Iron Anabolics - U.K. & EU domestic

Hopefully they have a good reason for such a delay in addressing all these issues and allegations such as waiting for testing to come back, thats the least he needs to do on his stuff and with the stated batch numbers.
Waiting to hear from him before I throw my order in. Prices on orals are great and shipping is really good for international but significant overdosing is concerning for this chick here.
Seems stupid to continue taking new orders when they still haven’t shipped outstanding orders. Still no addressing the floater issue, but rather asking the customer to send an illegal substance by mail back to them.
IA conveniently failed to address the new floater issue, instead, still talking about the first floaters that he basically did nothing about.

This guy started out pretty solid, but in my opinion, he's in over his head now and when you bite off more than you can chew, that is when mistakes happen.

Those considering making a purchase had ought to maybe think again and see what other options are available.

He's sending out painful gear with floaters to boot. There has got to be a better option for you folks.

Stay safe.
I really hope it solve this thing because I was going to order from them since they were gaining a little trust.
Hes still sending orders out as a friend got his shipped today so I wonder why he can't find the time to login here and sort stuff out.
I really hope it solve this thing because I was going to order from them since they were gaining a little trust.
Agreed. They were the only place that had all 3 compounds I wanted to order at good dosages for me as a woman where I don’t have to cut tabs into quarters.
I was going to order npp until all this happened. With me not knowing if my test e is OK or underdosed I ain't bothering.
Agreed. They were the only place that had all 3 compounds I wanted to order at good dosages for me as a woman where I don’t have to cut tabs into quarters.
I mean I could lie either way but here you go. I aromatize like a little bitch, but whatevs, total test is low for 400mg/wk. I was on their Test E before Black Friday and I'm on their new batch from beginning of this month. Same dose.
Good Evening,

those are not very good results. Could you share some more details such as injection frequency and blood draw time after last injection.

if you are concerned about our products being underdosed then please send in a sample for lab analysis to janoshik, lab4tox or chem4tox. We will reimburse all cost as store credit and in the unlikely scenario that the test results come back not as expected then I will personally reimburse you the testing cost plus order value to your bank account.

Best Regards
Been on their Test E for about 4 weeks after being on another EU lab's gear for most of the year. Started feeling worse when I switched (still do), workouts are shit, etc. I'll be getting tested in two weeks or so, wouldn't surprise me if my test shows absurdly low results. The PIP from this stuff is also unlikely anything else I've tried. Gnarly stuff, lasts ages too.
Good evening,

could you please share which ester of Testosterone are you using?
Which compounds are those, if you don't mind telling?
Tbol at 10mg, Anadrol at 25mg and Anavar at 10mg. All those are perfect to split a tab in 2, for AM/PM dosing. A lot of places have 1 or 2 out of the 3, but not all 3. If he had Primo Ace at 25mg, he could pull a ton of the female market.
On blackl friday I placed an order for 10 vials of DHB.
Only 8 came, I spoke with Iron to see how we could do it and they told me that in the next shipment they would send them to me (apparently paying the shipping costs)
I placed my order, they sent me the confirmation but without those DHB vials that were missing.
I sent them several emails and they haven't answered for two weeks, does anyone know something?
Good evening,
Please give me a few days and I will get a reply sent out to your email. Very sorry for the delay.
I have since ditched the vial as contamination and helping sources resolve it isn't really my problem, so I don't know why I should take the risk mailing illegal items.

Posting pics and sending a video is as far as I would/should have to go for a source.

If there is contamination present im sure other members will start reporting it as did another member in this thread.

Thanks for the offer to replace the vial etc but I have since moved on.
Sorry but if I am not mistaken we agreed that you will return the vial so can get the contents inspected and get to the bottom of the contamination issue.

I myself have inspected every single vial we have in stock over the weekend and nothing so far.
someone has tried hcg, and seen in some sites negative pregnancy tests and some positive

Good evening,

I have already addressed this issue over email to a few customers.

The reason for the negative result has always been because the solution being tested by the pregnancy test kit has been too high in concentration which will always produce a negative result.

Once I have informed the customers about this some have retested and replied to let me know that was indeed the issue
and some didn’t bother replying therefore I assumed the issue was rectified.
I was going to order npp until all this happened. With me not knowing if my test e is OK or underdosed I ain't bothering.
Good evening,
Every lab result apart from one has been on point.

If any customer is concerned about our products then please send a sample in for lab testing to janoshik, lab4tox or chem4tox.
We offer store credit for all costs associated with testing (inc shipping)
Good evening,
Every lab result apart from one has been on point.

If any customer is concerned about our products then please send a sample in for lab testing to janoshik, lab4tox or chem4tox.
We offer store credit for all costs associated with testing (inc shipping)
You realize if the test comes back bad as many are concerned with: your store credit is worth nothing? That’s not a great incentive, sorry.
IA conveniently failed to address the new floater issue, instead, still talking about the first floaters that he basically did nothing about.

This guy started out pretty solid, but in my opinion, he's in over his head now and when you bite off more than you can chew, that is when mistakes happen.

Those considering making a purchase had ought to maybe think again and see what other options are available.

He's sending out painful gear with floaters to boot. There has got to be a better option for you folks.

Stay safe.

Good evening,

We are investigating the issue. So far I haven’t been able to find a single contamination in the stock we hold.

I understand the seriousness of this issue and it is certainly not being ignored.

Lack of forum activity + email replies has been due to a number of reasons. Every outstanding order apart from 1 has either been shipped already or scheduled to be shipped in the next 12 hours.

The only PIP reports we have had is from Primo E 200mg which we discontinued + I believe some vials were replaced and Test E 250mg which we have replaced for anyone that has raised the issue with us.
You realize if the test comes back bad as many are concerned with: your store credit is worth nothing? That’s not a great incentive, sorry.

Copied from a few posts above yours. Apologies for not including the final few sentences.

if you are concerned about our products being underdosed then please send in a sample for lab analysis to janoshik, lab4tox or chem4tox. We will reimburse all cost as store credit and in the unlikely scenario that the test results come back not as expected then I will personally reimburse you the testing cost plus order value to your bank account
Copied from a few posts above yours. Apologies for not including the final few sentences.

if you are concerned about our products being underdosed then please send in a sample for lab analysis to janoshik, lab4tox or chem4tox. We will reimburse all cost as store credit and in the unlikely scenario that the test results come back not as expected then I will personally reimburse you the testing cost plus order value to your bank account
This is the answer I wanted to hear, tbh he answered very good to every single complain.
But if I were you I would try to be around here everyday until the concerns go away.
Regarding to the "contaminated vial" why did you ask to send it back to you instead of sending it to Jano for example to test it?
I usually don't like when a source gets a bad report and asks the customer to return the vial to double check it.