@Dirthand you’re a cool dude.
I think a lot of us forget that others are going through shit, too. Sometimes it’s real easy to forget given a lot of hostility on this board from what I believe stems from just a bit too many androgens flowing and, why be compassionate to a random stranger?
I’ll share a bit of my current story. Dropped AAS Jan 29 2024. Got pretty depressed. Ended up losing pretty much all drive and motivation. “Lost” my job. I was pretty much committed to leaving anyways, and had been looking for the right place to jump to for a bit. Unfortunately, since I stopped producing how I should have my boss got to me first. Logged into a 1:1 meeting one day; only to be met by him and HR. Immediately terminated. No PIP, no warning, no nothing.
I have a history of substance abuse issues. Stimulants. Relapsed in an attempt to numb the pain. Easily ate 150+ pints of ice cream in 2 months. Watched my physique deteriorate before my eyes. Didn’t workout for those 2 months. Off AAS + shit diet + no workouts really left me in a bad spot.
Wife is my North Star. I tried to conceal it from here, but she knew something was up even though I’m pretty good at hiding it. “Found me out”, thankfully. Helped support me as I dug myself out of the hole.
Got her pregnant, finally, in August. Jumped back on AAS. Feel 10x better. However, looking back, my job was making me so incredibly unhappy. Sure I made great money, but I was unhappy. Zero fulfillment. Just going through the motions.
She’s type 1 diabetic, high risk pregnancy. We agreed it was the right decision for her to leave her job to focus 100% on controlling her blood sugar and creating an optimal environment for our baby girl. Best blood sugars she’s ever had. She’s 12 weeks a long with an A1C of 6.0. Some of you may not be familiar with managing type 1, but that’s fucking amazing.
Went from two W2 incomes, to 0 W2 incomes. This was motivating as fuck for me, especially with a baby on the way. Thankfully, we do have other sources of income. Rental income. Unemployment for time being. I started doing some consulting + coaching.
Things are working out because we’re willing it to workout. Dramatically have altered our lifestyle and spend due to situation. There is nothing more motivating than knowing you’re responsible for providing for two…you just figure it the fuck out.
I’m still looking for that next perfect gig. Thankfully, there’s not a big rush. We’re doing okay. Side hustle income + other sources are making ends meet for us.
The most important thing? We’re both so incredibly grateful and happy. I’ve learned so much about myself through this adversity. I’ve learned what’s really important.
Did I ever think I would be in this situation 10 months ago? Absolutely not. Am I grateful for the curveball life threw at me? Yes, I actually am. Diamonds are forged under pressure, and that is what is happening.
Adversity is kinda like getting punched in the mouth; what the fuck are you gonna do about it? You’ve got 2 choices; nut up, get back up and keep swinging…or stay the fuck down and give up.
Only one of those choices gives you a fighting chance.
I got into it with a few folks when I first joined the board. I was looking for trouble, looking for a fight. Stepped back and realized I’m taking it out on random people. Decided to do 180, and actually try to legitimately contribute positively to the community.
And I am so glad I did.
If anyone is going through tough times, getting kicked in the balls, over and over…things to get better but only if you push through.
This is an open invitation if anyone ever needs to chat, a shoulder to lean on, or is having problems with substance abuse issues and could use some support. Reach out to me; I could use the support too, and we can help keep each other honest.
Whoops… this got a bit longer than I intended. Thanks for starting the thread @Dirthand.
I think a lot of us forget that others are going through shit, too. Sometimes it’s real easy to forget given a lot of hostility on this board from what I believe stems from just a bit too many androgens flowing and, why be compassionate to a random stranger?
I’ll share a bit of my current story. Dropped AAS Jan 29 2024. Got pretty depressed. Ended up losing pretty much all drive and motivation. “Lost” my job. I was pretty much committed to leaving anyways, and had been looking for the right place to jump to for a bit. Unfortunately, since I stopped producing how I should have my boss got to me first. Logged into a 1:1 meeting one day; only to be met by him and HR. Immediately terminated. No PIP, no warning, no nothing.
I have a history of substance abuse issues. Stimulants. Relapsed in an attempt to numb the pain. Easily ate 150+ pints of ice cream in 2 months. Watched my physique deteriorate before my eyes. Didn’t workout for those 2 months. Off AAS + shit diet + no workouts really left me in a bad spot.
Wife is my North Star. I tried to conceal it from here, but she knew something was up even though I’m pretty good at hiding it. “Found me out”, thankfully. Helped support me as I dug myself out of the hole.
Got her pregnant, finally, in August. Jumped back on AAS. Feel 10x better. However, looking back, my job was making me so incredibly unhappy. Sure I made great money, but I was unhappy. Zero fulfillment. Just going through the motions.
She’s type 1 diabetic, high risk pregnancy. We agreed it was the right decision for her to leave her job to focus 100% on controlling her blood sugar and creating an optimal environment for our baby girl. Best blood sugars she’s ever had. She’s 12 weeks a long with an A1C of 6.0. Some of you may not be familiar with managing type 1, but that’s fucking amazing.
Went from two W2 incomes, to 0 W2 incomes. This was motivating as fuck for me, especially with a baby on the way. Thankfully, we do have other sources of income. Rental income. Unemployment for time being. I started doing some consulting + coaching.
Things are working out because we’re willing it to workout. Dramatically have altered our lifestyle and spend due to situation. There is nothing more motivating than knowing you’re responsible for providing for two…you just figure it the fuck out.
I’m still looking for that next perfect gig. Thankfully, there’s not a big rush. We’re doing okay. Side hustle income + other sources are making ends meet for us.
The most important thing? We’re both so incredibly grateful and happy. I’ve learned so much about myself through this adversity. I’ve learned what’s really important.
Did I ever think I would be in this situation 10 months ago? Absolutely not. Am I grateful for the curveball life threw at me? Yes, I actually am. Diamonds are forged under pressure, and that is what is happening.
Adversity is kinda like getting punched in the mouth; what the fuck are you gonna do about it? You’ve got 2 choices; nut up, get back up and keep swinging…or stay the fuck down and give up.
Only one of those choices gives you a fighting chance.
I got into it with a few folks when I first joined the board. I was looking for trouble, looking for a fight. Stepped back and realized I’m taking it out on random people. Decided to do 180, and actually try to legitimately contribute positively to the community.
And I am so glad I did.
If anyone is going through tough times, getting kicked in the balls, over and over…things to get better but only if you push through.
This is an open invitation if anyone ever needs to chat, a shoulder to lean on, or is having problems with substance abuse issues and could use some support. Reach out to me; I could use the support too, and we can help keep each other honest.
Whoops… this got a bit longer than I intended. Thanks for starting the thread @Dirthand.