Iron Anabolics - U.K. & EU domestic

Good Evening,

those are not very good results. Could you share some more details such as injection frequency and blood draw time after last injection.

if you are concerned about our products being underdosed then please send in a sample for lab analysis to janoshik, lab4tox or chem4tox. We will reimburse all cost as store credit and in the unlikely scenario that the test results come back not as expected then I will personally reimburse you the testing cost plus order value to your bank account.

Best Regards
I pinned M/W/F 400mg Test E per week with periodical Asin and Provi last 4 weeks. I've been running it for around 12 weeks I'd say. First 8 weeks I've ran first batch ordered in September(purple vial) and then new batch ordered on Black Friday(blue vial).

About testing, I injected 400mg regulary M/W/F and injected bit more than 0.6ml on Sunday, and taken test on Monday. Roughly 24 hours between injection and test. Thanks for the offer, but I'm very hesistant about sending illegal substance over mail and I don't really have ~80€ to spare on gear/testing right now.
Whats the odds of these labs receiving the samples from the UK now we are out of the eu? Anybody no any uk testing labs.
yesterday i used the old batch of testosterone enanthate 4ml zero pip

you do realize that it takes a few days to get pip
gets worse from the third day onwards and starts subsiding 5-6 days after injection
come back in a few days and give an update if you can

for me test cyp has been smooth and pip free
only had issue with test e which i will never touch again
you do realize that it takes a few days to get pip
gets worse from the third day onwards and starts subsiding 5-6 days after injection
come back in a few days and give an update if you can

for me test cyp has been smooth and pip free
only had issue with test e which i will never touch again
I have tried many, and they always gave me PIPs after a maximum of 24h
Good evening,

We are investigating the issue. So far I haven’t been able to find a single contamination in the stock we hold.

I understand the seriousness of this issue and it is certainly not being ignored.

Lack of forum activity + email replies has been due to a number of reasons. Every outstanding order apart from 1 has either been shipped already or scheduled to be shipped in the next 12 hours.

The only PIP reports we have had is from Primo E 200mg which we discontinued + I believe some vials were replaced and Test E 250mg which we have replaced for anyone that has raised the issue with us.
I've contacted you via your website in regards to the PIP, swelling, redness and hotness at the injection site that i got from using your Test E and you never replied so i'm not sure what you're talking about when you say "which we have replaced for anyone that has raised the issue with us"
It’s been over four weeks now and still no reply to my email - although my previous feedback for this source has been great. The lack of communication does need to addressed though as I’ve bought from other sources who have far more product sales and yet I rarely have to wait longer than 12 hours for them to reply to any queries I may have.

Welcome to the less bright side of the bodybuilding world, if things like this stress you, you are probably not mentally prepared to start a cycle.
XD it's my first order and without being rude to anyone here the whole thing is a sketchy deed

So basically what im hearing is its under dosed, pip, and floaters?

Sounds a bit of a fairy tale. We have confirmation form IA he hasn't found any floaters as of now which is encouraging, sounds to be like somme sort of trick to get free credit with IA from some guy

And correct me if I'm wrong but I thought pip was associated with too high of a dose?
I pinned M/W/F 400mg Test E per week with periodical Asin and Provi last 4 weeks. I've been running it for around 12 weeks I'd say. First 8 weeks I've ran first batch ordered in September(purple vial) and then new batch ordered on Black Friday(blue vial).

About testing, I injected 400mg regulary M/W/F and injected bit more than 0.6ml on Sunday, and taken test on Monday. Roughly 24 hours between injection and test. Thanks for the offer, but I'm very hesistant about sending illegal substance over mail and I don't really have ~80€ to spare on gear/testing right now.
Fuck sake, why you got to spread fear and disconcern?

You're claiming its underdosed so what's to lose then if it's gonna prove your point?

If your trying to slander IA and make it difficult for first timers like myself to sleep at night you honestly need to get of meso as we're trying to help each other here not spread fear
I dont get why people afraid to send the vials to IA. I mean they can write a random sender name and sender adress and just drop it in a box.
Fuck sake, why you got to spread fear and disconcern?

You're claiming its underdosed so what's to lose then if it's gonna prove your point?

If your trying to slander IA and make it difficult for first timers like myself to sleep at night you honestly need to get of meso as we're trying to help each other here not spread fear
Yeah and I don't give a flying fuck about you or how you feel. I posted my bloodwork, scroll back and see it. Tell me where am I claiming that it IS underdosed, you illiterate troglodyte.

All I'd like to know is it my shitty response or not. You need to get off here because you are either seriously mentally retarded or a shill.
Fuck sake, why you got to spread fear and disconcern?

You're claiming its underdosed so what's to lose then if it's gonna prove your point?

If your trying to slander IA and make it difficult for first timers like myself to sleep at night you honestly need to get of meso as we're trying to help each other here not spread fear
You sound very young and also very naive. You need to learn very quickly that there are people out there who do not care about your health and are doing this for monetary gain. Negative feedback helps YOU not inject something that can cause an abscess or for YOU to get outright scammed. I’m not saying IA is doing any of this, but it’s better for people to raise their concerns with the source and have it dealt with then to have issues and dip without bringing these up for us to see. If anything having issues addressed and resolved by IA is good publicity and the complete opposite of slander.
You sound very young and also very naive. You need to learn very quickly that there are people out there who do not care about your health and are doing this for monetary gain. Negative feedback helps YOU not inject something that can cause an abscess or for YOU to get outright scammed. I’m not saying IA is doing any of this, but it’s better for people to raise their concerns with the source and have it dealt with then to have issues and dip without bringing these up for us to see. If anything having issues addressed and resolved by IA is good publicity and the complete opposite of slander.
I'm saying this because I spent a good portion on steroids with him that I was assured was hugh quality and without any followup from either IA or the people involved. I cant help but get angry / stressed out
Yeah and I don't give a flying fuck about you or how you feel. I posted my bloodwork, scroll back and see it. Tell me where am I claiming that it IS underdosed, you illiterate troglodyte.

All I'd like to know is it my shitty response or not. You need to get off here because you are either seriously mentally retarded or a shill.
U got bad results from his roids, it could be the way the blood test was done. Was it finger prick?
I dont get why people afraid to send the vials to IA. I mean they can write a random sender name and sender adress and just drop it in a box.
Exactly, he even promised to reimburse

If there really was a problem then surely by now they'd have sorted it

This seems liek whining to me