IFBB Pro Killionb12 and Ironlion log

A little transformation for you guys. This is 4 years of living the lifestyle day in and day out. I hired my coach about a month before that picture on the left. This is what we were able to do in 4 years. Pretty excited about those changes.

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I've kept up with your log on another platform and you have done an amazing job that you should be very proud of, you look amazing and I can only imagine the next 4 years to be equally impressive.
A little transformation for you guys. This is 4 years of living the lifestyle day in and day out. I hired my coach about a month before that picture on the left. This is what we were able to do in 4 years. Pretty excited about those changes.

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Amazing job in 4 years time! Really a lot of solid muscle gained here.

What is your favorite mass cycle that you've did these past 4 years?
Amazing job in 4 years time! Really a lot of solid muscle gained here.

What is your favorite mass cycle that you've did these past 4 years?
My favorite mass cycle is always Test and Deca with Proviron. I typically will run Test E at 400mg with Deca at 375mg weekly and Proviron at 50mg
Daily. Throw in some HGH at 4iu daily.
My favorite mass cycle is always Test and Deca with Proviron. I typically will run Test E at 400mg with Deca at 375mg weekly and Proviron at 50mg
Daily. Throw in some HGH at 4iu daily.
why proviron for mass? just curious because to my knowledge it doesn't really build mass, aside from lowering shbg and is mostly used for libido and cosmetic purposes. and supposedly has poor oral bioavailability.
why proviron for mass? just curious because to my knowledge it doesn't really build mass, aside from lowering shbg and is mostly used for libido and cosmetic purposes. and supposedly has poor oral bioavailability.
Not using Proviron for mass but for counteracting the effects of Deca. Like you mentioned it helps lower SHBG which is exactly what we want to happen since Deca can lead to elevated prolactin levels and cause ED issues. I would even consider Caber to control prolactin when using Deca.
Not using Proviron for mass but for counteracting the effects of Deca. Like you mentioned it helps lower SHBG which is exactly what we want to happen since Deca can lead to elevated prolactin levels and cause ED issues. I would even consider Caber to control prolactin when using Deca.
Just wanted to say nice log, great progress and good info. I’ve been thinking hard about running some deca for my next cycle and adding Proviron in for this same reason. Nice to see my thought process isn’t totally off in left field. Does Masteron have similar effects as the Proviron in terms of combating the nandrolone sides?

Keep up the good work, you look great!
Just wanted to say nice log, great progress and good info. I’ve been thinking hard about running some deca for my next cycle and adding Proviron in for this same reason. Nice to see my thought process isn’t totally off in left field. Does Masteron have similar effects as the Proviron in terms of combating the nandrolone sides?

Keep up the good work, you look great!
Thanks man! Masteron definitely helps and is known to act similar to an aromatase inhibitor! My favorite bulker is probably around 350-400mg Test E, 400-500mg Mast E, and 200mg of Deca. Now I will titrate up to those dosages. I don’t ever start out that high.
Looking really good man, nice to see someone with a solid physique not using or promoting crazy dosages. I made solid gains on 200 test/200 deca and most people think I’m running everything under the sun at crazy doses.
Looking really good man, nice to see someone with a solid physique not using or promoting crazy dosages. I made solid gains on 200 test/200 deca and most people think I’m running everything under the sun at crazy doses.
Thanks man! I definitely preach less is more. If training and diet is on point you can grow with very minimal amount of drugs.
Thanks man! I definitely preach less is more. If training and diet is on point you can grow with very minimal amount of drugs.
thats what all the guys that have good muscle building genetics say....
if I train harder i overtrain no matter how much I eat or how well I sleep... so gear is the only variable I/others can change unfortunately.
thats what all the guys that have good muscle building genetics say....
if I train harder i overtrain no matter how much I eat or how well I sleep... so gear is the only variable I/others can change unfortunately.
I still think lower doses over longer periods instead of crazy high doses being blasted is far better both in terms of gains but also overall health. Easier to maintain too
I still think lower doses over longer periods instead of crazy high doses being blasted is far better both in terms of gains but also overall health. Easier to maintain too
guys cruising on 500 test to MANTAIN 240lbs...if they want to grow they will double or triple that amount... so low doses goes out the window when you need so much just to mantain...
since I started this journey I came to a quick realisation that genetics are not just a thing... it's 99% of the ecuation :))
thats what all the guys that have good muscle building genetics say....
if I train harder i overtrain no matter how much I eat or how well I sleep... so gear is the only variable I/others can change unfortunately.
Of course genetics plays a part but I guarantee everyone can train harder. If you are overtraining you probably need to reduce volume. Training hard has nothing to do with how much you train. It’s progressive overload and training as close to failure as possible to drive mechanical tension to whatever muscle group you are training. Those are the two drivers of hypertrophy! More gear most of the time just leads to more side effects not more gains.
guys cruising on 500 test to MANTAIN 240lbs...if they want to grow they will double or triple that amount... so low doses goes out the window when you need so much just to mantain...
since I started this journey I came to a quick realisation that genetics are not just a thing... it's 99% of the ecuation :))
Also you are only focused on the androgen receptor. There are multiple pathways for muscle growth! I try to keep androgens lower and use other PEDs to utilize different pathways for growth like growth hormone, insulin, thyroid (t4), Telmisartan, running estrogen high enough without side effects, etc. This is a safer model and provides for more tools to grow.

You can only pound the androgen receptor so much before you have over saturated them and fighting for receptors by introducing more and more androgens.
guys cruising on 500 test to MANTAIN 240lbs...if they want to grow they will double or triple that amount... so low doses goes out the window when you need so much just to mantain...
since I started this journey I came to a quick realisation that genetics are not just a thing... it's 99% of the ecuation :))
Cruising on 500 is not the move, genetics are certainly a MAJOR factor, but if you need crazy doses of AAS to be “big” or “huge” maybe chock it up to it isn’t meant to be instead of risking years or even decades of your life
Hey guys hope all is well! It’s been awhile since I last posted but been busy moving into our new house and getting settled in. Latest updates I’m up 12lbs from my lowest while I was still in prep. Feeling really good and holding really good composition even with putting on the 12lbs. We are starting to get back into prep mode later this week. Calories have gone up since ending prep early and I have recomped nicely. We will start pulling back again here soon. Step count of 4k a day has been implemented and supps have been bumped. I’m currently doing the following. The test and Primo are the highest it will get. We slowly ramped up to that over the past 6 weeks after being at 350 and 250.

600mg Test E weekly
500mg Primo E weekly
4.5iu HGH daily
500mg Metformin daily
5iu Novolog pre and 4iu post workout with meals
80mg Telmisartan daily
12.5mg Aromasin E3D

