party has legalized pedophilia".
Have a good night Paul
The one who fuels the fire is the one who has a long history of racism. That is Donald Trump.

I don't have to be black to realize that black people have been the target of systemic racism for as long as this country has existed. If you disagree you deny history and you agree with trump and wish to reinvent history.

I live in the present my friend. it is good to know history (most who speak of history and obsess over it know very little about world history, they think history begins and ends at US slavery). But dwelling on history and fuming over it is pointless. Living in the present and setting up your own future will yield the best results.

Anger and hatred are a bag of bricks, you are carrying around the bag every day rather than putting it down, not those who you direct your anger at. The burden is yours and it only weighs you down, not trump or his supporters.
We get our news from different sources clearly. If you want to talk about insane lets start with what is being regurgitated by right wing media. There is no communicating with the trump base. I knew that going in to this discussion. Im not going to try to change anyones mind. Trump has said everything that anyone needs to understand what kind of potus he is. If you choose to disregard it all, that is your decision.

It seems that those who support the megalomaniac moron who currently resides in the Whitehouse have a hard time reading as well. The question here was what would be the response when the inevitable happens. I got news for you. There are not enough fools in this country to reelected trump. I am not too concerned with the opinions of the people here.

You just need an open mind to see that the man is a complete joke. The joke is on his base. The ones that parrot every bit of right wing misinformation that comes down the pike. Hook line and sinker.

I will bump this thread to the top in November. Maybe then I can get a more accurate response to the question that was asked. I will be lmao.

Just like the fake news from which you apparently get your info, you offer neither a single fact nor stitch of evidence to support your ad hominem attacks.
So, I respectfully say to you the following:
We get our news from different sources clearly.

That's where you're so desperately incorrect dude. You're watching editorials, not news. News requires facts. Editorials require emotions.

An unavoidable fact, nobody cares about feelings.
That's where I'm headed, some work horse of a machine. Move logs, ride trails, etc.

The 450r will wheelie going into 4th. Snappy motherfucker indeed

Those are high strung machines. Designed to be ridden hard. As i get older i stay away from machines like that because its really really easy to get carried away and get fucked up hard.

I have a polaris 800 4x4. Polaris says itll do 70mph. Fuck not with me on it! 90% of my riding is done at 20 or less on the trails. Got alot of low end grunt youd expect from a big bore twin. Weighs 800lbs and you dont want that thing on top of you i promise. Im looking to add more for my teenage boy as hes pretty good on it too and has interest in it. Im looking at a Polaris 570. Its a single piston machine but has DOHC. Oughta save alot of fuel vs my 800. Since all my riding is done at 20 or under the difference in power vs the bigger machine is negligible. Im also interested in the Can Am. Those Rotax engines are the meanest on the market
Biden is a known serial molester of girls of all ages even little children, yet small_Paul has no shame in admitting he’s voting and supporting this child molester. pauls hatred for Trump is at a higher level than a child molester, he’s sick. that’s not normal or rational thinking. something is off with this Paul guy.
This thread is ridiculous and just shows how pathetic the left are. Absolutely hated Obama. And for good reason. Affordable health care aka Obama care more than doubled my insurance. Let’s also not forget BLM started when we had a black president in office. They were killing cops in the street in Dallas. Pretty silly right as there was a black man holding the highest office in the world.

Anyway, hated the guy but I just kept grinding and doing me. It was what it was. Trump gets in office and these leftist start destroying the U.S and taking to the streets.

This thread is ridiculous and just shows how pathetic the left are. Absolutely hated Obama. And for good reason. Affordable health care aka Obama care more than doubled my insurance. Let’s also not forget BLM started when we had a black president in office. They were killing cops in the street in Dallas. Pretty silly right as there was a black man holding the highest office in the world.

Anyway, hated the guy but I just kept grinding and doing me. It was what it was. Trump gets in office and these leftist start destroying the U.S and taking to the streets.

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I dont hate anyone on the left. Thats the biggest problem alot of hate. Propogated by lies and deceit intended to make the other guy/party seem as bad as possible. The left in particular has a terrible habit of spreading fake news and that drums up their hate even more for conservatives. Most of which is not actual news at all, but propoganda. Trump deserves some of the shit he gets but by in large most accusations are baseless and lies.

I didnt hate Obama. He turned out to not be as far left as we all feared. Even his party turned on him for not being progressive enough. I despised him for bowing to the leader of a foreign country, i despised what he did to our military financially, i disapproved of his views on America is fundamentally evil and needs to be changed. I went completely ballistic over Obama care. My health insurance quadrupled by the passing of his bill in to law. My family lost our coverage because of it. Socialism is a joke and is a cancer that needs to be checked at the door whenever it pops up where ever it pops up. Its pretty crazy when monthly health insurance premiums exceed your mortgage pymt by a considerable margin. And on top of that if u didnt carry health insurance under Obama he would "TAX" you up to 20% and was enforced thru the IRS. Damned if u do damned if you dont. He weaponized his bullshit communist plan and enforced it thru the most vicious govt agency in existence. Thats not fucking freedom...or constitutional. And was struck down by Trump.

Obama is really the one that got me paying attention to politics. Cuz it was the first time in my actual life a president physically crushed my family financially. And he did it with an idea and a stroke of a pen. Its real and was very real for my household.

The reason the whole country is burning is because PROPOGANDA. That shit needs to stop. I dont even feel like these are issues so much as one group of ppl are completely on another planet about what they are being fed and the reality of the situation. The fucking democrats actually passed pro pedophilia legislation and not a peep from your sorry ass party and its followers. Yall so fixated and foaming at the mouth to win some thing for YOUR GUY that nothing else matters. Its sad. And most of what your fed is adverse to reality intended to drum up hate. Just stop and think for a minute. Please
Who in any position of authority has not been opposed to vandalism and violence. I support peaceful protest. That is something people in this country have felt strongly enough to die for.

Those people who choose to resort to violence should be prosecuted and punished accordingly.
Pussy Democrat mayors that welcome destruction and chaos to their cities with open arms, all while apologizing at the same time their peace officers are getting fucking shot at and having rocks thrown at them and cars burned. Idiots too stupid to call the Guard in and get real help, because a higher authority of control "infringes on the people's rights". If assholes followed the law and did what they were supposed to then it shouldn't matter.