Iron Anabolics - U.K. & EU domestic

Any recommendations for who to switch to? All the EU sources seem hit or miss here Im thinking Human Labs maybe but theyre quite new
Not going to give a g2g, but on french meso they have recently lab tested hilma a couple of times and looks good (at least the batchs they tested). Also Sampei is going to test their stuff soon. I also do want to see how human labs progresses. Pharmacon maybe can also be a posibility, I havent dig too much in their thread.
We usually talk about EU sources being a shit show, but the USA ones everytime they go down they go down big time, Hollywood style
Cool story, bro.

What's your take on the floaters? You just wait until your ass rots off before it's your problem, also?

What makes you think he couldn't have newer batches that are fucked up? We have a saying around here that these guys are only as good as their last batch. And it looks like this batch may be underdosed and have floaters. That's not very good...
I can't tell you this .. but it seems stupid to me to create a new lot that is worse than the first one, mine is just a logical reasoning, I don't know him personally or what he does, I based myself on reviews and analyzes made on the previous lot and everyone sang even greater results than claimed on the label, just that. then that it got worse in creating new batches, this I don't know, because there are no analyzes to testify.
I can't tell you this .. but it seems stupid to me to create a new lot that is worse than the first one, mine is just a logical reasoning, I don't know him personally or what he does, I based myself on reviews and analyzes made on the previous lot and everyone sang even greater results than claimed on the label, just that. then that it got worse in creating new batches, this I don't know, because there are no analyzes to testify.
Fair enough. But a lot of sources end up having quality control issues. Usually when they get too big for their britches. And meso can-do that to a popular source if they aren't prepared for the volume that it can bring. Not many sources retire without having had problems. And it seems like a lot more go out on a bad note than a good one. Not to say that this one is for sure gone, but at least headed down hill. If testing confirms underdosing and these floaters are confirmed or more pop up, I would assume the torches and pitchforks will be brought out. I personally wouldn't risk it at this point. Too many better options...
I mean I could lie either way but here you go. I aromatize like a little bitch, but whatevs, total test is low for 400mg/wk. I was on their Test E before Black Friday and I'm on their new batch from beginning of this month. Same dose.

I think the result is bad because you aromatize a lot, which means that a big part of the Testosterone injected turns into estradiol

Can't wait for IA's response
concerning floats


I think the result is bad because you aromatize a lot, which means that a big part of the Testosterone injected turns into estradiol

Can't wait for IA's response
concerning floats


I think it could be helpful if he'd show us how his results came back on bloodwork with previous labs or different batch number.

He doesn't have to, but I think t'd be helpful to compare.
Of course this makes sense, if some of the testosterone converts to estradiol how do you expect it to be calculated in the total test
Even if you aromatise heavily you wouldn’t get a 44mmol/L or whatever reading off of 400mg test a week. He even said this was from the new batch and that he didn’t get these results off IA’s previous batch.
I think it could be helpful if he'd show us how his results came back on bloodwork with previous labs or different batch number.

He doesn't have to, but I think t'd be helpful to compare.
First cycle, I have only precycle Testosterone tested and didn't get bloodwork during first 2 months. For all I know, I could be terrible responder but I'd like to know is it properly dosed.
According to some clinical trials the individual's enzymatic activity influences the hydrolysation of the ester up to a 65% if I don't recall it wrong, in clinical trials an average difference of 3.5 times between good and bad responders has been seen, considering that it is the mean, the numbers can vary within both groups being the differences in some people much greater than 3.5, so for some people getting a shitty af bloodwork means nothing about the quality of the product.
1)IA should come here and explain the hairs in the vials as the first priority.
2)As I don't care about someone's bloodwork for the reasons stated above, someone who has a vial should make a deal with IA about him paying the lab test to Jano before sending it.
First cycle, I have only precycle Testosterone tested and didn't get bloodwork during first 2 months. For all I know, I could be terrible responder but I'd like to know is it properly dosed.
The way you worded it before seemed like you had different results from the first batch. Yeah you could definitely be a bad responder then, what was your SHBG?
The way you worded it before seemed like you had different results from the first batch. Yeah you could definitely be a bad responder then, what was your SHBG?
44.5 nmol/l SHBG with 650 ng/dl test precycle. Yeah, no results, but I felt somewhat better on first batch, maybe it's just in my head. I'm not even accusing them of underdosing, just would like to know.
Been on their Test E for about 4 weeks after being on another EU lab's gear for most of the year. Started feeling worse when I switched (still do), workouts are shit, etc. I'll be getting tested in two weeks or so, wouldn't surprise me if my test shows absurdly low results. The PIP from this stuff is also unlikely anything else I've tried. Gnarly stuff, lasts ages too.
Been on their Test E for about 4 weeks after being on another EU lab's gear for most of the year. Started feeling worse when I switched (still do), workouts are shit, etc. I'll be getting tested in two weeks or so, wouldn't surprise me if my test shows absurdly low results. The PIP from this stuff is also unlikely anything else I've tried. Gnarly stuff, lasts ages too.
Great first post!!
Tbh the source has to answer some serious accusations but also there are way new accounts bashing every thread that have some real complains, EU sources play dirty af between them
Great first post!!
Tbh the source has to answer some serious accusations but also there are way new accounts bashing every thread that have some real complains, EU sources play dirty af between them
Yeah there’s some snowballing going on here.
In other news, my order just got processed and I’m next day delivery U.K, so I should be able to add to this discussion about floaters since I ordered 3 bottles of a test-E. Will report back.
Normally I just lurk, but I felt compelled to post after this disastrous experience. I don't have any actual numbers to back up what I'm saying yet, so take my words with a grain of salt.
According to some clinical trials the individual's enzymatic activity influences the hydrolysation of the ester up to a 65% if I don't recall it wrong, in clinical trials an average difference of 3.5 times between good and bad responders has been seen, considering that it is the mean, the numbers can vary within both groups being the differences in some people much greater than 3.5, so for some people getting a shitty af bloodwork means nothing about the quality of the product.
1)IA should come here and explain the hairs in the vials as the first priority.
2)As I don't care about someone's bloodwork for the reasons stated above, someone who has a vial should make a deal with IA about him paying the lab test to Jano before sending it.

Both great points, but I doubt that they'll lead anywhere unfortunately.

I'd love to be wrong though.
Normally I just lurk, but I felt compelled to post after this disastrous experience. I don't have any actual numbers to back up what I'm saying yet, so take my words with a grain of salt.
I also just lurk but i have the same experience. Ordered 3 vials of test enanthate. The whole order experience and delivery time were fine. I was already using test by another supplier and decided to try out IA. I've done 3 shots so far, every single one has been followed by extreme pip, and i say that as a person with a fairly high pain threshold, swelling and redness that last for days. Can't see any floaters in the vials but i'm obviously concerned about the sterility of the product or possibly something went wrong in the mixing process (too much BA for example) ? I sent them a message 5 days ago but no replies so far. I decided to stop using IAs gear and ordered test from somewhere else. It would be really interesting to see what they have to say but i have a feeling we won't be hearing from them.
On blackl friday I placed an order for 10 vials of DHB.
Only 8 came, I spoke with Iron to see how we could do it and they told me that in the next shipment they would send them to me (apparently paying the shipping costs)
I placed my order, they sent me the confirmation but without those DHB vials that were missing.
I sent them several emails and they haven't answered for two weeks, does anyone know something?