IFBB Pro Killionb12 and Ironlion log

Yes I’m classic and based on my height my weight cap is 247lbs. I’m not entirely sure what I will be once I’m stage ready but I’m hoping I come in slightly below that cap and then fill out to 247-248ish after weight ins. I had a hard time making weight (237) as an amateur so hopefully with the extra 10lbs I get as a Pro I won’t have that issue at least this first time around. Coach thinks we will be close. Might have to use the inversion table a lot before then so I can get that extra half inch I need for higher weight cap. LOL
Ok I was wondering about that cause you look so big. I’m about the same height and I remember the cap being somewhere around there.
Biggest I got up to was in the high 260’s and I didn’t look nearly as lean as you do now.
Good luck cutting it up man.
Ok I was wondering about that cause you look so big. I’m about the same height and I remember the cap being somewhere around there.
Biggest I got up to was in the high 260’s and I didn’t look nearly as lean as you do now.
Good luck cutting it up man.
Thanks man! That’s still pretty respectable. I think CBUM only gets to around 265 peak off-season. He is 6’1 1/2 I believe.
Damn, nice work...you'd bring a commanding presence to a pro-level show at your height and build. Good luck on your pro journey!
Hope everyone had a nice Valentine’s Day. It’s always difficult when celebrating holidays when you are restricted during prep. Especially since my wife and I love dinner and drinks as our usual celebration. That being said she is very understanding since she is a Pro bodybuilder as well. We made the best of it and enjoyed some time alone while kids were busy with extracurriculars. I bought her a gift card to her favorite spa and Botox place.
Not to mention, the negative health effects from the gear leading to poor digestion, nutrient uptake, etc... Followed by a shittier look (not to mention the health impacts).

Certainly, there are points of diminishing return. However, I believe your doses are very modest all things considered. Some folks may "need" more to achieve your results, unfortunately. This is when cost-benefit analysis skills are useful.
Took me awhile to figure out why my digestion was all crap, couldn't eat enough calories because of bloat and distended belly.
Did a long cruise and started using less gear.
Took me awhile to figure out why my digestion was all crap, couldn't eat enough calories because of bloat and distended belly.
Did a long cruise and started using less gear.
Nice to hear man! Yeah extreme dosages can wreck havoc on your GI tract and digestion! Learned the hard way as well!
So we made a mid-week cut to keep things moving along. Trying to make sure we are ready 2-3 weeks out so being more aggressive up front. Weight jumped up a little after starting my cycle for prep. We are starting with 400mg Test E and 400mg Primo E, 3iu of GH from Ironlion. My current nutritional plan is below.

Back day was a success yesterday. I did see some strength go down but nothing crazy. Still pushing hard and utilizing higher calorie intake early in prep.

Cable pullovers 80lbs 3 sets - 15, 13, 12

Prime single arm pull-down 1 plate top and middle rung and 10lbs - 12, 10

Prime single arm low row 3 plates top and middle rung 2 sets - 10, 8

Reverse grip lat pull-down 180lbs - 13, 11

Cable rear delt flys single arm 20lbs - 14, 12
Had a 2lbs drop overnight. Hopefully things will start accelerating from here. We are starting to think my classic cutoff weight be a little difficult to make. I was thinking with the 10lb increase since going Pro would make things easier. I guess not! I feel like I’m stuck in the middle of being an open guy and classic physique guy. Too tall and wrong build for Open and little too big for classic. LOL, oh well I’m use to this so nothing new. Time to work!
Can’t believe I just found this thread. Looking great brother !! Love to see how a pro goes about his diet/training. Very inspiring, best of luck!
My wife is 6ft and weighs in the 220s during peak offseason. She trains harder than most men in the gym and is eating upwards to 4k calories. Her results show for themselves. Eat more and train harder and use the bare minimum of drugs to grow is the moral of the story. Now drugs will go up obviously as you get bigger but doesn’t have to be substantially more.
Thanks for the detailed log. It would be cool if your wife would consider something similar. There just aren't enough experienced women sharing their experiences. Other women could learn a lot from her journey. (And of course men as well about the rewards of discipline and training hard)

