Is Janoshik Scamming or am I stupid ?

I guess sources and members just need a better testing source. I figured the whole janoshik thing was a scam. Someone can’t test that many products on a day to day basis. Seems to me a roid test is just put in the vial; then a “dose per ml” is guessed.
“oh the roid test says the oil is test E” then all you do is put a number between 250 and 265 to make it look legit.
Just because you get it “tested” doesn’t mean it’s legit, people .
Quiet possibly the stupidest thing you ever said and you already set that bar low
I guess sources and members just need a better testing source. I figured the whole janoshik thing was a scam.
So... you made the conclusion that I am a scam on the basis that I accept mostly blind samples? Like... that's a bad thing?

That's a new one.

Someone can’t test that many products on a day to day basis.
So basically what you're saying is that I'm too good to be true, right?

I'd be flattered if I wasn't too flabbergasted by your train of thoughts.
So... you made the conclusion that I am a scam on the basis that I accept mostly blind samples? Like... that's a bad thing?

That's a new one.

So basically what you're saying is that I'm too good to be true, right?

I'd be flattered if I wasn't too flabbergasted by your train of thoughts.
Can you test Brain Cells? We would like to find out if Connor has any, or at least document how many.
View attachment 157650View attachment 157651
I sent Jano these 2 samples in unlabeled perfume vials. I didn’t tell him what it was suppose to be. His numbers are nearly spot on the the label claim.

Not being a dick but a few guys say this about Jano. This is why I always bring up these 2 tests.
obviously only 2 lucky punches.. correct Connor?
ive read quite a lot BS from this guy but he is always able to step up his game.. fascinating
Still, that Janoshik guy is sus.
agreed. sometimes he scams, sometimes he doesn't. no way of knowing besides blind testing him against anaboliclab or another trusted lab. but at that point, just use the trusted lab and be done with it

agreed. sometimes he scams, sometimes he doesn't. no way of knowing besides blind testing him against anaboliclab or another trusted lab. but at that point, just use the trusted lab and be done with it

Yeah that thread got me questioning if jano was infact legit or just full of shit. Also, how would we know if SkankHunt isn't jano's acquaintance or he could be jano himself pretending to be someone else. Skank tested pharmaqo's product and almost all came back perfect but 4-5 members of mesorx are complaining that gears they received are bunk. Uh oh you guys be the judge ~
Yeah that thread got me questioning if jano was infact legit or just full of shit. Also, how would we know if SkankHunt isn't jano's acquaintance or he could be jano himself pretending to be someone else. Skank tested pharmaqo's product and almost all came back perfect but 4-5 members of mesorx are complaining that gears they received are bunk. Uh oh you guys be the judge ~
skank has been a pretty stand up guy when i've reached out to him for help but ya never know
obviously only 2 lucky punches.. correct Connor?
ive read quite a lot BS from this guy but he is always able to step up his game.. fascinating
"The only person you should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday"

He lives by this mantra ;) always trying to outdo himself!
agreed. sometimes he scams, sometimes he doesn't. no way of knowing besides blind testing him against anaboliclab or another trusted lab. but at that point, just use the trusted lab and be done with it

Well then just feel free to submit your samples to Anabolic Lab, my dear two months old account.

Yeah that thread got me questioning if jano was infact legit or just full of shit. Also, how would we know if SkankHunt isn't jano's acquaintance or he could be jano himself pretending to be someone else. Skank tested pharmaqo's product and almost all came back perfect but 4-5 members of mesorx are complaining that gears they received are bunk. Uh oh you guys be the judge ~
skank has been a pretty stand up guy when i've reached out to him for help but ya never know
There's a word for this and it's schizo.

I am obviously not SkankHunt... Or anybody else.


Am I?
I am obviously not SkankHunt... Or anybody else.

No…just someone who lies about what’s REALLY in our gear. Or if it’s even gear in the first place. Most of it is probably just straight grape seed oil. . I’d just trust street steroids over steroids “tested” from Jano. It’s past time to get a reliable testing source. Once a fraud, always a fraud I’m afraid. Just my opinion- you want to use him, fine. Even Purple Panda won’t accept test results from janoshik…..I see why
No…just someone who lies about what’s REALLY in our gear. Or if it’s even gear in the first place. Most of it is probably just straight grape seed oil. . I’d just trust street steroids over steroids “tested” from Jano. It’s past time to get a reliable testing source. Once a fraud, always a fraud I’m afraid. Just my opinion- you want to use him, fine. Even Purple Panda won’t accept test results from janoshik…..I see why
The true answer is semen, but nobody believed me when I was putting that into reports, so I started playing roulette with real steroid names and it had somehow worked out for a decade.

Unfortunately, Purple Panda, being in the midst of the manufacturing hub of all anabolic preparations knows the truth... he "milked it out" himself out of the Chinamen to put it that way.
The true answer is semen, but nobody believed me when I was putting that into reports, so I started playing roulette with real steroid names and it had somehow worked out for a decade.

Unfortunately, Purple Panda, being in the midst of the manufacturing hub of all anabolic preparations knows the truth... he "milked it out" himself out of the Chinamen to put it that way.
Since I’m you, can I get a discount?
No…just someone who lies about what’s REALLY in our gear. Or if it’s even gear in the first place. Most of it is probably just straight grape seed oil. . I’d just trust street steroids over steroids “tested” from Jano. It’s past time to get a reliable testing source. Once a fraud, always a fraud I’m afraid. Just my opinion- you want to use him, fine. Even Purple Panda won’t accept test results from janoshik…..I see why
So now you’re back to “dark Net gear is the best!”?
I think the problem is, some of these companies think they can brush one little customer aside, or ignore a problem, or just rip someone off because they made $1000 that day and think.. who cares about this little dick.

But the internet never forgets. One fuckup years ago, will haunt you for eternity. But I think the companies quickly learn they better not do it again, because a few complaints really pile up quickly.
So now you’re back to “dark Net gear is the best!”?
You have zero reading comprehension apparently. I don’t trust Jano for shit
i think he's still using his pharma grade gear he got from stanford
And you’re a fool. Lmao you thought I think Stanford was pharma? Lmao holy shit. I have Actavis Testosterone Cyp 200 mg/week. I ADD on Stanfords products on top of my prescription testosterone.