I’m 50, I have a plan but want feedback. I don’t know a lot about most of this.


New Member
I did a couple cycles about 15 years ago with great results. I’ve done construction for 30+ years and it caused a lot of joint damage. I’m 6’ 1” tall 240lbs, I loved lifting but joint issues will prevent a lot of that, I figure to do mostly body weight exercises and cardio, take my diet down to around 1500 to 1800 calories a day eating really clean. As far as cycle: 500 Test c a week, 25mg anavar, a day, 12 to 14 weeks. PCT: Clomid 50 mg a day and Nolva 20 mg a day for 30 days.
Goals are to get around 210 lbs healthy, improve mental health. Any suggestions appreciated.
Alinshop is who I used last time.
My biggest concern is your baseline test levels, natural, over 50, are worth running a pct?
I feel like you would be better off just getting on trt and a glp drug (sema, tirz, reta ect), losing 20-30lbs or until you can clearly see your abs at rest, then run your test 500 and anavar, then come down and stay on trt after you get where you want. If your goals are to improve mental health and keep muscle, pct is going to hurt both of those. Look at mast or primo instead of anavar for 14 weeks, either might be a little easier on your body than the var. I only say that because you said you want prioritize being healthy. If you have nagging joint injuries try out some bp157+tb500 and a bit of gh. Deca might make your joints feel better, but its just covering up damage.
As far as training goes, bodyweight/higher reps with a reps in reserve scheme might be the safest. You can still do progressive overload, but not risk going heavy and tweaking something.
Do bloodwork, keep an eye on cholesterol, track your bp.
I gave myself a start date for after I get back from a 2 week trip and it’s hard to keep a clean diet away from home for me. I’m giving myself 6 months before getting any gear to get my weight down. I know my weight is high but it’s not a whole bunch of fat it’s all around my torso. I’m not sure what all the abbreviations are? Bp 157 + tb500, I’m not sure how much or what kind of gh and deca. Before I start anything I’ll do bloodwork regularly.
Get a full panel of bloodwork before your trip or well after so your markers aren't skewed from drinking and eating things you normally don't. I would through IGF 1 in the panel too. Others already said drop weight natty first. If your T is low use TRT while dropping weight if you wish. GLP 1's make dieting easy but I would suggest not leaning on those if possible. For enhanced guys they seem best used for getting really lean. You don't want to depend on them every time you go to drop weight. If your IGF 1 is low possibly GH would be great at 2 - 2.5u per day. At your age many guys find that dose GH to be very helpful.

For the joints I find BPC at 500 - 1000 mcg a day and TB at 5 - 10mg a week to be massively helpful. Combined with even 2 - 2.5 GH daily is amazing for my joints and wear and tear on my body.

Step 1 is full panel of bloods to have a baseline. Any compound you are thinking of using scour this site for all the info, side effects, risks, proper usage, etc. There are multiple threads for each compound that are very informative.

The older you get the higher the odds you will not recover from a cycle. If you cycle be prepared you my need TRT forever.

Good luck on the journey! Consistency and dedication beat drugs every time.
My biggest concern is your baseline test levels, natural, over 50, are worth running a pct?
I feel like you would be better off just getting on trt and a glp drug (sema, tirz, reta ect), losing 20-30lbs or until you can clearly see your abs at rest, then run your test 500 and anavar, then come down and stay on trt after you get where you want. If your goals are to improve mental health and keep muscle, pct is going to hurt both of those. Look at mast or primo instead of anavar for 14 weeks, either might be a little easier on your body than the var. I only say that because you said you want prioritize being healthy. If you have nagging joint injuries try out some bp157+tb500 and a bit of gh. Deca might make your joints feel better, but its just covering up damage.
As far as training goes, bodyweight/higher reps with a reps in reserve scheme might be the safest. You can still do progressive overload, but not risk going heavy and tweaking something.
Do bloodwork, keep an eye on cholesterol, track your bp.
This x100

Get on low dose TRT, that will give you great energy and recovery for construction. You’d probably lose weight just by how much better you feel every day. But, as he mentioned above, look into tirzepatide or Semaglutide to shed those pounds.

Don’t use sema or tirz forever, just get yourself a kickstart.
1500-1800 calories a day? You won't last on that low of calories, that's way less than my 120lb wife eats. This tells me you have no real diet knowledge. Diet is 90% of the recipe for looking good. And get some will power man sheesh, saying you can't eat clean away from home is childish.

As for drugs, I would just get on a good trt program and not mess with a cycle at all, you won't need it. Just cleaning up your diet and getting your hormones right will do everything you want.

As for training, you really need to not start from a place of excuses ("I can't, joint issues"). You're going to need to figure out these joint issues in order to work out properly, even doing bodyweight exercises. (And just doing bodyweight stuff is another reason you don't need a cycle). You need to take some agency here and start getting your body healthy to be able to work out.

Honestly, your whole plan is a mess, and I would highly suggest finding a good coach (Paul Barnett would be good for you, he's 50 as well) to get you going on the right path. And realize this isn't going to happen quickly, these things take time. Get your coach for a good year or more and follow everything to a T, you alone are responsible for it.

You also don't need all these weight loss medications these guys are suggesting if you can actually be a man and have some god damned discipline.