infinitylabs, tabs and raws are available in USA warehouse, legit product, the best price

We have special line to US and any EU country, and Australia. All orders are packed with stealth measure and with reshipping policy.If it is detained, you only need to pay the shipping fee and provide a new delivery address, and we can resend it for free, but it can only be resent once. My inventory has been detained, but the customer order has not yet been
More than 200 packages like this are about to be sent to the warehouse.
Each package contains 5 bottles of tablets.Once the packages arrive at the warehouse, they will not be opened and cannot be split.
The outside of the carton has the warehouse number.
Got some surprisingly good news! I remember this source @infinitylab being bashed by so many due to the stolen reports he posted, that he got from his customer. I’m the type to find out for myself before assuming. Now I was hesitant but I’ve ordered few orals from this source and was impressed with the Anavar , Halotestin and proviron. My girlfriend was having great results with the anavar 10mg. So I decided to get the anavar 10mg and 25mg and proviron 25mg tested to see how accurate it was. Now others can assume and have their own opinions. Im strictly going off my person experience with few others that also used their orals that I gave to.

Far as the stolen test report, I’m now believing a customer of his tried to pretend to get orals tested for a price reduction and simply sent him someone else’s test results and it backfired but mainly backfired on @infinitylab by assuming his customer was being honest.

Again I’m just simply going off my experience with test samples

Rido shutdowned his business last year,
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Let me interject some context here in case someone new comes across this thread. You @infinitylab are posting screenshots of a PAID board. A board in which you pay to be protected by the owners so you can selectively scam people and sell sub par untested products without repurcussions. Quite funny how in a community that is ripe to sniff out bullshit you go and start flinging it directly at us. You aren't posting those to try to convince the people here to buy from you. You already know what we want TESTING. HONEST TESTING. You can't provide that, because you would need a quality product to sell, so you are reduced to posting screenshots of a paid board. For normal folks reading this. If a vendor puts significant value on the posting of a paid board screenshot to a uncensored board, what value would a community member put on posting a uncensored board screenshot on a paid board?