Injectable B12 + injectable L carnitine experiences


New Member
I'm wondering if anyone could shed some light on their experiences with the following compounds:

1) Injectable vitamin b12
2) injectable L Carnitine

Please include any relevant information like dosage run, length of time run, and any effects noticed (good and bad)

I kind of want to add it to my stack after reading about the benefits of l carnitine on another forum, but it also has me wondering about vitamin b12 as well. One of the people I used to work with had prescription b12 shots and they swore up and down it made a large difference (not sure if they were vitamin deficient though, hence the more pronounced effects they noticed)

The goal is to improve energy and/or enhance fat loss, as well as to satisfy my curiosity on how effective these compounds are
B12 is cool if your deficient. Just get bloods. And L car- ppl Generally use a dose of 50mg per kg I believe. Also a loading dose of double that for a week or 2.

I am not sure and not recommending anything, because I haven't found anything as far as IM injection, I think I saw that in reference to IV, though I could be mistaken.
B12 is cool if your deficient. Just get bloods. And L car- ppl Generally use a dose of 50mg per kg I believe. Also a loading dose of double that for a week or 2.

I am not sure and not recommending anything, because I haven't found anything as far as IM injection, I think I saw that in reference to IV, though I could be mistaken.
I appreciate the input