What's up people?? Just a little warning this may not be in perfect paragraph form..
I like to see people in their struggle. Not because I like to see people have hardships or go through things. Its because you get to see what someone is made of in the struggle, Who they are, you get to see their heart. Do they lay their getting kicked waiting for rescue, or do they come up swinging and fight for their life. Everybody goes through shit. Here lately i have been struggling with some of life's shit. ( just as everyone does)
I use the Meso forum as an outlet and inlet. Here lately in the struggle i have been looking to my Meso community for some inspiration, unfortunately most of what i have found has not been too inspiring.. I am guilty of contributions of the chaos at times for sure. ( my apologies Fam)
So I guess the idea of the thread is that i will share a little of my struggle and what i am going to do about it. Hopefully this will spark some positive feedback and interaction to where other people feel comfortable sharing their there struggle and what they are doing about. The struggles that we overcome could very well inspire somebody at the just right time and be the difference of them laying there getting kicked to death or having the courage to fight.
Make no mistake Dirt's coming up like a biting dog, i will not lay their and get kick. I first thing i will do when i get on my feet is turn around and help the people up that I've knocked down on my way up. You know the ones that was kicking me, and forgive them. weather that be people, circumstances, Principals, SELF. You cant spread positivity with negativity in your heart. @Ghoul I've resented you for some things please forgive me.
My struggle has been isolation, i deal with some institutionalization. Its just easy not to deal with people.. I ventured out on that, and it didn't turn out well. Life started to not make sense. My feelings and emotions overwhelmed me because i just simply haven't had to deal with that kind of shit in years.. I have found that when things don't makes sense you find the one thing that does and focus on that until things start to fit elsewhere. The one thing in my life that has made sense the last couple years is my physical fitness journey. It has taught me a lot about discipline, self control, structure and allowed me to see just what i am made of. i had broke from that a little so I took back up with @type11x as my coach to help me get my focus back on the things that make sense to me. i appreciate the Deuce for taking me back!!
Folks you may just laugh at this.. and that's ok.. if its not you thing keep it pushin. However Fuckers, I want to be inspired an in return i want to be a positive and supporting influence in other peoples lives and help them be their best. Weight training, weight loss, fitness, all of this is a good healthy outlet to get your focus on track. Nobody can tell you your struggle is wrong or right... its yours, dont let anyone take that from you.
List of core values
Come on fuckers lets lift each other up.
I like to see people in their struggle. Not because I like to see people have hardships or go through things. Its because you get to see what someone is made of in the struggle, Who they are, you get to see their heart. Do they lay their getting kicked waiting for rescue, or do they come up swinging and fight for their life. Everybody goes through shit. Here lately i have been struggling with some of life's shit. ( just as everyone does)
I use the Meso forum as an outlet and inlet. Here lately in the struggle i have been looking to my Meso community for some inspiration, unfortunately most of what i have found has not been too inspiring.. I am guilty of contributions of the chaos at times for sure. ( my apologies Fam)
So I guess the idea of the thread is that i will share a little of my struggle and what i am going to do about it. Hopefully this will spark some positive feedback and interaction to where other people feel comfortable sharing their there struggle and what they are doing about. The struggles that we overcome could very well inspire somebody at the just right time and be the difference of them laying there getting kicked to death or having the courage to fight.
Make no mistake Dirt's coming up like a biting dog, i will not lay their and get kick. I first thing i will do when i get on my feet is turn around and help the people up that I've knocked down on my way up. You know the ones that was kicking me, and forgive them. weather that be people, circumstances, Principals, SELF. You cant spread positivity with negativity in your heart. @Ghoul I've resented you for some things please forgive me.
My struggle has been isolation, i deal with some institutionalization. Its just easy not to deal with people.. I ventured out on that, and it didn't turn out well. Life started to not make sense. My feelings and emotions overwhelmed me because i just simply haven't had to deal with that kind of shit in years.. I have found that when things don't makes sense you find the one thing that does and focus on that until things start to fit elsewhere. The one thing in my life that has made sense the last couple years is my physical fitness journey. It has taught me a lot about discipline, self control, structure and allowed me to see just what i am made of. i had broke from that a little so I took back up with @type11x as my coach to help me get my focus back on the things that make sense to me. i appreciate the Deuce for taking me back!!
Folks you may just laugh at this.. and that's ok.. if its not you thing keep it pushin. However Fuckers, I want to be inspired an in return i want to be a positive and supporting influence in other peoples lives and help them be their best. Weight training, weight loss, fitness, all of this is a good healthy outlet to get your focus on track. Nobody can tell you your struggle is wrong or right... its yours, dont let anyone take that from you.
List of core values
Come on fuckers lets lift each other up.