Just spent over an hour reading this whole thread. Really good stuff. I had a question if you get time to give some advice.
I've been on a gaining phase for almost 4 months now. I utilize the same growth principles as you.. progressive overload, trying to add reps or weight per week. I've been on about 1g of gear/week the whole gaining phase. 500 test, 500 deca, 3iu HGH. I did do some injectable superdrol for the first 6 weeks, just 8mg 5x/week.
I progressed consistently every week for the first 3 months but this past month I've stalled in the gym, as in my strength stopped going up. Also, my bodyweight hit a wall 3 weeks ago.
After reading one of your posts, now I think this may be related to my insulin sensitivity. My bodyfat has probably gone up about 10% over the gaining phase, and brought my appetite down as well the past 3-4 weeks.
My appetite isn't horrible but I'm not hungry often. I've also refrained from upping food more for this reason because I feel it will just add more fat.
Now, my gaining phase is coming to an end.
Do you recommend I do a cut while on cruise? I was going to cruise for about 6 weeks but I'm worried about losing muscle if I get in a deficit while cruising.
And for my next gaining phase, what would you usually do once you hit that point where your appetite gets low. I feel I wasted the last month of my gaining phase when I probably might have even progressed in the gym by just pulling back food (improving insulin sensitivity)