I don't agree with the statement that sources come here cause they can't afford to pay for advertising on pm.
It's actually not that expensive to advertise there.
The reason I personally came here first was because sources in pm blow up fast then can't handle all the traffic,which winds up slowing down the operation and people complaining about delayed orders.
Pm is huge there's so much traffic the its inevitable that with even each person making small orders you will need a huge operation to make it work .
I much rather start up smaller and earn respect among the viewers than to buy them.
also with sending members freebies here it would come out to a month subscription at pm,and there a source can just hold a good sale and get alot of people that way.
When you see some of these guys selling gear so cheap they must be cutting corners because its no only the price of the rAws,its paying the chemist,paying the runners plus all the packing supplies us the vials,labels.
It's not cheap to keep a reasonable operation afloat.
I much rather sell the productcatva fair price than extremely cheap ,this way you always stay honest .
I don't understand why sources switch out deca for test or primo for equipose.
It will catch up to you.
I do onto others like I'd want them to do to me.
I've been scammed before,only once in about 20+ years and even if I do get scammed ,that's life.
When you go to Atlantic city would you bet a 1000 a hand if you can't afford to lose it?
Same goes with a source are you going to buy 1000$ worth of gear if you can't afford to lose it.
you can't just write off a new source just because there new, you test them out let the people who get the free gear try it out if its good,place a small order.See how the communication is,see what the T/a time is.
I've used a source one time who everyone praised and since he knew everyone would back him he was so nasty in his correspondence .
To me that's just a turn off regardless if you get your gear .