Thanks man. Nothing special here just hard work these past 4 years. The Cliff note version is working with a coach who over time learns about your body and how it responds to different changes. This is important, finding a good coach and sticking with them.
My first year with coach was pushing for muscle gains. We did Multiple growth phases where food was adjusted as needed. Food got pretty high at times but it’s needed to grow. Most people get nutrition wrong. Macro timing is also important. Our higher carb, low fat and higher protein meals were centered around training. Quick absorbing carbs after training. Intra workout carbs and EAAs were used as well for performance and recovery between sets. We did some recomps in between growth phases to reset digestion and insulin sensitivity etc. This will set you up for success with next push. Carrying excessive body fat won’t help when trying to bulk. Food sources were mainly single ingredient foods at first. No processed crap. We did free meals on days that lagging body parts were trained. Mainly sushi, burger and fries or something similar. As we got bigger and food got higher we started using less filling foods or lower volume like protein powders and rice based cereals, fruits and oils more often.
Mainly used Test and Deca as our main growth promoters along with 3-4iu of HGH. Never really touched orals other than towards the end of contest prep. The dosages really never got crazy. I think Test got as high as 750mg weekly and Deca at 600mg weekly but they was only for a short period of time. Todays dosages stay much lower. Less is more. Nutrition and training should be your focus not more gear. This past push I have also included Masteron E as well. My Test is at 400mg, Mast is at 560mg and Deca at 300mg weekly. Using different compounds that operate on a different pathway is key here. That’s why I’m a bigger fan of multiple compounds at lower dosages. I use Proviron as well which helps free up Test in your bloodstream. The more free test the better because your body can actually use it. The key here is that more is not better and Tren is not something you need ever unless prepping and you are in a severe deficit. Tren is mainly used for anti-catabolic properties. It will help to hold onto muscle when calories are low. That’s the only time I would recommend Tren. People will hate to hear this and try to say it’s the strongest steroid out there. It’s not, the side effects are from the neurotoxicity that comes along with it not because of how strong it is. It’s basically a steroidal SARM at best. Having trensomina, night sweats and constant lethargy isn’t conducive to growing. If you like it continue using it but there are better ways to grow.
This has changed over time but progressive overload has always been a key concept we have focused on as well as mechanical tension. Two key components for driving muscle hypertrophy. We started off with an upper and lower type split then moved into a PPL split. Frequency was key here along with recovery. We arranged the workout to focus on lagging body parts and would have multiple Mesocycles focused on those weaker parts then shift to another one after 8-12 weeks. This has helped tremendously to bring a more balanced physique. Intensity and execution has gotten better over time. No more ego lifting and focused on control and muscle contraction. With the PPL split we are pretty low volume. Maybe 12 sets total for each body part for the week. Again the goal is progressive overload which can mean more sets, reps, intensity etc.