Injectable B12 + injectable L carnitine experiences


I'm wondering if anyone could shed some light on their experiences with the following compounds:

1) Injectable vitamin b12
2) injectable L Carnitine

Please include any relevant information like dosage run, length of time run, and any effects noticed (good and bad)

I kind of want to add it to my stack after reading about the benefits of l carnitine on another forum, but it also has me wondering about vitamin b12 as well. One of the people I used to work with had prescription b12 shots and they swore up and down it made a large difference (not sure if they were vitamin deficient though, hence the more pronounced effects they noticed)

The goal is to improve energy and/or enhance fat loss, as well as to satisfy my curiosity on how effective these compounds are
B12 is cool if your deficient. Just get bloods. And L car- ppl Generally use a dose of 50mg per kg I believe. Also a loading dose of double that for a week or 2.

I am not sure and not recommending anything, because I haven't found anything as far as IM injection, I think I saw that in reference to IV, though I could be mistaken.
B12 is cool if your deficient. Just get bloods. And L car- ppl Generally use a dose of 50mg per kg I believe. Also a loading dose of double that for a week or 2.

I am not sure and not recommending anything, because I haven't found anything as far as IM injection, I think I saw that in reference to IV, though I could be mistaken.
I appreciate the input
Does B12 really help for normal healthy people? I really don't know. I am skeptical of the miracles of B12 for most of us

Carnitine atleast has alot info behind it

There may be benefits to utilizing both, it most certainly won't hurt you other than financial

I sometimes wonder if there's just a psychosomatic effect from "getting a shot" that convinces people they'll feel better, so they do. But truly open to be proven wrong. I've been tempted to pick up a few ampules.
"And L car- ppl Generally use a dose of 50mg per kg I believe. Also a loading dose of double that for a week or 2."

Bad advice. That must be the oral dosage.
Ppl usually inject 400-600mg of lcar.

Also no need to load.
You're right, i didn't even notice, what I meant would amount to about 400 to 600 at the loading, And then half that after loading but I wasn't making a recommendation anyhow.
I'm not even sure if I have ever found an IM dosage, I think only IV.

Thanks for catching my mistake
I ran injectable L-carnitine for a few months. It's expensive as hell to buy for some reason, so I home-brewed it at like 600mg/ml.

1ml subq will leave lumps and it burns a bit. Didn't notice any discernible benefit and came to the conclusion that there were plenty of other things that I could inject 1ml of with PIP or not that would yield a bunch greater benefit.
I ran injectable L-carnitine for a few months. It's expensive as hell to buy for some reason, so I home-brewed it at like 600mg/ml.

1ml subq will leave lumps and it burns a bit. Didn't notice any discernible benefit and came to the conclusion that there were plenty of other things that I could inject 1ml of with PIP or not that would yield a bunch greater benefit.
I can't understand why it is so expensive. I just saw a 10ml of 500mg/ml I think for 50 bucks
...and you can get 1kg of the base for about that much, dissolve in some BA water, filter and ??? profit?
I was thinking about making my own as well. Have been hesitant d/t pH concerns but it looks like it usually requires nothing to correct that at around 400mg/mL. Have you had any issue with that?

I know u said there wasn't any discernable benefit. But for me, it probably does have some even if I cannot percieve them. My diet is low in carnitine, so supplementing is important.
Think I'll give the l-car a try

People seem to swear by it, especially when incorporated with GH and fasted cardio--ita supposed to enhance the lipolysis and the free fatty acid Mobilization effect.

Ghoul raises interesting and logical points on b12. If you're not deficient, would the benefits/results still be noticeable, or maybe you'll just placebo yourself into more energy?
Think I'll give the l-car a try

People seem to swear by it, especially when incorporated with GH and fasted cardio--ita supposed to enhance the lipolysis and the free fatty acid Mobilization effect.

Ghoul raises interesting and logical points on b12. If you're not deficient, would the benefits/results still be noticeable, or maybe you'll just placebo yourself into more energy?
While I can't say for 100% undeniable fact. I can ask you, what happens if you add more gas to your gas tank after it has already been filled?
People seem to swear by it, especially when incorporated with GH and fasted cardio--ita supposed to enhance the lipolysis and the free fatty acid Mobilization effect.
That's the idea, but I'm not sure there's data to support that, just potential mechanism of action. MPMD advocated it way back when, which is why I think people are so into it.

Kurt Havens and Dr. Dean St. Mart did a YT video on it. Unfortunately, I think it was pulled down. I wish I could remember the specific details. The gist was that it was probably not worth it for most.

By all means, you should give it a try, though. Worst case that I can tell is that it is so slightly beneficial to be indiscernible. There is likely some small health benefit. Just temper your expectations and do let us know if you respond very favorably to it.
Appreciate all the insight shared

Instead of adding both, then trying to figure out what I'm feeling from what compound,

Just going to start with injectable b12, see how it goes. If it doesn't work I just won't get it again

I'll probably try injectable l carnitine at a later date. Just don't feel like jabbing ED